what is the presenting problem? - ANSWER major symptoms & behavior the client
is experiencing
what is reliability? - ANSWER the degree to which an assessment measure
produces the same result each time it is used to evaluate the same thing
what is validity? - ANSWER the extent to which a measuring instrument measures
what it is supposed to measure
and what is standardization. - ANSWER process by which a psychological test is
administered, scored & interpreted in a consistent or standard manner
what is the general physical examination? - ANSWER medical checkup where
medical history is obtained & major systems of the body are checked - important
for disorders that entail physical problems/symptoms
what is a CAT scan? - ANSWER computerized axial tomography - use of X-rays to
see images of parts of the brain
what is an MRI? - ANSWER magnetic resonance imaging - takes images of the
interior of the brain & can differentiate subtle variations in soft tissue
what is a PET scan? - ANSWER positron emission tomography - shows how an
organ is functioning, tracks natural compounds as they are metabolized, reveals
problems that may not be apparent anatomically
what is an fMRI? - ANSWER functional MRI - measures changes in blood flow of
specific areas of the brain tissue that depend on neuronal activity in those specific
what is the neuropsychological examination? - ANSWER the use of various testing
devices to measure a person's cognitive, perceptual & motor performance as a clue
to the extent & location of brain damage
what are some examples of a neuropsychological examination? - ANSWER
,Halstead category test, tactual performance test, rhythm test, speech sounds
perception test, finger oscillation task
what is an assessment interview? - ANSWER face-to-face interaction where a
clinician gathers information about various aspects of a client's situation, behavior
& personality
what constitutes clinical observation of behavior? - ANSWER self-monitoring,
self-observation, objective reporting of behavior, thoughts & feelings as they occur
what are two examples of psychological tests? - ANSWER Weschler intelligence
scale for children, Weschler adult intelligence scale-revised
what is the weschler adult intelligence scale-revised (WAIS-IV)? - ANSWER
involves vocabulary, a list of words to be defined & digital span (performance), a
sequence of numbers that are to be repeated in the same order administered
what are some examples of projective personality tests? - ANSWER Rorschach
inkblot test, thematic apperception test, sentence completion - involves a person's
interpreting an ambiguous image, used to assess unconscious motives conflicts,
psychological defenses & personality traits
what is the Rorschach inkblot test? - ANSWER 10 inkblot pictures are used to
which a subject responds telling the clinician what they see, what it makes them
think of & what it means to them
what is the thematic apperception test? - ANSWER series of simple pictures in
which a subject is to make up stories about
what is sentence completion. - ANSWER consists of the beginnings of sentences
that one might be asked to complete, related to the free association method
what is the MMPI-2? - ANSWER Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory -
self-report questionnaire, true & false questions used to evaluate a person's
personality characteristics & clinical problems which can be compared to other
profiles within a particular group that could suggest a broad diagnosis
what are some ethical issues in assessment? - ANSWER potential cultural bias of
the instrument or the clinician, theoretical orientation of the clinician,
underemphasis on the external situation, insufficient validation & inaccurate
, data/premature evaluation
what is the definition of personality? - ANSWER set of unique traits & behaviors
that characterize an individual
what constitutes a personality disorder? - ANSWER chronic interpersonal
difficulties, problems with one's identity or sense of self, inability to function
adequately in society
what criteria is required for a person to be diagnosed with a personality disorder? -
ANSWER enduring pattern of behavior must be pervasive & inflexible, stable & of
long duration, must cause distress or impairment in functioning, and must be
manifested in at least two of the following: cognition, affectivity, interpersonal
functioning & impulse control
what personality disorders constitute cluster A? - ANSWER paranoid personality
disorder, schizoid personality disorder, schizotypal personality disorder
what are the characteristics of the personality disorders within cluster A? -
ANSWER display unusual behaviors such as distrust, suspiciousness, social
detachment & often come across as odd or eccentric
what is paranoid personality disorder? - ANSWER suspiciousness & mistrust of
others, tendency to see self as blameless, on guard for perceived attacks by others
what is schizoid personality disorder? - ANSWER impaired social relationships,
inability & lack of desire to form attachment to others, lack of social skills
what is schizotypal personality disorder? - ANSWER peculiar thought patterns,
oddities in perception & speech that interfere with communication & social
what personality disorders constitute cluster B? - ANSWER histrionic personality
disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder,
borderline personality disorder