Nursing 206 UFV
What is an MSE
It is an evaluation of the patients CURRENT mental functioning obtained
through observations of the client' s functioning and demeanour at the time of
the interaction
List the data to collected for an MSE using ABC STAMP LICKER
Level of conciousness
Possible characteristics to consider in appearance (for MSE)
➔ Clothes➔ Actual and Apparent age ➔Eye contact and facial
,expressions ➔Grooming and Hygiene ➔Gender and Cultural
background➔Physical abnormalities ➔Any descriptive factors
Possible characteristics to consider in behaviour (for MSE)
➔ Psychomotor act i vi t y
(Hyperactivity or P s y c h o mo t o rr et ar dat i on)
➔ Ma n n e r i s m
➔ General Attitude
➔ Attitude towards
i n t e r v i e we r
Possible characteristics to consider in cooperation (for MSE)
Host i l e
Possible characteristics to consider in speech (for MSE)
Quantity -possible descriptors: Talkative, spontaneous, expensive, paucity,
poverty.A. Rate- Possible descriptors: Fast, slow, normal, pressured. A.
Volume (Tone)-
Possible descriptors : Loud, soft, monotone, weal,
A. Fluency and Rhythm- Possible
de s c r i pt or s : Slurred, clear with
appropriately placed inflictions, hesitant, with good articulation, aphasic.
Possible characteristics to consider for thought (for MSE)
Is there a flow to the conversation? Are they logical? Are they nonsensical ?
Possible indicators to include:
➔ Linear, goal-directed, circumstantial, tangential, loose associations,
incoherent, evasive, racing, blocking, preservation, neologisms.
Thought content (What is the person thinking?)
Does the client have; delusions, phobias, paranoia, obsessions,
Possible characteristics to consider for affect (for MSE)
Appropriateness to situation, consistency with mood, congruence with thought
➔Lability with mood, blunted, flat, restricted, euthymic, animated, irritable.
Possible characteristics to consider for mood (for MSE)
Mood is the internal emotional state of a person
Possible questions for your patients how are your spirits today? how are you
feeling today? can you rate your mood on a scale of 0 to 10? with is 10 being
the highest and 0 being the
, Possible characteristics to consider for perception (for mse)
Perception refers to the experience of processing the external environment .
Hallucinations (5 senses)
➔Visual, Tactile, Auditory, Gustatory, Olfactory.
➔ Extent of Hallucinations I l l us i ons
➔Misperceptions of existing s t i mu l i
What does it mean if a pt has full insight into their diagnosis
recognizes signs and symptoms are part of the illness. Full cooperation.
What does it mean if a pt has partial insight into their diagnosis
Recognizes the problems but doesn't attribute them to the illness. Variable
What does it mean if a pt has impaired/no insight into their diagnosis
Denial of illness or denial of any problems, blames others, poor compliance.
Define judgement