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ABCTE PTK EXAM with complete solution.

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ABCTE PTK EXAM with complete solution.

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  • August 21, 2024
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ABCTE PTK EXAM with complete solution
n nn n n n

The nfour nmajor nsteps nto nplanning na nlesson nare: ntask nanalysis, ndetermining nobjectives, ndetermining ngoals, nand nidentifyin
nnecessary nprerequisite nknowledge. nIn nwhat norder nshould nthose nsteps noccur? n- nAnswer n- n n nGoals, nobjectives, ntask
nanalysis, nprerequisite nknowledge nAnswer nExplanation n: nThe nfirst nthing nis nto ndetermine nthe noverarching ngoal nand nthen
nmeasurable nobjectives nto nreach nthat ngoal. nA ntask nanalysis nis ncompleted nto nhelp nguide nthe nlesson nplan, nincluding
ndetermining nthe nnecessary nprerequisite nknowledge.

The nmost neffective ngroup ndiscussion nquestions n- nAnswer n- n n nare nopen-ended nto nallow nfor nstudents nto nexplore na nrange
nof npossible ncorrect nanswers. nAnswer nExplanation n: nQuestions nwith ncorrect nanswers ndo nnot npromote nstudent nachieveme
nand nexpansion. nAddressing ncognitive nlevels ndoes nnot nrelate nto nthinking nstyles.

Which nof nthe nfollowing napproaches nwould nbe nthe nMOST neffective nintroduction nto na nlesson non nquadrilaterals? n- nAnswe
n- n n nGive nstudents nexamples nand nnon-examples nof na nquadrilateral. nAnswer nExplanation n: nBy ncomparing nand ncontrastin
nstudents nare nable nto ndevelop nthe ndefinition nand ngeneralize nto nnew nexamples, nthus ntruly nunderstanding nthe nterm non na
nconceptual nlevel. nNone nof nthe nother nchoices nis nan nappropriate nintroductory nexercise.

Which nof nthe nfollowing nis nthe nBEST nexample nof neffective ncooperative nlearning? n- nAnswer n- n n nEach ngroup nmember
nhas na nspecific ntask nand nthe ngroup nhas na nclearly nidentified nobjective nAnswer nExplanation n: nStudies nindicate nthat nsettin
nindividual ntasks nfor ngroup nmembers nwill nlead nto neffective ncooperative nlearning. nBecause nself-selection nseems nto nweake
na ngroup, nthe nstrongest nanswer nin nthe ncollection nis nC.

What nmust na nteacher nascertain nbefore ndesigning na nunit non nthe nrelationships nbetween ndecimals, nfractions, nand
npercentages? n- nAnswer n- n n nWhat nstudents nalready nknow nabout ndecimals, nfractions, nand npercentages nAnswer
nExplanation n: nPrior nlearning nalways ninfluences nnew nlearning. nStudent ninterest nis nimportant, nbut nan nawareness nof nstuden
ninterest nis nnot na nprerequisite nto neffective nteaching.

A nstudent nwho nis nusually nwell-behaved nis nconsistently ninterrupting nthe nclass nroutine nand nannoying nnearby nstudents. nTh
nteacher nhas nalready nreminded nhim nthat nhe nmust nobey nthe nclassroom nbehavior nstandards, nbut nthat nhas nnot nchanged nthe
nbehavior. nWhich nof nthe nfollowing nis nthe nMOST nappropriate nteacher nresponse? n- nAnswer n- n n nSeparate nthe nstudent nfrom
nhis nclassmates nand nhave nhim ntake na nfive-minute ntime-out. nAnswer nThe nbehavior nis nconsistent nso nignoring nit nis
nineffective. nRules nmust nbe nenforced nconsistently, nand nif nthe nstudent nactively nchooses nto ndisobey, na nconsequence nmust

Which ntype nof nmaterial nis nMOST neasily nmemorized? n- nAnswer n- n n nKnowledge-based nAnswer nExplanation n:
nKnowledge-based nmaterial nrequires nrecall nand nfrequently nincludes ninformation nthat nmust nbe nmemorized. nAn nexample
nwould nbe nto nstate nthe ndefinition nof na nplanet.

During na nlesson, na nteacher nnotices na nstudent nquietly nfolding na npaper nairplane nrather nthan npaying nattention nor
nparticipating. nThe nMOST nappropriate naction nto nregain nthe nstudent's nattention nwould nbe n- nAnswer n- n n nmoving nto nstand
nnear nthe nstudent. nAnswer nExplanation n: nThe nstudent nis nnot nyet ndisrupting nclass nor ndisturbing nother nstudents. nUnless
nthe nproblem nescalates, nproximity nshould nproperly nindicate nthat nyou nhave nnoticed nthe nmisbehavior, nand ncause nit nto

Which nof nthe nfollowing nstatements, nwhen nused nto nbegin na nlesson non nthe nrespiratory nsystem, nencourages nmeaningful

,nstudent nparticipation? n- nAnswer n- n n n"Take na ndeep nbreath nand npay nattention nto nhow nit nfeels nto nbreathe ndeeply."
nAnswer nExplanation: nBeginning na nlesson nwith novert nor ncovert nparticipation nis neffective nin nhelping nstudents nfocus nand
nabsorb nthe nmaterial.

While nin nscience nlab, na nstudent nwho nis nrepeatedly noff ntask nand ndisruptive nis npretending nto nmake npancake nbatter nby
nmixing nchemicals ntogether. nThe nappropriate nresponse nis nto n- nAnswer n- n n nget nthe nstudent nout nof nthe nroom nand nunder
nthe nsupervision nof nanother nadult. nAnswer nExplanation n: nMixing nchemicals nis nrisky nbehavior. nBecause nthe nstudent nis
nrepeatedly noff ntask nand ndisruptive, nan nimmediate nconsequence nis nin norder. nA nscience nlab nclass noffers nmany
ndistractions, nand nthe nteacher ncannot nignore nthe nrest nof nthe nstudents nin norder nto ncontrol none nchild.

Which nof nthe nfollowing ntechniques nBEST npromotes nstudent ncomprehension? n- nAnswer n- n n nDividing nmajor nobjectives
ninto nsmall nlearning nunits, neach nwith nobjectives nand nassessment nAnswer nExplanation n: nIdentifying nand nmastering nall nof
nthe nskills nand nconcepts nthat nmake nup neach nobjective nensures nthat nstudents ntruly nunderstand nwhat nis ntaught. nTesting,
nstudent npractice, nand nextra nhelp nare nall nmethods nyou ncan nuse nto nteach nthe nmaterial, nbut nonly nonce nyou nhave nfirst
ndivided nit nup nappropriately.

The nfollowing nexchange nbetween na nteacher nand na nstudent noccurs nduring na nmiddle nschool nscience nlesson: nTeacher:
n"Identify none nproblem nin nwetlands necology." nStudent: n"Non-native nplants?" nWhich nof nthe nfollowing nis nthe nMOST
nappropriate nteacher nresponse? n- nAnswer n- n n nWhy nwould nnon-native nplants nbe na nproblem? nAnswer nExplanation: nWhen
na nstudent nis ncorrect nbut nuncertain, nit nis nhelpful nto nfollow ntheir nanswer nwith na nclarifying nquestion nto nlead nthe nstudent
nto na nmore ndeveloped nlevel nof nunderstanding.

A nteacher nshould nuse nmetaphors nduring na nlesson nin norder nto n- nAnswer n- n n nexplain nnew nconcepts nby nidentifying nthe
nsimilarities nthey nshare nwith nknown nconcepts. nAnswer nExplanation n: nMetaphor ncan nbuild nunderstanding nof nnew nideas nb
nbuilding non nthe nfoundations nof npreviously ntaught nconcepts.

A nreliable ntest n- nAnswer n- n n nyields nconsistent nresults nAnswer nExplanation n: nA nreliable ntest nmust nsimply nproduce
nconsistent nresults. nA ntest nmust nbe nreliable nto nbe nconsidered nvalid, nbut nvalid ntests nare nnot nautomatically nreliable nas

Which nteaching nplan nis nthe nBEST nway nto nbegin na nmathematics nclass? n- nAnswer n- n n nBegin na nsimple nactivity nAnswer
nExplanation n: nA nsimple nwarm-up nactivity nallows nthe nstudents nto ntransition ntheir nthinking nto nmathematics. nIt nhas nthe
nadded nbenefits nof ngiving nstudents na nreview, npreview, nor nextension nactivity nand ngiving nthe nteacher nan nopportunity nto
ncheck nin nwith nstudents nand nrecognize nindividual ndifficulties nthat nmay nappear nwhile nstudents ndo nthe nwarm nup.

Which nof nthe nfollowing nquestions nBEST npromotes ndiscussion? n- nAnswer n- n n nWhy ndo nwe nstill nstruggle nto nend nracism?
nAnswer nExplanation: nThis nquestion nallows nfor na nlarge nnumber nof nanswers nand na nwide-ranging ndiscussion. nThe
ndiscussion nis nlikely nto nbe ninteresting nbecause nit ncan ninclude nso nmany npoints nof nview.

Correctly nlisting nall n50 nstates nof nthe nUnited nStates nof nAmerica nand ntheir ncapitals ninvolves nwhich ntype nof nthinking
nskill? n- nAnswer n- n n nKnowledge nAnswer nExplanation n: nAccording nto nBloom's ntaxonomy, nlearning nto nlist nstates nand
ncapitals ninvolves nknowledge, na nlower-order nthinking nskill. nAll nother nanswers nare nhigher-order nthinking nskills.

What nkind nof ninformation ncan nbe ngathered nusing na nformative nstudent nassessment? n- nAnswer n- n n nPatterns nof nstudent
nerrors nAnswer nExplanation n: nA nformative nassessment nis ndesigned nto ngive nimmediate nevidence nof nstudent nlearning nand
nis nnot nused nto ngrade nor nevaluate nstudents.

On na nstandardized nhistory nachievement ntest, na nstudent nscored nat n+2 nstandard ndeviations. nFrom nthis, nthe nteacher ncan
ndetermine nthat nthe nstudent n- nAnswer n- n n nhas nlearned na ngreat ndeal nof nhistory. nAnswer nExplanation n: nThis ngraphic
norganizer nfocuses non nthe nstructure nof nthe nrain nforest nand nhelps nstudents norganize nthe nlesson nmaterial.

Under nwhat ncircumstance nmight nit nbe nappropriate nto nignore na nclassroom nbehavior nthat nviolates nthe nrules? n- nAnswer n- n
nThe nstudent nacknowledges nand nchanges nthe nbehavior. nAnswer nExplanation n: nClassroom nrules nare nworking nwell nwhen
nstudents nrecognize nviolations nand nchange ntheir nbehavior non ntheir nown.

Which nof nthe nfollowing nBEST ndescribes nhow na nconsequence nfor nclassroom nmisbehavior nshould nbe nenforced? n- nAnswer
n- n n nAfter nsome nwarning nhas nbeen ndelivered nAnswer nExplanation n: nA nsmall ncorrection ncalls na nstudent's nattention nto
nbehavior nthat nneeds nto nchange nand ngives nthe nstudent nan nopportunity nto nmake nthe nchange. nUsually nthat nends nthe
nimmediate nproblem nwith nminimum ndisruption nto nteaching nand nlearning.

, A nteacher nnotices nthat na nstudent noften nmisbehaves nafter nshe nis ngiven na nreading nassignment, nmost nlikely nbecause nthe
nstudent nhas npoor nvocabulary nskills nand nis nnot na ncompetent nreader. nWhat nshould nthe nteacher ndo? n- nAnswer n- n n nStart
ndesigning na nplan nthat nwill nhelp nthe nstudent nbuild nreading nand nlanguage nskills. nAnswer nExplanation: nSome neducational
nproblems nseem nto nbe nat nthe nroot nof nthe nmisbehavior nand nchoice nB nputs nattention non nfinding neducational nsolutions nto

Students nmonitor na nUnited nStates nGeological nSurvey n(USGS) nwebsite nand ncollect ninformation nabout nrecent nvolcanoes
nand nearthquakes. nWhich nof nthe nfollowing nlearning ngoals nis nmet nby nthis nactivity? n- nAnswer n- n n nAccurately nobserve
nnatural nevents. nAnswer nExplanation: nThe nactivity ngathers nreliable ninformation nabout nnatural nevents, nbut ndoes nnot ncall
nfor nanalysis nand ninference.

Which nof nthe nfollowing ninstructional nmethods nMOST neffectively nconveys ninformation nto nan nentire ngroup nof nstudents na
nonce? n- nAnswer n- n n nLecture nAnswer nExplanation: nThe nmost nefficient nway nto nimpart ninformation nthat nthe nentire ngroup
nneeds nis nthrough nlecture. nIt nalso ngives nthe nopportunity nto nteach nstudents nto nlisten nattentively nand ntake nnotes.

A nfifth-grade nscience nlesson ndescribes nhow nthe nposition nand ntilt nof nthe nearth ncause nseasons. nWhich nof nthe nfollowing
nactivities nwould nbe nMOST neffective nin nthis nlesson? n- nAnswer n- n n nModel nthe nrevolution nof nthe nearth naround nthe nsun
nusing na nflashlight nand nglobe. nAnswer nExplanation n: nUsing nconcrete nobjects nto nillustrate nconcepts nboosts nstudent
nunderstanding, nespecially nin nthe ncontext nof na ndemonstration, nrather nthan nin na nmore npassive nmedium nsuch nas nvideo.

What nkind nof ngraphic norganizer nis nMOST nhelpful nduring na nbrainstorming nsession nin nwhich nstudents nare nsupposed nto
ncome nup nwith ntopics nfor na nterm npaper? n- nAnswer n- n n nCluster ndiagram nAnswer nExplanation: nA ncluster ndiagram nis na
nnonlinear ngraphic norganizer nthat nallows nfor nand neven nstimulates ncreative nthinking nand nfree nassociation—both nof nwhich
nmake nbrainstorming nmore nproductive.

What nis nthe nmain ngoal nof nestablishing nrules nat nthe nbeginning nof nthe nschool nyear? n- nAnswer n- n n nSetting nexpectations
nfor nappropriate nbehavior nfrom nthe nstudents. nAnswer nExplanation: nAt nthe nbeginning nof nthe nyear, nstudents nneed nto nknow
na nteacher's nexpectations nfor nappropriate nbehavior nin nthe nclassroom nand nwhat nthe nconsequences nof ninappropriate
nbehavior nare.

Which nof nthe nfollowing nactivities, ndesigned nfor na nhigh nschool ngenetics ncourse, ncontains nthe nhighest-level nthinking
nskills? n- nAnswer n- n n nStudents npredict ngenetic ntraits nof noffspring nbased non nthe ngenetic ncharacteristics nof nits nparents.
nAnswer nExplanation n: nThis nactivity nrequires nthe nstudents nto napply nknowledge, nrather nthan njust ncollect nor norganize nit.

Which nof nthe nfollowing nstrategies nis nuseful nwhen na nstudent nis nin nthe nacquisition nstage nof nlearning? n- nAnswer n- n n nThe
nteacher ndemonstrates nthe ntarget nskill. nAnswer nExplanation: nDemonstrating nthe nskill nis na nway nof nintroducing nit.

What nwould nbe nthe nBEST nresponse nwhen na nstudent nrepeatedly ninterrupts na nquestion-answer nexercise nwith ninappropriate
njokes nthat ndistract nfrom nthe nexercise? n- nAnswer n- n n nTell nthe nstudent nnot nto nspeak nunless ngiving nan nappropriate
nresponse nand nset na nconsequence nfor nfurther nmisbehavior. nAnswer nExplanation: nSetting na nconsequence nfor nfurther nbad
nbehavior nis nthe nbest nway nto ndeal nwith nstudents nwho notherwise nwould ncontinue nto nmisbehave.

What nshould na nteacher ndo nwhen na nstudent ngives nan nincorrect nresponse nduring na nquestion-and-answer ngroup nsession? n-
nAnswer n- n n nSay, n"Let nme nput nit nanother nway," nand nrephrase nthe nquestion. nAnswer nExplanation: nStrategic nrephrasing
ninvolves nbreaking ndown nthe nquestion ninto nsmaller nchunks nor nlaying nemphasis non nkey nideas nto nhelp nthe nstudent nthink
nit nthrough nfor nhimself. nIt's nalso nan ninoffensive nway nto ntell na nstudent nto nthink nsome nmore.

A nrule nrelationship nis nan nexcellent nmethod nfor norganizing nknowledge. nWhich nof nthe nfollowing nis nan nexample nof na nrul
nrelationship? n- nAnswer n- n n nThe nfact nthat nall nreptiles nare nvertebrates nAnswer nExplanation: nRule nrelationships nare nthe
nbackbone nof norganizing nnew nmaterials.

A nset nof ndata nwith na nlow nstandard ndeviation n- nAnswer n- n n nis ntightly ngrouped naround nthe nmean. nAnswer nExplanation:
nStandard ndeviation ndescribes nthe naverage ndistance na nnumber nin nthe ndata nset nis nfrom nthe nmean nof nthe nset. nIn nother
nwords, nit ndescribes nthe nspread nof nthe ndata. nThe nlower nthe nstandard ndeviation, nthe nmore ntightly nthe ndata nis ngrouped
naround nthe nmean nof nthe ndata nset.

The ngoal nof na nscience nlesson nis nto nidentify nbirds nusing na ntaxonomic nkey, nwhich nclassifies nthe nbirds nbased non ntheir
ndistinguishing nfeatures. nTo nprovide npractice, nthe nteacher nplans nto nuse nvideo ntapes nshowing ndifferent nbirds nin nnatural

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