AMFTRB MFT Exam Set 2/2 | Questions & Answers (100 %Score) Latest Updated
2024/2025 Comprehensive Questions A+ Graded Answers | With Expert Solutions
Therapeutic Certificates - ✔✔From narrative therapy , certificates given to the client or family
announcing the client's victory over the problem , which he / she shows to others and reviews , if he /
she again feels the effects of the problem .
Subjective Units of Discomfort ( SUDS ) - ✔✔A scale used by behavioral therapists on which the client's
rate their level of anxiety to a stimulus or situation .
Sexual Dysfunction - ✔✔An impaired physiological response preventing a person from full sexual
functioning .
Restraining Techniques - ✔✔From MRI strategic , a paradoxical therapeutic technique used when the
family seems ambivalent about changing . The therapist warns the family of the dangers of change ,
restrains them from trying to change , or asks them to change slowly . Thus , the therapist aligns with
the side of the ambivalence that resists change so that the family will align with the side that wishes to
change .
Psychology - ✔✔From contextual theory , what happens within a person such as thoughts , fantasies ,
emotions , and the meanings that he / she ascribes to the Facts of his / her life .
Multigenerational Transmission Process - ✔✔In Bowenian family therapy , the process by which roles ,
patterns , emotional reactivity , and family structure are passed from one generation to another . Poorly
differentiated individuals tend to marry one another and over several generations produce offspring
who are increasingly less differentiated and as a result suffer from severe mental disorders including
schizophrenia .
Visitor - ✔✔From solution - focused therapy one of three ways to characterize the client's level of
participation and commitment to change . A visitor does not bring a specific problem to therapy and
does not have a commitment to participating productively in treatment .
Behavioral Parent Training ( BPT ) - ✔✔A program for training parents in use of contingency
management to modify or extinguish unwanted behaviors and reinforce desirable behaviors in children .
- Rules & Org . -Clear instructions -Proix ' fund lach , -Ignore " bod behaver - Charts & pts systems
,Circularity ( Circular Causality ) - ✔✔The notion held by the Milan systemic group that causality in
families cannot be thought of as a simple , single cause and effect relationship ( linear causality ) .
Instead , events , behaviors , and inter actions are seen in a more complex way , as mutually influencing
one another ( feedback loops ) . Each is the effect of a prior cause and in turn influences future
behaviors . Family system events create an endless ( and beginning - less ) circular chain . In this model it
is meaningless to identify an individual as having caused or started a problem . Instead , all elements of
the problem coexist and are reciprocally reinforcing . The problem could not be maintained if any one
element were to be removed .
Concurrent Couples Therapy - ✔✔Couples therapy in which one therapist works with both spouses at
different times .
Binuclear Family - ✔✔Families in which the parents are divorced , have remarried , and formed two
intact nuclear families .
Third - Order Change for a - ✔✔Gregory Bateson's term for a dramatic transformation in thinking . ( See
First - Order Change and Second - Order Change ) Temp Shift in system dyn . 7 change the rules of the
system .
Suprasystem - ✔✔A higher - level system , such as a community , in which other systems are
Social Constructivist Family Therapy - ✔✔A group of postmodern therapeutic approaches based on the
concept that reality is an intersubjective phenomenon that is constructed in conversation . The theories
have been referred to as : postmodern , collaborative , constructivist , narrative , reflexive , and second
order cybernetic . Reality Constructed through lang .
Sacrifice Intervention - ✔✔A closing statement in a Milan systemic ( early Milan ) session that includes a
statement of paradox . The person with the symptom is characterized as being in the service of the
homeostasis . This intervention tends to overcome resistance by causing a rebellion against the
symptom .
, Quantitative Research - ✔✔A research method that emphasizes experimentation , large samples , data
collection , statistical analysis , objectivity , and verification . Quantitative research is typically used to
test hypotheses ( confirmatory research ) .
Primary Reinforcer - ✔✔From the operant conditioning paradigm , biologically determined reinforcers
such as food and sex .
Parallel ( or Good Faith ) Contract - ✔✔From behavioral marital therapy , a contract in which the
behavior of each partner is not contingent on the other . ( The husband agrees to take out the garbage
even if his wife does not make the bed . )
Entropy - ✔✔From general systems theory , the measure of disorder in a system that occurs without
imposed controls and inputs . A family functioning randomly might be considered highly entropic .
Negentropy - ✔✔From general systems theory , the measure of organization in a system . A well -
organized system would have high levels of negentropy ..
Metaframeworks Model - ✔✔A conceptually wide - ranging integrative model that addresses six core
domains of human experience : organization , sequences , develop ment , culture , gender , and internal
processes . Each person and family has the capacity to interact positively and harmoniously unless they
are being constrained . The therapist considers the contribu tions of gender , ethnicity , class , religion ,
education , or regional background in the development of constraints . The goal is to release constraints
, not to focus on deficits .
Multi - Partiality ( Plurality ) - ✔✔From social constructivist , Hoffman the therapist's stance in which he
/ she strives to positively regard each person's point of view , even ones that are repugnant to the
therapist or to society , in order to find the meaning behind behaviors , actions , and events .
Operant Conditioning - ✔✔A behavioral learning paradigm in which a naturally occurring response is
reinforced , increasing the probability that it will be repeated . ( See Positive Reinforcement , Negative
Reinforcement , & Punishment ) ( Parlor )
Equifinality - ✔✔A cybernetic principle , which states that a similar outcome may result from many
different initial events . For example , depression may be caused either by biochemical imbalances or
traumatic life experiences . Similor outcome - Diff.evento