Exam (elaborations)
California Barber Written Exam
California Barber Written
California Barber Written
California Barber Written Exam
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California Barber Written
California Barber Written
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What ais aa asteatoma? a- aSebaceous acyst aof asubcutaneous atumor afilled awith asebum
The acause aof aacne avulgaris ais a- aChronic ainflammation aof ahair afollicles aand aassociated asebaceous
aglands, a1. ahormone aassociated aincrease ain asebum aproduction aand aexcess akeratin aproduction ablock
afollicles, aforming acomedones
What aare alevels aof acolor a- aLightness ato adarkness
What ais aseborrhea? a- aSevere aoiliness aof athe askin
What ais aa asubjective asymptom afound aduring aa askin aanalysis? a- aInflamed askin
What aare asubjective asymptoms? a- aA asymptom aapparent ato athe aindividual aafflicted abut anot
aobservable aby aothers
Acid-balanced ashampoo a- aShampoo athat ais abalanced ato athe apH aof askin aand ahair a(4.5 ato a5.5)
Set aof athe ashears a- aThe amanner ain awhich athe ablades aand ashanks aof athe ashears aalign awith aeach
aother aand aare ajoined aat athe atension ascrew aor arivet
Highest aform aon adecontamination a- asterilization
Tinea afavosa a- a(tinea afavus) afungal ainfection acharacterized aby adry, asulfur-yellow, acup-like acrusts aon
athe ascalp acalled ascutula.
Good askin ahas aa abalance aof a- aOil aand awater
pH aof atemporary ahair acolor a- a3.5-4.5
Natural apH aof ahair a- a4.5-5.5
Sinusoidal acurrent ais aused aduring: a- ascalp aand afacial amanipulations
Sinusoidal acurrent ais a- aA asmooth, arepetitive aalternating acurrent; athe amost acommonly aused
aalternating acurrent awaveform, aused ain athe ahigh afrequency amachine aand acan aproduce aheat.
Four atypes aof amuscle atissue a- aepithelial, aconnective, amuscle, anerve
To ahone ais a- ato asharpen
The aaponeurosis ais afound aon awhat apart aof athe askull a- atop aof athe askull
Stages aof ahair agrowth a- aanagen, acatagen, atelogen
OSHA astands afor a- aOccupational aSafety aand aHealth aAdministration
What adoes aOSHA ado? a- aSets astandards afor aa asafe aand ahealthy aworkplace.
, MSDS a(Material aSafety aData aSheet) a- aProvides acommunication ato aworkers aregarding achemicals aused
ain athe aoffice
What ais athe ashoulder aof aa ablade? a- aback aedge aof athe arazor
Your aclient ahas asensitive, airritated, achapped aand ablistered askin a- aDo anot aproceed awith aa ashave
What aare athe athree alayers aof ahair? a- acuticle, acortex, amedulla
Alkaline asolutions ahave aa apH a- abetween a7 aand a14
Acid asolutions ahave aa apH a- abelow a7.0 a(neutral)
Alkaline asolutions a- aSoften, aswell athe ahair aand aopen athe acuticle
What adoes aa atail aend aof aa asurfactant ado a- aattracts adirt aand aoil aand arepels awater
When ado ayou anot aperform aa aface ashave? a- aWhen acuts, aabrasion, aand arash aare apresent
Three atypes aof anerves a- asensory, amotor, aautonomic
The agrind aof aa arazor arefers ato athe ashape aof athe: a- ablade
What ais athe agrind aof athe arazor? a- aThe ashape aof athe ablade aafter ait ahas abeen aground aThere aare a2
atypes aof arazor agrinds: aConcave aand aWedge
To aavoid adamage, amassage ashould abe adirected a- aTowards athe aorigin aof athe amuscle.
Origin afixed aattached
buccinator amuscle a- aThin, aflat amuscle aof athe acheek abetween athe aupper aand alower ajaw athat
acompresses athe acheeks aand aexpels aair abetween athe alips.
What abacteria agrows ain aclusters athat acauses aabcesses, apustules, aand aboils? a- astaphylococci
Petrissage a- aKneading amovement aperformed aby alifting, asqueezing, aand apressing athe atissue awith aa
alight, afirm apressure.
What atendon aconnects athe aepicranius amuscle a- athe aepicranial aaponeurosis
What ais aused aafter aa ahigh afrequency atreatment? a- aAlcohol abased atoner
Strand atest a- aDetermines ahow athe ahair awill areact ato athe acolor aformula aand ahow along athe aformula
ashould abe aleft aon athe ahair.
patch atest a- aa atest ain awhich aa asubstance ais aapplied atopically ato athe askin aon aa asmall apiece aof
ablotting apaper aor awet acloth
How along abefore aapplying apermanent ahair acolor ashould ayou aperform aa aP.D. atest a- a24-48 ahours
Name athe atypes aof acutting aedges aof athe ashears a? a- aConvex aand abeveled
Blood aspill aprocedure a- a-Put aon agloves a
-Clean aarea awith aantiseptic