NSG6006 Pre-specialty Evaluation: Questions/Answers
Metaparadigm Right Ans - is a world view of discipline (human beings,
environment, health & nursing).
philosophies Right Ans - a statement encompassing onto-logical claims
about the phenomena of central interest came to a discipline, epistemic claims
about how those phenomena come to be known, and ethical claims about
what the discipline value, and noted that the function of a philosophy is to
communicate what the members of a discipline believe to be true in relation
to the phenomena of interest to that discipline
conceptual models Right Ans - a set of relatively abstract and general
concepts that address the phenomena of central interest to a discipline, the
propositions that broadly describe those concepts, and the propositions that
state relatively abstract and general relations between two or more concepts.
theories Right Ans - one or more relatively concrete and specific concepts
that are derived from a conceptual model, the propositions that narrowly
describe those concepts, and the propositions that state relatively concrete
and specific relations between two or more concepts
grand theory Right Ans - abstract, broad theory consists of propositions
that are less broad and abstract than a conceptual model, but not as specific
and concrete as middle range theory
Grand theories Right Ans - • Leininger's Cultural Care, Diversity and
Universality Theory and Model
• Margaret Newman Theory of Health as Expanding Consciousness
middle range theory Right Ans - less abstract, narrower in scope, and has
fewer propositions and concepts than grand theory.
middle range theories Right Ans - • Jean Watson: Theory of Human Caring
• Imogene King: Conceptual System & Theory of Goal Attainment
• Nola Pender: Health Promotion Theory
,empirical indicators Right Ans - provide a way for middle-range theories to
be tested or generated, but there is no direct link between empirical
indicators and conceptual models, philosophies, or the metaparadigm
proposition Right Ans - a statement about one or more concepts
Theory of Human Caring
- Jean Watson - Right Ans - Initially differentiated nursing and medicine,
stating that curing is a domain for medicine, and caring is a domain of nursing.
It indicated that transpersonal caring relationship depends on moral
commitment to human dignity, wholeness, caring, and healing
Conceptual System and Theory of Goal Attainment
- Imogene King - Right Ans - Conceptual system that is the notion that
human beings are open systems interacting constantly with the environment
Theory of Health as Expanding Consciousness
- Margaret Newman - Right Ans - Patterning of a person's interaction with
the environment. Consciousness is a manifestation of an evolving pattern of
person-environment interaction.
Cultural Care Diversity and Universality Theory Model
- Madeleine Leininger - Right Ans - Theory of transcultural nursing
promotes understanding of both the universally held and common
understanding of care among humans and the culture specific caring beliefs
and behaviors that define any caring context or interaction
Health Promotion Model
- Nola Pender - Right Ans - Health promotion revolves around raising
consciousness related to health promoting behaviors, promoting self-efficacy,
enhancing the benefits of change, and managing the barriers to change
Humanistic Learning Theory Right Ans - emphasizes a person-centered
approach and stresses the importance of feeling over thoughts. The subjective
human experience of each individual is seen as being of value, and human
relationships depend on being spontaneous, authentic, and empathetic. The
goal is to help individuals express their inner creativity, reach their inner
potential, and strive for personal growth. Maslow Hierarchy of Needs
, Behaviorist Learning Theory Right Ans - Learning is based on associations
people make between stimuli and responses, and the belief that life is largely a
matter of habit that requires little thinking. What is learned can be unlearned
by modifying the stimulus conditions in the environment or changing the
response to stimuli. B.F. Skinner operant conditioning & Pavlov classical
Cognitive Learning Theory Right Ans - Focuses on perceptions, thinking,
reasoning, memory, developmental changes, and processing of information
that transpire with the learner. This theory is useful for appreciating the
different ways that individuals approach and respond to any learning
situation, recognizing the complexity of learning, and promoting instructors to
take their cues from learners to be effective. Jean Piaget cognitive
Picot Model for generating EBP clinical questions Right Ans - P = patient
population (identify the population of interest)
problem (identify primary problem)
I = intervention (identify the interventions to be considered)
C= comparison (identify what the intervention will be compared to)
O = outcomes (identify the goal of the intervention
T =time (time frame for measuring outcomes)
Behavioral systems model
- Dorothy Johnson - Right Ans - is a model of nursing care that advocates
the fostering of efficient and effective behavioral functioning in the patient to
prevent illness
nurse educator Right Ans - master or doctoral prepared registered nurses
who practice as full time or adjunct faculty in college/universities, hospital
based educational residency programs, and/or health care facilities.
Responsibilities for both classroom and practical setting include mentoring
and preparing future generations of nurses and current nurses in practice.
They play a vital role in serving as role models, while strengthening the
nursing workforce, by assuring quality educational opportunities, guiding
employees and/or students through the learning process, as well as
implementing evidenced based research into practice; they also play a role in
evaluating and documenting educational learning experiences or outcomes.