PSY 230 Exam 1 Chapter 1-7 With Correct
Questions And Answers 2024
What wis wa wdevelopmentalist? wWhat wdo wthey wstudy? wWhat wis wthe wlifespan wperspective?
wKnow wthe wterms: wmutlidisciplinary, windividual wdifferences, wnormative, wand wnon-
normative wtransitions. w- wcorrect wanswer.Developmentalists ware wresearchers wand
wpractitioners wwhose wprofessional winterests wlie win wthe wstudy wof whuman wlifespan. w
The wlifespan wperspective wis wa wmulti-disciplinary wscience wthat wdraws won wa wnumber wof
wfields w(neuroscience, wpsychology, wsocial wpolicy, wbiology, wetc) wto wput wtogether wa
wcomprehensive wpicture won wdevelopment wthroughout wa wlifetime. w
Multidisciplinary w- wdraws won wa wvariety wof wstudies w/ wdisciplines
Individual wdifferences w- wRecognizes wthat wall wpeople ware wunique wand ware wimpacted wby
wevery waspect wof wtheir wlives, wso wno wtwo wpeople ware wthe wsame
Normative w- wPredictable wlife wchanges wthat woccur wduring wdevelopment, wsuch was
wretirement, wbecoming wparents, wstarting whigh wschool, wetc. w
Non-normative w- wUnpredictable wor watypical wlife wchanges wthat woccur, wsuch was wdivorce,
wdeath wof wa wchild, wdeclines win weconomic wstatus, wetc
What wis wa wcohort? wWhat ware wsome wexamples wof wcohorts? w- wcorrect wanswer.A wcohort
wis wthe wage wgroup wwith wwhom wwe wtravel wthrough wlife. w
Examples: wBaby wBoom wCohort w(defined was wpeople wborne wfrom w1946-1964).
What wis wsocioeconomic wstatus wand whow wdoes wit winfluence wdevelopment? w- wcorrect
wanswer.Socioeconomic wstatus w(SES) wis wthe wbasic wmarker wreferring wto wa wstatus won
weducation wand w(especially) wincome. wSES wimpacts wdevelopment wby whaving wan
winfluence won wthe wtype wof weducation wa wperson wreceives, wthe wopportunities wavailable wto
wthem, wliving win wmore wdangerous wneighborhoods, wetc.
What ware wthe wtwo wtypes wof wcultures wand whow wdo wthey winfluence wdevelopment? w-
wcorrect wanswer.- wCollectivist wcultures wplace wan wemphasis won wsocial wharmony. wFamilies
wlive wtogether, weven was wadults, wand weven wa wcombination wof wgenerations. wChildren ware
,wtaught wto wobey welders, wsuppress wemotion, wand wvalue wrespect. wTheir wpersonal wneeds
ware wsubordinate wto wthe wneeds wof wthe wlarger wgroup. w
- wIndividualistic wcultures wemphasize windependence, wcompetition, wand wpersonal
wsuccess. wChildren ware wencouraged wto wopenly wexpress wemotion, wbelieve win wpersonal
wpower, wand wleave wtheir wparents wto wstand won wtheir wown was wself-sufficient wand
windependent wadults. w
Traditionally, wWestern wcountries wscore whigh won windices wfor windividualism, wwhile
wNations win wAsia, wAfrica, wand wSouth wAmerica wscore whigher won wcollectivism wscales.
What wis wa wtheory? wBe wable wto widentify wand wexplain wmajor wtheories. w- wcorrect wanswer.A
wtheory wis wa wperspective wexplaining wwhy wpeople wact wthe wway wthey wdo. wTheories wallow
wus wto wpredict wbehavior wand walso wsuggest whow wto wintervene wto wimprove wbehavior.
What wis wBehaviorism w(operant wconditioning)? w- wcorrect wanswer.Behaviorism wholds wa
wnurture-is-all-important wperspective, wbelieving wyou wcan wtrain wa wchild wto wbe wanything
w(view wof wJohn wWatson) wthrough wnurture. wWatson wand wBF wSkinner wdreamed wof wa
wscience wof whuman wbehavior was wrigorous was wphysics. wThey wdid wnot wbelieve wthoughts
wand wfeelings wcould wbe wstudied wb/c wthey wcan't wbe wseen. w
Traditional wbehaviorists wbelieve wyou whave wto wfocus won wcharting wand wmodifying wonly
wobjective, wvisible wbehaviors. wThey walso wbelieve wonly wa wfew wlaws wexplain wbehavior wat
wevery wsituation wat wevery wtime win wlife. w
> wOperant wconditioning wis wthe wlaw wof wlearning wthat wdetermines wany wvoluntary
wresponse. wSpecifically, wwe wact wthe wway wwe wdo wb/c wwe ware wreinforced wfor wacting wthat
wway. w
> wReinforcement wis wthe wbehavioral wterm wfor wrewards.
What wis wsocial wlearning w(inc wself-efficacy)? w- wcorrect wanswer.The wsocial wlearning
wtheory w(also wknown was wcognitive wbehaviorism) wwas wlaunched wby wAlbert wBandura. wIt
wbelieves wthat wpeople wlearn wby wwatching wothers wand wthat wour wthoughts wabout wthe
wreinforcement wdetermine wour wbehavior. wCognitive wbehaviorists wfocus won wcharting wand
wmodifying wpeople's wthoughts. wWe wtend wto wmodel wpeople wwho ware wlike wus wor ware
wnurturing wor wrelate wto wus win wa wcaring wway. wAs wwe wgrow, wwe wtailor wour wmodeling
wselectively, wbased won wour wunderstanding wof wwho wwe ware. w
Self-efficacy wis wour wbelieve win wour wcompetence, wour wsense wthat wwe wcan wbe wsuccessful
wat wa wtask. w. wIt wimpacts wwhether wwe winitiate wactivities wor wpersist win wthe wface wof wfailure.
wAnd wit wpredicts wthe wgoals wwe wset.
What wis wAttachment? w- wcorrect wanswer.Attachment wtheory wis wthe wthe wtheory wformulated
wby wJohn wBowlby wcentered won wthe wcurcial wimportance wto wour wspecies' wsurvival wof wbeign
wclosely wconnected wwith wa wcaregiver wduring wearly wchildhood wand wbeing wattached wto wa
wsignificant wother wduring wall wof wlife. w
, Bowlby wargued wthat wour wearly wexperiences ww/ wcaregivers wshape wour wability wto wlove was
wan wadult. wBowlby wargued wthat wattachment wresponse wis wgenetically wprogrammed winto
wour wspecies wto wpromote wsurvival. w(Bowlby wwas wan wearly wevolutionary wpsychologist)
What wis wFreudian w/ wpsychoanalytic wtheory? w(Table won wpg w16) w- wcorrect
wanswer.Freudian wtheory wargues wthat wthe wway wour wparents wtreat wus wduring wearly
wchildhood wdetermines wour wlifelong wmental whealth. wMain wpoints: w
w1. wHumans ware wbasically wirrational
w2. wLifelong wmental whealth wdepends won wour wparents' wcaregiving wduring wearly wlife. w
w3. wSelf-awareness wis wthe wkey wto wliving wa wfulfilling wadult wlife. w
Freud's wtheory wis wcalled wpsychoanalytic wb/c wit wanalyzes wthe wpsyche wor wour winner wlife.
wFreud wbelieved wour wactions ware wdominated wby wfeelings wand wmotivations wof wwhich wwe
ware wnot waware. wRoots wof wemotional wproblems wlay win wrepressed wfeelings wfrom wearly
wchildhood, wwhich wultimately wimpact wour wadult wmental whealth. w
Three whypothetical wstructures: w
w- wId: wpresent wat wbirth. wThe wmass wof winstinct, wneed, wfeelings wwe whave wwhen wwe warrive.
wVery wprimitive. w
- wEgo: wThe wconscious, wrational wpart wof wour wpersonality. wIt winvolves wthinking wreasoning,
wand wplanning, wand wfulfilling wour wid wdesires win wadaptive wand wrealistic wways. w
w- wSuperego: wthe wmoral warm wof wour wpersonality. wIt wexists win wopposition wto wthe wid's
wdesires. w
Freud wargued wthat wsexual wfeelingsare wthe wmotivation wdriving whuman wlife. wEach wstage
wfocuses won wdifferent werogenous wzones. wThe wfirst wyear wof wlife wis wthe woral wstage, wwhere
wthe werogenous wzone wis wthe wmouth. wAround wage w2, wwith wtoilet wtraining, wthe werogenous
wzone wbecomes wthe wanal wstage w(sexual wfeelings wcenter won welimination). wAges w3-4, wthe
wphallic wstage wbegins, wand wthe wchild wdevelops wsexual wfantasies wabout wthe wparent wof
wthe wopposite wsex wand wthe wsame-sex wparent wbecomes wa wrival. wSexuality wis wthen
wviolently wrepressed, wthe wchild widentifies wwith wthat wparent, wthe wsuperego wis wformed, wand
wwe wenter wlatency w(lasts wthrough welementary). wAt wpuberty, wmature wsexuality wemerges.
What wis wevolutionary wtheory? w- wcorrect wanswer.Evolutionary wpsychology wholds wthe
wtheory wthat winborn, wspecies-specific wbehaviors wplay wa wcritical wrole win whuman wand wlife
wdevelopment. wThey wlook wto wnature wabove wnurture. wEvolutionary wpsych wlacks wpractical,
waction-oriented wapproaches wof wbehaviorism.
What wis wbehavioral wgenetics w(incl wtwin wand wadoption wstudies)? w- wcorrect
wanswer.Behavioral wgenetics wis wthe wname wfor wresearch wstrategies wdevoted wto
wexamining wthe wgenetic wcontribution wto wthe wdifferences wwe wsee wb/t whuman wbeings. w(Is
wit wa wgenetic wtendency wto wbite wnails, wdevelop wbipolar wdisorders, wor whave wcertain wtalents
wor wattitudes)? w