HKIN222 Test 1 | Questions And Answers Latest {2024- 2025} A+ Graded | 100% Verified
sport medicine - a field using holistic, comprehensive, multidisciplinary approaches to healthcare for
those engaged in sport/recreational activity. team approach most successful, no single profession can
carry out all responsibilities required
sports med team (4) - team physician, certified athletic therapist, athletes, many others
team physician duties (8) - complete pre-participation exam (PPE), review results of PPE + determine
readiness to play, provide onsite medical coverage @ athletic events, diagnose injuries + recommend
rehab programs, dispense meds, facilitate referrals, provide educational counselling to sport
participants, protect confidentiality
athletic therapist duties (7) - injury prevention; recognition, evaluation, assessment of athletic injuries +
medical referrals; 1st aid + emergency care; supervise treatment, rehab, reconditioning; organizes +
administrates training room + PPE; counselling + guidance; educating student therapists
sports injury (3) - occurs as a result of participation in organized practice/game, requires medical
attention by therapist or physician, results in restriction of athlete's participation for 1+ days
mechanism of injury (MOI) - what happened, how athlete was injured, main cause
importance of MOI (5) - details how + when injury occurred, guides evaluation, determines severity,
leads to differential diagnosis, guides treatment plans
questions to determine MOI (7) - primary complaint? what happened/how did it happen? where does it
hurt? what makes it feel better/worse? when did it happen? what can/can't you do? was the pain
sudden or gradual?
critical force - the limit for how much force a tissue can w/ stand. depends on age, sex, temp., skeletal
maturity, body weight
, acute injuries (3) - single force, usually a single traumatic event, definite moment of onset followed by
predictable pattern of events
chronic injuries (6) - repeated loading/stress (micro-trauma), develops/worsens slowly over time,
pain/inflammation worsen w/ time, may persist long-term, frequent in activities w/ repeated continuous
movements, overuse
catastrophic injuries - involve damage to brain or spinal cord, potentially life-threatening or permanent
soft tissue (7) - includes muscle, fascia, tendons, joint capsules, ligaments, blood vessels, nerves
soft tissue injuries (3) - contusions, sprains, strains
sprains (5) - stretch/tear of stabilizing CT, ligaments. typically acute onset. MOI overstretch/overload.
localized pain. discolouration when severe
1st degree sprains (3) - mild pain + dysfunction, point tenderness, little/no swelling
2nd degree sprains (4) - more damage to ligament, increased pain + dysfunction, pronounced swelling,
abnormal movement
3rd degree sprains (3) - implies complete rupture, severe pain + swelling, major loss of function +
strains - most commonly @ muscle tension junctions (MTJ)
1st degree strains (3) - little damage, pain noticeable during use, mild swelling
2nd degree strains (3) - more damage to soft tissue, pronounced swelling, moderate loss of function