DBIA Test With Correct Questions And
Answers 2024
How uteam umembers uare uorganized, uestablishes uwhen uparties uengage, udetermines
uroles uof uparties, uand udetermines usequence uof udesign, uprocurement, uand uconstruction
u(db, ucmar, udbb) u- ucorrect uanswer.Project uDelivery uSystem
how uteam umembers uare uselected u(QBS, ubest uvalue, ulow uprice, usole usource) u- ucorrect
uanswer.Procurement uMethod
how uteam umembers uare upaid u(fp, ugmp, ucost ureimbursement, utarget uprice, uunit uprice) u-
ucorrect uanswer.contracting uapproach
linear, usequential uprocess, uA/E uselected uon uqualifications, uGC uselected uon ulow uprice,
udesign uis ufully ucompleted uwithout uinput ufrom uGC, uA/E uacting uin uowner's uinterests, uwith
ua uhistorically ustrong ubond, uprocess uis uwell-established uand uunderstood u- ucorrect
uanswer.Design-Bid-Build u(DBB)
similar uorg ustructure uto uDBB, uconstruction umanager uselected uby uQBS uor ubest uvalue,
ucontractor uprovides uprecon uservices, unegotiated ugmp ucontracting uapproach, uopen ubook
uestimating uprocess, upotential uto ufast utrack uproject, uconstruction ucost udetermined ubefore
udesign ucompleted, upotential uissues uover uwhat uis ureasonably uinferable ufrom ugmp udesign
udocuments u- ucorrect uanswer.construction umanager uat urisk
The uowner ucontracts uwith uone uentity u(a uperson uor ufirm) uto uprovide uboth udesign uand
uconstruction uservices, udesigner uand ucontractor uhave ua udirect ucontractual urelationship,
uselected uby uQBS uor ubest uvalue, uwide uspectrum uof ucontracting uapproaches uand
uorganizational ustructures, usingle upoint uresponsibility, uowner udoes unot umanage
udesigner, uowner uexposure uto uclaims uis usignificantly ureduced u- ucorrect uanswer.Design-
similar uto udesign ubuild, uin uindustrial uand upower ugeneration usectors, usystems uand
uperformance utesting uare ucentral uto uscope, ucontractor uwill utypically uperform uengineering
uwith uits uin-house ustaff, uowner uhas uneed ufor usingle upoint uresponsibility, ucontracts uinclude
uplant uand uprocess uperformance uguarantees, ucontract uitems uinclude uperformance uand
uschedule uliquidated udamages uand ulimitations uof uliability u- ucorrect uanswer.engineer
uprocure uconstruct u(epc)
, owner ucontracts uwith umultiple utrade ucontractors, uattributes uare utypically usimilar uto udbb,
uowner's uability uto uschedule uand ucoordinate uthe uwork u- ucorrect uanswer.Multiple uPrime
multi-party uagreement u- uall uparties uequal, uQBS uprocurement uand utarget upricing ucontract
uapproach, uprivate usector uuse u(limited uat uthis utime), ukey: uowner's uability uto uaccept urisk u-
ucorrect uanswer.Integrated uProject uDelivery u(IPD)
Instead uof ugovernment ubuilding uand umaintaining umajor uinfrastructure u(such uas uhighway,
uwater utreatment uplant), ubuild uand umaintenance uis uoutsourced uto ua uprivate ucompany.
uOpposed uby upublic usector uunions. uthis uis unot uconsidered ua udelivery usystem ubut uits
uunderlying uapproaches uare udelivery usystems uand utypically uuse uDB. umultiple
uprocurement uand ucontracting uapproaches u- ucorrect uanswer.public-private upartnership
intense uefforts uto uestablish uscope uearly uin uthe uprocess; udrives uearly uteam uformation uto
uinclude ukey utrade usubcontractors; ucan uenable ubig udecisions uto ube umade uearly, uaffect
uproject uoutcomes uat ulowest ucost, uestablish ua uneed ufor uco-location uand ucollaboration,
uand ucompress utime uduring uconcurrent udesign uand uconstruction u- ucorrect uanswer.shift
typically utwo-phase ubest uvalue uprocurement uwith ulump usum ucontract; uowner udefines
uproject urequirements uand uscope uof uprescriptive uwork; uuse uof uperformance-based
utechnical urequirements uwith ulimited uprescriptive uspecifications u- ucorrect
uanswer.traditional udesign ubuild
design uand uprice uare uprogressively udeveloped uafter uthe udesign-builder uis uunder
ucontract; ufinal uproject ucost uand uschedule ucommitment uis unot uestablished uas upart uof uthe
uselection uprocess; utwo uphases: upreliminary uservices uand ufinal udesign uand uconstruction
uservices u- ucorrect uanswer.progressive udesign ubuild
describe uthe uend uresult u- ucorrect uanswer.criteria udocuments
prescribes uhow uto uachieve uthe uend uresult u- ucorrect uanswer.bridging udocuments
prior uto ubidding, uowner uundertakes ua uprocess uto udesign uthe uproject uand uall uof uits udetails
uto u100% ucomplete uplans uand uspecs. uthe uowner uis utherefore uresponsible ufor usuccess uor
ufailure uof udetails uof uthe udesign, uand uwarrants uthe usufficiency uof udesign uto uthe
ucontractor. uthe uowner uis utherefore uliable uto uthe ucontractor ufor uany ugaps ubetween uplans
uand uspecifications uand uowner's urequirements ufor uproject uperformance u- ucorrect
uanswer.design ubid ubuild uparadigm
the uowner ushould udefine uits uperformance urequirements uand uaward uthe ucontract uon uthe
ubasis uof upreliminary udesign; uthis umakes uthe udesign-builder uresponsible ufor ucompleting
uthe udesign uin uaccordance uwith uthe uowner's uperformance urequirements. uthat ualso
ucauses uthe udesign-builder uto uwarrant uthe usufficiency uof uthe udesign uto umeet uthe uowner's