AMFTRB Exam MFT Set 2 Quiz with __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
correct Answers. __., __.,
Medical Family Therapy A psychoeducational model in which clients
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with medical problems and their families are treated by a team including
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physicians , allied health care professionals , and mental health profession
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
als . __.,
Family Typologies A way of classifying families which illustrates mem
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bers ' similarities and differences , and which may quickly enable the ther
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apist to identify therapeutic goals . For example , the Beavers -
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
Timberlawn model classifies families as centripetal or centrifugal .
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Multiple Family Therapy Therapy with several families with similar pr
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oblems . Originated by Peter Laqueur , this model uses techniques from t
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
raditional therapy , psychodrama and encounter groups while working with
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multiple families , simultaneously .
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Bilateral Pseudo - Therapy From symbolic -
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experiential therapy , the tendency in some families for family members
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
to be therapists to one another . Therapists demand that the therapy be
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.
turned over to them , asserting that the family has failed in its efforts at
, __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
self - therapy . ( See Battle for Structure & Battle for Initiative )
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
Circumplex Model A graphic model for observing and assessing famili
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es designed by Olson , which measures the family's levels of cohesion an
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
d adaptability . Families with too much cohesion tend to function as enm
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
eshed , and those with too little can be disengaged . Too much adaptabil
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
ity can result in excessive and unpredictable change , while too little can
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
,result in rigidity and failure to transition through the life cycle Healthy fa
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
milies will be balanced , having neither too much nor too little of either
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
quality . Olson's evaluation tool , FACES is used to apply the Circumplex
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
Model to family assessment .
__., __., __., __.,
Therapeutic Certificates From narrative therapy , certificates given to
__., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
the client or family announcing the client's victory over the problem , whi
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
ch he / she shows to others and reviews , if he / she again feels the ef
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
fects of the problem .
__., __., __., __.,
Subjective Units of Discomfort ( SUDS ) __., A scale used by behavioral t
__., __., __., __., __., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
herapists on which the client's rate their level of anxiety to a stimulus or
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., _
situation .
_., __.,
Sexual Dysfunction An impaired physiological response preventing a p
__., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
erson from full sexual functioning .
__., __., __., __., __.,
Restraining Techniques From MRI strategic , a paradoxical therapeutic
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technique used when the family seems ambivalent about changing . The t
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herapist warns the family of the dangers of change , restrains them from
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trying to change , or asks them to change slowly . Thus , the therapist
., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
aligns with the side of the ambivalence that resists change so that the fa
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
mily will align with the side that wishes to change .
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
Psychology From contextual theory , what happens within a person s
__.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
uch as thoughts , fantasies , emotions , and the meanings that he / she
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.
ascribes to the Facts of his / her life .
, __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
,Multigenerational Transmission Process In Bowenian family therapy , t __., __., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
he process by which roles , patterns , emotional reactivity , and family st
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
ructure are passed from one generation to another . Poorly differentiated
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
individuals tend to marry one another and over several generations produ
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
ce offspring who are increasingly less differentiated and as a result suffer
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
from severe mental disorders including schizophrenia .
__., __., __., __., __., __.,
Visitor From solution -
__.,__., __., __., __.,
focused therapy one of three ways to characterize the client's level of p
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
articipation and commitment to change . A visitor does not bring a specif
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
ic problem to therapy and does not have a commitment to participating
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
productively in treatment . __., __., __.,
Behavioral Parent Training ( BPT ) A program for training parents in
__., __., __., __., __., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
use of contingency management to modify or extinguish unwanted behavio
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
rs and reinforce desirable behaviors in children . - Rules & Org . -
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
Clear instructions -Proix ' fund lach , -Ignore " bod behaver -
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
Charts & pts systems
__., __., __., __.,
Circularity ( Circular Causality ) The notion held by the Milan system
__., __., __., __., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
ic group that causality in families cannot be thought of as a simple , sing
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
le cause and effect relationship ( linear causality ) . Instead , events , be
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
haviors , and inter actions are seen in a more complex way , as mutually
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
influencing one another ( feedback loops ) . Each is the effect of a prio
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r cause and in turn influences future behaviors . Family system events cre
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ate an endless ( and beginning -
__., __., __., __., __., __.,
less ) circular chain . In this model it is meaningless to identify an indiv
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
idual as having caused or started a problem . Instead , all elements of th
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
e problem coexist and are reciprocally reinforcing . The problem could not
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
be maintained if any one element were to be removed .
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
, Concurrent Couples Therapy Couples therapy in which one therapist
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works with both spouses at different times .
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Binuclear Family Families in which the parents are divorced , have r
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emarried , and formed two intact nuclear families .
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
Third - __.,
Order Change for a
__., Gregory Bateson's term for a dramatic transfor
__., __., __., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
mation in thinking . ( See First - Order Change and Second -
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
Order Change ) Temp Shift in system dyn . 7 change the rules of the sy
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
stem . __.,
Suprasystem A higher - __.,__., __., __., __.,
level system , such as a community , in which other systems are compo
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
Social Constructivist Family Therapy
__., A group of postmodern therapeut __., __., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __.,
ic approaches based on the concept that reality is an intersubjective phen
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
omenon that is constructed in conversation . The theories have been refer
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
red to as : postmodern , collaborative , constructivist , narrative , reflexiv
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
e , and second order cybernetic . Reality Constructed through lang .
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
Sacrifice Intervention A closing statement in a Milan systemic ( early
__., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __
Milan ) session that includes a statement of paradox . The person with t
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he symptom is characterized as being in the service of the homeostasis .
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This intervention tends to overcome resistance by causing a rebellion agai
, __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
nst the symptom .
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