BSNC 5000 Final Exam Studying
Questions with Revised Answers
What are the maternal renal changes - Answer-- GFR increases from increased renal
blood flow
- almost a 1L increase in plasma volume = kidney has to filter more = high GFR
- glycosuria due to increase in renal flow and GFR
> placental hormones interfere with insulin actions
> renal tubules cant absorb all the glucose
- hyponatremic state is normal
What are the maternal breast changes - Answer-- breastfeeding convo at 12wks
- increased progesterone and estrogen result in full, heavy, sensitive, tingling
- nipples and areola get darker + more erect
- sweat glands produce colostrum and protect nipples
- breast inlargement from mammary glands
- increases luteal and placental hormones creates nodules
- breast tissue softer and loer
- stretch marks
- lactation can occur at 16 wks but prevent until estrogen drops
Describe fetal growth and development during pregnancy in first trimester - Answer-- 1
day: Sperm and egg meet
- 7-10 days: Fertilized egg attaches to uterus; placenta begins to form
- Week 2: Embryo forms on uterus wall; menstrual periods stop
- Week 4: Tubular heart beats, primitive eye and ear present, oral cavity forms, stomach
forms, limb buds are present.anterior neural tube closes to form brain, posterior closure
forms spinal cord.
- Week 6: Heart chambers present, fetal heart beats detectable, stomach in final form,
sex glands become testes or ovaries, primitive skeleton is in the process of forming,
oral/nasal cavities and upper lip have formed, muscle mass is beginning to develop,
brain has become differentiated with cranial nerves present.
- Week 8: development of head trunk and limbs allows some movement, digits are
present, development of heart and fetal circulation is complete, all parts of ear are now
assuming final forms.
- Week 10: Neurons appear at the caudal end of spinal cord, brain has basic divisions,
nail growth begins in nails/toes, testosterone physical characteristics in males, bladder
sac now formed.
- Week 12: Clear outline of miniature bones, mouth palate complete, tooth buds,
genitals, and fingernails are formed, bile secretion begins, lungs acquire definitive
shape, thyroid secrete hormones, insulin present in pancreas, fetus is able to move but
cannot be felt, doctor may be able to hear heart beat
,Describe fetal growth and development during pregnancy in second trimester - Answer--
16 weeks: baby's hearing is developed and may start moving. Hard and soft palate
differentiating, teeth begin to form, scalp hair appears, now able to note sex, fetal heart
tones audible with feto scope, gastric and intestinal glands developing, sweat glands
- 17 weeks: development of the baby's immune system. Baby begins to store mom's
- 20 weeks: baby's hair starts to develop (lanugo). Eyebrows and lashes grow.
Meconium starts to form, teeth begin to form hard tissues, lower limbs have final relative
proportions, iron is stored in the blood, primitive respiratory like movements begin,
spinal cord myelination begins
- 24 weeks: respiratory movements begin. Brain appears mature, alveoli appear and
begin to produce surfactant, nostrils reopen
- 26 weeks: baby's body can be felt through palpation.
Describe fetal growth and development during pregnancy in third trimester - Answer--
28 weeks: nervous system begins regulation and some bodily processes, testes
descend into inguinal canal and upper scrotum, eyelids open, eyelashes and eyebrows
- 28 weeks - baby can store nutrients and hear and respond to sounds 32 weeks - fat
forms; sense of taste develops; eyes react to light
- 36 weeks - body is plumper; skin is smooth and covered with pale, cheesy substance
- 40 weeks/full term - boys' testicles are in scrotum; girls' external genitals are formed
- 40-42 weeks/late term - soft spots ("fontanels") on head get smaller; fat layer shrinks;
skin is drier and looser.
What is a teratogen - Answer-Anything that can disrupt physical and functional
embryonic and/or fetal development, leading to birth defects or abnormalities
- Can be through ingestion or environmental exposure
- Most crucial: embryonic period (wk 3 to wk 8)
What are the classifications of teratogens - Answer-- Drug and Chemical Agents
> Alcohol, recreational drugs, certain OTC drugs, industrial solvents
- Infectious Agents
- Physical Agents
> Umbilical cord constraints, amniotic band constrictions, radiations, hyperthermia
- Maternal Conditions
> Alcoholism, diabetes, smoking, and nutritional deficits
Identify the conditions that place newborns at risk for TORCH infections - Answer-T -
O - Other: Syphilis, parvovirus, and hepatitis B
R - Rubella
C - Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
, H -Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
What are the mods of transmission for TORCH infections - Answer-Transplacental
Contact with cervical or placental secretion during the birthing process
By breastmilk
what is Intimate partner violence and what is the prevalence in Canada - Answer-
Violence perpretrated by partner or spouse, or someone whom the person has had or is
having an intimate relationship
- 1 in 6 women report violence (most common form of violence to women)
- x3 higher in indigenous women
- consists of phsyical, psychosocial, emotional, sexual abuse, isolation, and controlling
(money, house, food, life)
What is gestational diabetes - Answer-when moms blood sugar is high and if not
managed, baby can become hypoglycemic at birth because of hyperinsulinemia
- can be diet controlled or insulin dependent
- baby can be heavy for gestational age
what is hyperinsulinemia - Answer-when the babies body is used to the high insulin
levels in mom so their body mimics the response and will have high insulin levels
Family is - Answer-2 or more people who are dependent on one another for emotional,
physical, and or financial support defined by the pt
Family nursing - Answer-- Consists of CHNs and families working together to ensure the
success of the family and its member in adapting to health and illness
- To intervene effectively and appropriately w/ families to reduce their health risks and
promote their health it's necessary to view the family as a unit of care and understand
the complex environment in which the family exists
Family demography - Answer-- The study of the structure of families and household and
the family related events such as marriage and divorce that alter structure through their
numbers, timing, and sequencing
- Important use is to forecast stresses and developmental changes experienced by
families and to identify possible solutions to family health concerns
Maternal adaptation to pregnancy - Answer-Accepting the Pregnancy
- Cognitive restructuring
> Degree of acceptance: reflected in emotional responses
- Emotional Lability
> Rapid and unpredictable changes in mood
- Ambivalence
> Having conflicted feelings at the same time: normal response for people preparing for
a new role