SSCP Exam Review Questions With
Correct Answers 2024
How vmany vyears vof vexperience vare vrequired vto vearn vthe vAssociate vof v(ISC)2
A. vZero v
B. vOne v
C. vTwo
D. vFive v- vcorrect vanswer.[Security vFundamentals]
A. vYou vdon't vneed vto vmeet vthe vexperience vrequirement vto vearn vthe vAssociate vof v(ISC)2
vdesignation, vso v zero v years vof vexperience vare vrequired. vThe vSSCP vcertification v requires
vone v year vof vdirect vfull-time vsecurity v work vexperience. vIf v you vearn vthe vAssociate vof
v(ISC)2 vdesignation, v you vhave vtwo v years vfrom vthe vdate v (ISC)2 vnotifies v you vthat v you
vhave vpassed vthe vSSCP vexam vto vobtain vthe v required vexperience vand vapply vto vbecome
va vfully v certified vSSCP v(which v includes vsubmitting vthe vrequired vendorsement vform). vThe
vCISSP vcertification vrequires vfive v years vof vexperience.
What vare vthe vthree velements vof vthe vsecurity vtriad?
A. vAuthentication vauthorization, vand vaccounting v
B. vConfidentiality, vintegrity, vand vavailability
C. vIdentification, vauthentication, vand vauthorization
D. vConfidentiality, vintegrity, vand vauthorization v- vcorrect vanswer.[Security vFundamentals]
B. vThe vCIA vsecurity vtriad vincludes vthree vfundamental vprinciples vof vsecurity vdesigned vto
vprevent vlosses vin vconfidentiality, vintegrity, v and vavailability. vAuthentication,
vauthorization, vand vaccounting vare vthe vAAAs vof vsecurity, vand videntification,
vauthentication, vand vauthorization vare vrequired vfor vaccountability, vbut vthese vare vnot vpart
vof vthe vCIA vsecurity v triad.
Who vis vresponsible vfor vensuring vthat vsecurity vcontrols vare vin vplace vto vprotect vagainst
vthe vloss vof vconfidentiality v integrity, v or vavailability vof vtheir vsystems vand vdata? v
A. vIT vadministrators
,B. vSystem vand vinformation vowners
D. vEveryone v- vcorrect vanswer.[Security vFundamentals]
B. vSystem vand vinformation vowners vare vresponsible vfor vensuring vthat vthese vsecurity
vcontrols vare v in vplace. vIT vadministrators vor vother vIT vsecurity vpersonnel vmight vimplement
vand vmaintain vthem. vWhile vit vcan vbe vargued vthat vthe vChief vExecutive vOfficer v(CEO) vis
vultimately v responsible vfor vall vsecurity, vthe vChief vFinancial vOfficer v is vresponsible vfor
vfinances, vnot vIT vsecurity. v Assigning vresponsibility v to veveryone vresults vin vno vone vtaking
You vare vsending van ve-mail vto va vbusiness vpartner vthat vincludes vproprietary vdata. vYou
v want vto vensure vthat vthe vpartner vcan vaccess vthe vdata vbut vthat vno vone velse vcan. vWhat
vsecurity vprinciple vshould v you vapply?
A. vAuthentication v
B. vAvailability
C. vConfidentiality
D. vIntegrity v- vcorrect vanswer.[Security vFundamentals]
C. vConfidentiality vhelps vprevent vthe vunauthorized vdisclosure vof vdata vto vunauthorized
vpersonnel, vand v you vcan venforce vit v with vencryption vin vthis vscenario. vAuthentication
vallows va vuser vto vclaim van v identity v (such vas v with va vusername) vand vprove vthe videntity
v(such vas v with va vpassword). vAvailability v ensures vthat vdata v is vavailable v when vneeded.
vIntegrity v ensures vthat vthe vdata vhasn't vbeen vmodified.
Your vorganization vwants vto vensure vthat vattackers vare vunable vto vmodify vdata vwithin va
vdatabase. vWhat vsecurity v principle vis vthe vorganization vtrying v to venforce?
A. vAccountability v
B. vAvailability
C. vConfidentiality
D. vIntegrity v- vcorrect vanswer.[Security vFundamentals]
D. vIntegrity vensures vthat vdata vis vnot vmodified, vand vthis vincludes vdata vwithin va vdatabase.
vAccountability v ensures vthat vsystems videntify vusers, vtrack vtheir vactions, vand vmonitor
vtheir vbehavior. vAvailability vensures vthat vIT vsystems vand vdata vare vavailable v when
vneeded. vConfidentiality v protects vagainst vthe vunauthorized vdisclosure vof vdata.
An vorganization vwants vto vensure vthat vauthorized vemployees vare vable vto vaccess
vresources vduring vnormal vbusiness vhours. vWhat vsecurity vprinciple v is vthe vorganization
vtrying v to venforce?
A. vAccountability v
B. vAvailability
C. vIntegrity
,D. vConfidentiality v- vcorrect vanswer.[Security vFundamentals]
B. vAvailability vensures vthat vIT vsystems vand vdata vare vavailable vwhen vneeded, vsuch vas
vduring vnormal vbusiness vhours. vAccountability vensures vthat vusers vare vaccurately
videntified vand vauthenticated, vand vtheir vactions vare vtracked v with vlogs. vIntegrity v ensures
vthat vdata vis vnot vmodified. v Confidentiality v protects vthe vunauthorized vdisclosure vof vdata
vto vunauthorized vusers.
An vorganization vhas vcreated va vdisaster vrecovery vplan. vWhat vsecurity vprinciple vis vthe
vorganization vtrying v to venforce? v
A. vAuthentication
B. vAvailability
C. vIntegrity
D. vConfidentiality v- vcorrect vanswer.[Security vFundamentals]
B. vAvailability vensures vthat vIT vsystems vand vdata vare vavailable vwhen vneeded. vDisaster
vrecovery vplans vhelp van vorganization vensure vavailability vof vcritical vsystems vafter va
vdisaster. vUsers vprove vtheir videntity v with vauthentication. vIntegrity v provides vassurances
vthat vdata vand vsystems vhave vnot vbeen vmodified. v Confidentiality v protects vagainst vthe
vunauthorized vdisclosure vof vdata.
Your vorganization vhas vimplemented va vleast vprivilege vpolicy. vWhich vof vthe vfollowing
vchoices vdescribes vthe vmost vlikely v result vof vthis vpolicy? v
A. vIt vadds vmultiple vlayers vof vsecurity.
B. vNo vsingle vuser vhas vfull vcontrol vover vany vprocess.
C. vUsers vcan vonly vaccess vdata vthey vneed vto vperform vtheir vjobs.
D. vIt vprevents vusers vfrom vdenying vthey vtook van vaction. v- vcorrect vanswer.[Security
C. vThe vprinciple vof vleast vprivilege vensures vthat vusers vhave vaccess vto vthe vdata vthey
vneed vto vperform vtheir v jobs, vbut vno vmore. vDefense vin vdepth vensures van vorganization
vhas vmultiple vlayers vof vsecurity. vSeparation vof vduties vensures vthat vno vsingle vuser vhas
vfull vcontrol vover vany vprocess. v Non-repudiation vprevents vusers vfrom vdenying v they vtook
van vaction.
Your vorganization vwants vto vimplement vpolicies vthat vwill vdeter vfraud vby vdividing vjob
vresponsibilities. vWhich vof vthe vfollowing v policies vshould vthey v implement? v
A. vNonrepudiation
B. vLeast vprivilege
C. vDefense vin vdepth
D. vSeparation vof vduties v- vcorrect vanswer.[Security vFundamentals]
, D. vSeparation vof vduties vhelps vprevent vfraud vby vdividing vjob vresponsibilities vand
vensuring vthat vno vsingle vperson vhas vcomplete vcontrol vover van ventire vprocess.
vNonrepudiation vensures vthat vparties vare vnot vable vto vdeny vtaking van vaction. vThe
vprinciple vof vleast vprivilege vensures vthat vusers vhave vonly vthe vrights vand vpermissions
vthey vneed vto vperform vtheir vjobs, vbut vno vmore. v Defense v in vdepth vprovides va vlayered
vapproach vto vsecurity.
Which vone vof vthe vfollowing vconcepts vprovides vthe vstrongest vsecurity?
A. vDefense vin vdepth v
B. vNonrepudiation v
C. vSecurity vtriad
D. vAAAs vof vsecurity v- vcorrect vanswer.[Security vFundamentals]
A. vDefense vin vdepth vprovides va vlayered vapproach vto vsecurity vby vimplementing vseveral
vdifferent vsecurity vpractices vsimultaneously vand vis vthe vbest vchoice vof
the vavailable vanswers vto vprovide vthe vstrongest vsecurity. vThe vsecurity vtriad
v(confidentiality, v integrity, v and vavailability) v identifies vthe vmain v goals vof vsecurity.
vNonrepudiation vprevents van v individual vfrom vdenying v that vhe vor vshe vtook van vaction. vThe
vAAAs vof vsecurity v are vauthentication, vauthorization, vand vaccounting.
Which vof vthe vfollowing vwould va vfinancial vinstitution vuse vto vvalidate van ve-commerce
A. vNonrepudiation v
B. vLeast vprivilege v
C. vAuthentication
D. vSignature v- vcorrect vanswer.[Security vFundamentals]
A. vDigital vsignatures vused vby vsome vonline vinstitutions vto vvalidate vtransactions vand
vprovide vnonrepudiation. vLeast vprivilege vensures vthat vusers vhave vonly vthe vrights vand
vpermissions vthey vneed vto vperform vtheir vjobs, vand vno vmore. vAuthentication v verifies va
vuser's videntity. vA v written vsignature v is vnot vused vin ve-commerce.
What vare vthe vAAAs vof vinformation vsecurity?
A. vAuthentication, vavailability, vand vauthorization v
B. vAccounting, vauthentication, vand vavailability v
C. vAuthentication, vauthorization, vand vaccounting
D. vAvailability, vaccountability, vand vauthorization v- vcorrect vanswer.[Security
C. vThe vAAAs vof vinformation vsecurity vare vauthentication, vauthorization, vand vaccounting.
vAvailability v is vpart vof vthe vCIA vsecurity v triad v(confidentiality, vintegrity, vand vavailability),
vbut vit vis vnot vpart vof vthe vAAAs vof vinformation vsecurity.