CHMM Exam Study Guide With Correct
Questions And Answers 2024
P2 d- dcorrect danswer.Pollution dPrevention, dthe dhighest dpriority dis dsource dreduction, dthe
dmost deffective dP2 dactivity dis dproduct dmodification dto davoid dsolvent duse
PDCA d- dcorrect danswer.Plan, dDo, dCheck, dAct d(P2)
HAP d- dcorrect danswer.Hazardous dAir dPollutant
MACT d- dcorrect danswer.Maximum dAchievable dControl dTechnology
TSDF d- dcorrect danswer.Transport, dStorage, dDisposal dFacility, dis drequired dto dhave da
dwaste dtracking dprogram, da dtraining dplan, darrangements dwith demergency dresponders,
dan demployee donsite dat dall dtimes
NPDES d- dcorrect danswer.National dPollution dDischarge dElimination dSystem
SWPPPs d- dcorrect danswer.Stormwater dpollution dprevention dplans
Waste dManagement dHierarchy d- dcorrect danswer.1. dPrevent dor dreduce d2. dRecycle d3.
dTreat d4. dDispose dor dotherwise drelease
AEA d- dcorrect danswer.Atomic dEnergy dAct
RCRA d- dcorrect danswer.Resource dConservation dand dRecovery dAct, dcovers dgeneration
dof dhaz dwaste, dtransportation dof dhaz dwaste, dUSTs, dand dnon-haz dsolid dwaste
ALARA d- dcorrect danswer.As dLow dAs dReasonably dAchievable d(AEA)
LDRs d- dcorrect danswer.Land dDisposal dRestriction d(RCRA), dmeant dto dminimize dpost-
closure descape dof dwaste, dreduces dthe dvolume dof dhaz dwaste ddisposal, dencourages
MTRs d- dcorrect danswer.Minimum dTechnology dRequirements d(RCRA), dincluding dliner
drequirements, dleak ddetection dand dcollection drequirements, dgroundwater dmonitoring
CAMU d- dcorrect danswer.Corrective dAction dManagement dUnit d(RCRA), dneeds dto dassess
denvironmental dand dhealth drisks, dif dit dwill denhance dthe dtimeliness dof dremediation, dwill
,dminimize dthe dland dutilized dfor dfinal ddisposal, dwill dprovide dexpeditious dimplementation dof
dsite dremedies
TU d- dcorrect danswer.Temporary dUnit d(RCRA)
RI d- dcorrect danswer.Remedial dInvestigation
CMS d- dcorrect danswer.Corrective dMeasures dStudy d(RCRA)
IM d- dcorrect danswer.Interim dMeasures
RFI d- dcorrect danswer.RCRA dFacility dInvestigation
SWMU d- dcorrect danswer.Solid dWaste dManagement dUnit d(RCRA)
HSWA d- dcorrect danswer.Hazardous dand dSolid dWaste dAmendments d(expanded dRCRA)
CA d- dcorrect danswer.Corrective dAction d(HSWA), drequires didentification dof dall dSWMUs
don da dsite dbefore dissuance dof da dPart dB dpermit, da dcomprehensive dgroundwater
dmonitoring dprogram, dcan drequire dclean-ups doutside da dfacilities dboundary, dprovide dfor
dtemporary dtreatment dunits, dhas dan dadditional dsection din da dfinal dpermit drequiring dfurther
dsite dclean-ups
Used dOil d- dcorrect danswer.Arsenic d(5 dppm dmax), dCadmium d(2 dppm dmax), dChromium
d(10ppm dmax), dLead d(100 dppm dmax), dTotal dHalogens d(4000 dppm dmax), dFlash dpoint
d(100oF dminimum)
NIOSH d- dcorrect danswer.National dInstitute dof dOccupational dSafety dand dHealth,
dconducts dresearch din doccupational dsafety dand dhealth, ddevelop dcriteria das da dbasis dfor
dnew dstandards, dprovides deducation, dmanpower ddevelopment dand dtraining don dhealth
dand dsafety dequipment, denforces doccupational dhealth dand dsafety dguidelines.
TLV d- dcorrect danswer.Threshold dLimit dValue
Ceiling dValue d- dcorrect danswer.An dabsolute dvalue dwhich dcannot dbe dexceeded d(no
Nucleus d- dcorrect danswer.The dcenter dof dan datom dmade dup dof da dproton dand da dneutron
Ionization d- dcorrect danswer.the dremoval dof delectrons dfrom dan delectrically dneutral datom
TDS d- dcorrect danswer.Time, dDistance, dShielding d(ways dto dreduce dexposure dto
, Alpha dparticle d- dcorrect danswer.Slowest, dlargest dradioactive dparticle. dMost ddestructive dif
dinhaled dor dingested. dCan dbe dstopped dby dpaper/tyvek. dMade dup dof da dproton dand
Beta dparticle d- dcorrect danswer.Can dbe dstopped dby dplastic/aluminum dfoil. dCan dtravel dup
dto dfour dfeet dfrom dsource. dMade dup dof dan delectron.
Half-lives dto dget dto d12.5% dof doriginal dradionuclide d- dcorrect danswer.Three. d100 d(one) d50
d(two) d25 d(three) d12.5
Toxin d- dcorrect danswer.any dsubstance dthat dwill dproduce da dharmful deffect dwhen
dintroduced dto dthe dbody din dsufficient dconcentrations, dcreates da dtoxic deffect dwhen da
dmechanism dis davailable dto dallow da dbiochemical dreaction dat da dreceptor dsite din dthe dtarget
LD50 d- dcorrect danswer.Lethal ddose d50%
Potentiation d- dcorrect danswer.not da dtoxin d(for da dparticular dtarget dorgan) dthat din
dcombination dwith da dtoxin, denhances dthe dtoxins deffect
COI d- dcorrect danswer.Chemical dof dInterest d(CFATS)
DHS d- dcorrect danswer.Department dof dHomeland dSecurity d(US dCoast dGuard, dUS dSecret
dService, dTransportation dSecurity dAdministration d(TSA), dUS dCustoms dand dBorder
dProtection d(CBP)
CSAT d- dcorrect danswer.Chemical dSecurity dAssessment dTool, dwhich dassesses dsecurity
Site dSecurity dPlan d- dcorrect danswer.Secure dsite dassets, dDeter, dDetect, dDelay, dScreen
dand dcontrol daccess.
Vulnerability dInformation d- dcorrect danswer.Should donly dbe davailable dto dthose dwho d"need
dto dknow" d(CFATS)
Respirator dFit dFactors d- dcorrect danswer.Half-mask d10, dFull dFace d50, dSupplied dAir d(w/o
degress dbottle) d1000, dSCBA d10000
Level dA dPPE d- dcorrect danswer.Full dbody dencapsulating dsuit, dSCBA, dDermal dprotection
29CFR1910.132(h)(2) d- dcorrect danswer.Does dNOT drequire dan demployer dto dpay dfor dnon-
specialty dsafety dtoe dfootwear
29CFR1910 d- dcorrect danswer.OSHA dGeneral dIndustry dStandard
29CFR1926 d- dcorrect danswer.OSHA dConstruction dStandard