CSI CDT Exam With Correct Questions And
Answers 2024
Owner y- ycorrect yanswer.Principle ystakeholder y- yinitiates yproject, yassumes yrisk, yprovides
AHJ y- yAuthorities yHaving yJurisdiction y- ycorrect yanswer.Protect ypublic yhealth, ysafety yand
Design yTeam y- ycorrect yanswer.Address yplanning yissues, ydetermine ydesign yprogram,
yidentify ycodes yand yregulations, yproduce yprocurement yand yconstruction ydocuments,
yadminister yconstruction ycontract, y*provide yQA/QC yprocedures*
Contractor yTeam y- ycorrect yanswer.Entity ythat yconstructs ya yfacility. yUses ymanagement
yabilities yto ygather ylabor yforces, ysubs, yand ymaterial/product/equipment ysuppliers
Supplier yTeam y- ycorrect yanswer.Furnishes ythe ymaterials yand yproducts yfor ythe yfacility yto
ybe yconstructed. yFabricator, yDistributor, yManufacturer, ySupplier.
Facility yLife yCycle y- ycorrect yanswer.The ylife ycycle yof ya yfacility, yfrom yconcept ythrough
yconstruction yto yuse yand yeventual ydeconstruction. y
Project yConception
Project yDelivery
Construction yDocuments
Procurement y(Bidding/Negotiating/Purchasing)
Facility yManagement
Project yConception y- ycorrect yanswer.Transforms ythe yneeds yof yowner yinto yclear yconcept
yon ywhich yproject ycan ybe ydesigned. yFeasibility yStudy, yProgramming, ySite ySelection,
Project yDelivery y- ycorrect yanswer.Determine ydelivery ymethod yto ybe yused. yFactors y-
yqualifications, yexperience, ycapacity, yproject yextent, ytime yrequirements.
Design y- ycorrect yanswer.Two yPhases: yschematic ydesign yand ydesign ydevelopment.
yDeliverables yinclude ygraphic yand ywritten ydesign ydocuments yand yestimates yof yproject
, Schematic yDesign y- ycorrect yanswer.Overall yrelationships yand yfunctions. ySite yplan yand
yarea, ygeneral ysize/shape/massing yof yelements, yelevations yand yexteriors yestablished,
yconceptual ydesign ycriteria yidentified. y
Deliverables y- yschematic ydrawings, yprobable ycost, ypreliminary yschedules
Design yDevelopment y- ycorrect yanswer.Technical yissues yof yconstructibility yand
yintegration yof ysystems yand ycomponents. y
Deliverables y- yTech yinformation, youtline yspecifications, yupdated yschedule, yupdated ycost
Construction yDocuments y- ycorrect yanswer.Defined yas ythe ywritten yand ygraphic
ydocuments yprepared yor yassembled yby ythe yA/E yfor ycommunicating ythe yproject ydesign
yfor yconstruction yand yadministering ythe yconstruction ycontract. yConstruction ydocuments
yinclude ytwo ymajor ytypes yof ydocuments: yProcurement ydocuments yand yContract
Procurement y(Bidding/Negotiating/Purchasing) y- ycorrect yanswer.Acceptance yof ythe
ycontractor's ybid yor ynegotiated ysum yand yother yconditions ywill yresult yin yaward yof ya
ycontract yand ycommencement yof ywork.
Construction y- ycorrect yanswer.Responsibilities:
Contractor y- yperform ywork, yproject ycoordination, ycomply ywith yproject ydocuments.
A/E y- yconstruction yadmin, yevaluation yservices, ycertify yapplication yfor ypayment, yfinal
yinspection yof ywork. y
Owner y- yprovide yinformation, yprocess ypayments, yapprove ycontract ymodifications,
yaccept yproject yupon ycompletion.
Facility yManagement y- ycorrect yanswer.During yoccupancy, yowners y& yfacility ymanagers
ymaintain yand yevaluate ythe yperformance yof ythe yproject yand ydetermine ysuitability yfor
ycontinuing yuse.
OmniClass y- ycorrect yanswer.A ymulti-table yinformational yframework yfor yorganizing
yinformation yused yby ythe yarchitectural, yengineering, yand yconstruction yindustry.
UniFormat y- ycorrect yanswer.Uniform yclassification ysystem yfor yorganizing ypreliminary
yconstruction yinformation yinto ya ystandard yorder yor ysequence yon ythe ybasis yof ysystems yor
yassemblies. yParticularly yuseful yin yconceptual ydesign. yElement yIdentification.
MasterFormat y- ycorrect yanswer.Arranges yrelated yconstruction ypractices, ylogical
ygroupings yof ywork yresults, yinto ya yseries yof ydivisions. y50 ydivision yformat. yUsed yfor
ySpecifications, ydata yorganization, yand ycost yclassification.
MasterFormat yGroups y- ycorrect yanswer.00 yProcurement yand yContracting yRequirement