MCAT Exam With Verified Questions And
Answers 2024
Phase vDiagram v- vcorrect vanswer.a vgraph vshowing vthe vconditions vat vwhich va vsubstance
vexists vas va vsolid, vliquid, vor v vapor
a vline vseparates vthe vregions vthat vcorrespond vto vthe vsolid vand vliquid vphases. vFor vmost
vsubstances, vsince vthe vsolid vphase vis vdenser vthan vthe v liquid, vthis vline vhas va vpositive
vslope. vThis v indicates vthat v it vis vpossible vto vconvert v the vliquid vsubstance vinto vsolid vby
vincreasing vpressure. vSince vthe vopposite vis vtrue vfor v water, vhowever, vthe vline vbetween
vthese vregions vhas va vnegative v - vor vdownward-tilting v - vslope. vThis vhallmark vis vone veasy
v way vto vdistinguish vthe vphase vdiagram vof v water vfrom vthat vof vmost vother vcompounds.
social vfacilitation v- vcorrect vanswer.stronger vresponses von vsimple vor vwell-learned vtasks
vin vthe vpresence vof vothers
bystander veffect v- vcorrect vanswer.the vtendency vfor vany vgiven vbystander vto vbe vless vlikely
vto vgive vaid v if vother vbystanders vare vpresent
bystander veffect vfactors v- vcorrect vanswer.individuals vdo vnot vintervene vto vhelp vvictims
v when vothers vare vpresent
-less vlikely vto vnotice vdanger vin vcrowds
-take vcues vfrom vothers
-degree vof vresponsibility vis vdecreased
-cohesiveness vof vgroup
Deindividuation v- vcorrect vanswer.when van vindividual vseems vto vlose vhimself vor vherself vin
vthe v group's videntity
social vloafing v- vcorrect vanswer.the vtendency vfor vpeople vin va vgroup vto vexert vless veffort
v when vpooling vtheir vefforts vtoward vattaining va vcommon vgoal vthan v when vindividually
group vpolarization v- vcorrect vanswer.the venhancement vof va vgroup's vprevailing
vinclinations vthrough vdiscussion v within vthe v group. vdoesn't vhave vto vbe virrational.
,normative vsocial vinfluence v- vcorrect vanswer.behavior vthat vis vmotivated vby vthe vdesire vto
vgain vsocial vacceptance vand vapproval
informational vsocial vinfluence v- vcorrect vanswer.influence vresulting vfrom vone's
v willingness vto vaccept vothers' vopinions vabout vreality
Groupthink v- vcorrect vanswer.the vmode vof vthinking vthat voccurs vwhen vthe vdesire vfor
vharmony v in va vdecision-making v group voverrides va vrealistic vappraisal vof valternatives.
vleads vto virrational vdecisions vby va v group.
characteristics vof vgroup vthink v- vcorrect vanswer.invulnerability, vrationalization, vlack vof
vintrospection, vstereotyping, vpressure, vlack vof vdisagreement, vself-deception, vinsularity
Irving vJanis vand vgroupthink v- vcorrect vanswer.members vof va vgroup vare vso vdriven vto
vreach vunanimous vdecisions vthat vthey vno vlonger vtruly vevaluate vthe vconsequences vof
vtheir vdecisions
occurs vwhen vthe vgroups vmaking vdecision vare visolated vand vhomogeneous, vthere vis va
vlack vof vimpartial vleadership vinside vor voutside vthe v gorup, v when vthere vis va vhigh vlevel vof
vpressure vfor va vdecision vto vbe vmade
Conformity v- vcorrect vanswer.when vsomeone's vbehavior, vbeliefs, vor vthinking vchanges vto
vline vup v with vthe vperspective vof vothers
compliance v- vcorrect vanswer.when vthe vperson vconforms vbut vinternally vdissents
Conversion v- vcorrect vanswer.genuine vchange vin vsomeone's vbeliefs
Asch vExperiment v- vcorrect vanswer.experimented vhow vpeople vwould vrather vconform
vthan vstate vtheir vown vindividual vanswer veven vthough vthey vknow v the vgroup's vanswer vis
v wrong, v length vof vlines
compliance v(requests) v- vcorrect vanswer.responses vto vrequests vfrom vsomeone vwith vno
vpower vto venforce vthat vrequest.
foot-in-the-door vtechnique v- vcorrect vanswer.asking vfor va vsmall vcommitment vand, vafter
vgaining vcompliance, vasking vfor va vbigger vcommitment
door-in-the-face vtechnique v- vcorrect vanswer.asking vfor va vlarge vcommitment vand vbeing
vrefused vand vthen vasking vfor va vsmaller vcommitment
low-ball vtechnique v- vcorrect vanswer.persuasive vtechnique vin vwhich vthe vseller vof va
vproduct vstarts vby vquoting va vlow vsales vprice vand vthen vmentions vall vof vthe vadd-on vcosts
vonce vthe vcustomer vhas vagreed vto vpurchase vthe vproduct
,obidience v- vcorrect vanswer.changing vone's vbehavior vat vthe vcommand vof van vauthority
Milgram vExperiment v- vcorrect vexperiment vdevised vin v1961 vby vStanley
vMilgram, va vpsychologist vat v Yale vUniversity, v to vsee vhow vfar vordinary vpeople v would v go vto
vobey va vscientific vauthority vfigure v with v giving velectric vshocks
Stanford vPrison vExperiment v(Zimbardo) v- vcorrect vanswer.classic v"experiment" vwhere
vindividuals v were vassigned vto vbe vguards v/ vprisoners. v w/in vdays vthey v took von vtheir v roles
vand v went vtoo vfar. vHighly vunethical
social vnorms v- vcorrect vanswer.rules, vspoken vor vunspoken, vthat vregulate vbehavior,
vbeliefs, vattitudes, vand vvalues vof vmembers vof vsociety
social vcontrol v- vcorrect vanswer.the vway vnorms vare vtaught, venforced, vand vperpetuated
deviance v- vcorrect vanswer.when vsomeone vdoesn't vfollow va vnorm
formal vvs vinformal vnorms v- vcorrect vanswer.Formal: v
-generally vwritten vdown, vlike v*laws*
-precisely vdefined, vpublicly vpresented vand vhave vstrict vpenalties vfor vviolators
informal: vgenerally vunderstood vbut vless vprecise vand vcarry vno vspecific vpunishment
Folkways v- vcorrect vanswer.insignificant vinformal vnorms vthat vinvolve vsmall vdetails,
v violating vthem vdoes vnot vcause vtoo vmuch vof va vproblem, vexample: vfashion, v wearing
vsocks v with vsandals
mores v- vcorrect vanswer.informal vnorms, vwhich vincur vsevere vdisapproval vwhen vviolated.
vex: vcheating von vromantic vpartner
taboos v- vcorrect vanswer.even vmore vrestrictive vnorms vthat vgenerate vextreme
vdisapproval. vEx: vcannabalism, vincest. vDriven vby vculture. vSome vare vforbidden vby v law
vand vsome varen't.
Anomie v- vcorrect vanswer.Refers vto vsituation vwhere vthere vis va vpoor vmatch vbetween
vsociety's v stated vnorms vand vthe vnorms vthat van vindividual v responds vto
sanctions v- vcorrect vanswer.punishment vor vnegative vconsequences vfor vviolating va vsocial
vnorm. vRewards vfor vfollowing v social vnorm.
adding va vsolute vto vwater vwill v----- vbp vand v----- vmp, v- vcorrect vanswer.increase; vlower
differential vassociation vtheory v- vcorrect vanswer.theory vthat vindividuals vlearn vdeviance vin
vproportion vto vnumber vof vdeviant vacts vthey vare vexposed vto, vand vdeviance v is vlearned
vsocially, v draws vfrom vsymbolic v interactionism
, labeling vapproach v- vcorrect vanswer.focuses von vhow vbehavior vis vaffected vby vbeing
vlabeled vas va vdeviant.
Primary vDeviance v(Labeling vTheory) v- vcorrect vanswer.the vinitial vact vor vattitude vthat
vcauses vone vto vbe vlabeled vdeviant
secondary vdeviance v(labeling vtheory) v- vcorrect vanswer.subsequent vacts vof vrule vbreaking
vthat voccur vafter vprimary v deviance vand vas va v result vof v your vnew, vdeviant v label, vthe
vstigma vattached vto vit vand vpeople's vexpectations vof v you
strain vtheory v- vcorrect vanswer.focuses von vthe vrole vof vsocial vand veconomic vpressures
vtowards vdeviance. vSays v that vsome vpeople v would vcommit vcrime vunder vstraining
Socialization v- vcorrect vwe vlearn vinformal vand vformal vnorms vby vinteracting
v with vother vpeople vand vinsitutions
agents vof vsocialization v- vcorrect, veducation vsystem, vmass vmedia, vpeers,
v workplace
Fads v- vcorrect vanswer.a vnew vbehavior vthat vsuddenly vbecomes vextremely vpopular, vthen
mass vhysteria v- vcorrect vanswer.irrational vfear vof va vperceived vthreat, vverging von vthe
vpoint vof va vcollective vdelusion
riots v- vcorrect vanswer.characterized vby vlarge v# vof vpeople vwho vengage vin vdangerous
vbehavior, v such vas v vandalism, v violence, vor vother vcrimes. vDeindividation, v loss vof vself
videntity, voccurs. vOften v violent vand vtargeted vagainst van vestablished v institution vor
vauthority vfigure.
peer vpressure v- vcorrect vanswer.influence vfrom vmembers vof vone's vpeer vgroup.
Anaerobic v- vcorrect vanswer.Process vthat vdoes vnot vrequire voxygen
Halophiles v- vcorrect vanswer."salt-loving" varchaea vthat vlive vin venvironments vthat vhave
v very v high vsalt vconcentrations
What vto vthe vnumbers von vthe vbottom vof vthe vElement von vMCAT vPeriodic vtable vmean? v-
vcorrect vanswer.the vmolar vmass vof vthe velement vin v*grams/mol*
How vmany vgrams vare vin va vkilogram? v- vcorrect vanswer.1000
What vis vmolarity? v- vcorrect vanswer.mol/L