a people - ✔✔ANSW✔✔A people is any plurality of persons considered as a whole.
Used in politics and law it is a term to refer to the collective or community of an ethnic
group, a nation, to the public or common mass of people of a polity. As such it is a
concept of human rights law, international law as well as constitutional law, particularly
used for claims of popular sovereignty.
misled - ✔✔ANSW✔✔/mɪsˈled/
введенный в заблуждение
past simple and past participle of mislead
Don't be misled by the cases which are easy to spot.
Second, we are not so easily misled to think that their large parts must be neatly
missive - ✔✔ANSW✔✔официальное письмо, послание
mitigate - ✔✔ANSW✔✔make less severe, serious, or painful:
"he wanted to mitigate misery in the world"
lessen the gravity of (an offense or mistake):
"there had been a provocation that mitigated the offense to a degree"
Emergency funds are being provided to help mitigate the effects of the disaster.
mor·i·bund [ˈmôrəˌbənd] - ✔✔ANSW✔✔(of a person) at the point of death:
"on examination she was moribund and dehydrated"
dying · expiring · on one's deathbed · near death · near the end · at death's door ·
breathing one's last · fading/sinking fast · not long for this world · failing rapidly · on
one's last legs · in extremis
(of a thing) in terminal decline; lacking vitality or vigor:
"the moribund commercial property market"
declining · in decline · on the decline · waning · dying · stagnating · stagnant · decaying
· crumbling · atrophying · obsolescent · on its last legs
,mortar - ✔✔ANSW✔✔миномет
mosey on - ✔✔ANSW✔✔сматываться
to walk or go slowly, usually without a special purpose:
I'll just mosey on down to the beach for a while.
mundane - ✔✔ANSW✔✔мирской, земной
mundane - ✔✔ANSW✔✔обыденный, скучный
muster - ✔✔ANSW✔✔собирать
She managed to muster the courage to ask him to the cinema.
nefarious - ✔✔ANSW✔✔бесчестный; нечестный, низкий; гнусный, мерзкий, подлый,
noose - ✔✔ANSW✔✔петля, аркан
objectionable - ✔✔ANSW✔✔неприятный, нежелательный
obsequious - ✔✔ANSW✔✔подобострастный, раболепный, угодливый
odious - ✔✔ANSW✔✔гнусный, ненавистный, низкий, отвратительный, противный
opine - ✔✔ANSW✔✔высказывать мнение, полагать, считать; давать
профессиональное заключение
to express an opinion:
[ + speech ] Power grows from the barrel of a gun, opined Mao.
[ + that ] Ernest Rutherford opined that his work on radioactive substances would be of
little or no practical use.
ordeal - ✔✔ANSW✔✔суровое испытание
outback - ✔✔ANSW✔✔малонаселенная местность
outlandishly - ✔✔ANSW✔✔причудливо
outline - ✔✔ANSW✔✔обозначить
Outlining - ✔✔ANSW✔✔Обрисовывать план в общих чертах, очертить ситуацию
overwhelmed - ✔✔ANSW✔✔подавленный, сокрушенный
,With no signs of abatement, city police and fire departments are overwhelmed.
Без каких либо признаков борьбы полиция города и пожарные департаменты
paddy wagon - ✔✔ANSW✔✔автозак
paean - ✔✔ANSW✔✔ода
pander - ✔✔ANSW✔✔потворствовать, угождать, потакать
paramount - ✔✔ANSW✔✔первостепенный, важнейший, доминирующий, наиболее
maintaining initiative and strategic actions were of paramount importance
parsimonious - ✔✔ANSW✔✔скупой, жадный
not willing to spend money or use a lot of something
pegged - ✔✔ANSW✔✔привязанный, искусственно поддерживаемый
an arrangement that fixes a price, currency, etc. at a particular level:
The government removed the currency from its peg against the dollar.
perched - ✔✔ANSW✔✔взгромоздившийся, высоко сидящий
to be in a high position or in a position near the edge of something, or to put something
in this position:
The village is perched on top of a high hill.
perilous - ✔✔ANSW✔✔опасный, рискованный
peripeteia - ✔✔ANSW✔✔The English form of peripeteia is Peripety. Peripety is a
sudden reversal dependent on intellect and logic. Aristotle defines it as a change by
which the action veers round to its opposite, subject always to our rule of probability or
pervasive - ✔✔ANSW✔✔распространяющийся, проникающий, пропитывающий,
abase - ✔✔ANSW✔✔унизить, унижать
abating - ✔✔ANSW✔✔затихание, уменьшить
formal UK /əˈbeɪt/ US /əˈbeɪt/
to become less strong:
The storm/wind/rain has started to abate.
The fighting in the area shows no sign of abating.
, abhorrent - ✔✔ANSW✔✔вызывающий отвращение
ablaze - ✔✔ANSW✔✔горящий, пылающий, в огне
able-bodied - ✔✔ANSW✔✔крепкий, здоровый, трудоспособный
abode - ✔✔ANSW✔✔Жилище, обиталище, дом
abrogate - ✔✔ANSW✔✔отменять, аннулировать to abolish
abscond - ✔✔ANSW✔✔скрываться от правосудия
accord - ✔✔ANSW✔✔согласовывать, соответствовать/согласие, договорённость
Everyone prefers and chooses in accord with his nature.
On 31 May the two leaders signed a peace accord.
The project is completely in accord with government policy.
A vague murmur of accord rose from around the table.
accost - ✔✔ANSW✔✔приставать, обращаться
US /əˈkɑːst/ UK /əˈkɒst/
to go up to or stop and speak to someone in a threatening way:
I'm usually accosted by beggars and drunks as I walk to the station.
accost - ✔✔ANSW✔✔приставать, обращаться, заговаривать
If you're not stepping in human feces, you're being accosted for money
UK /ˈæk.jə.mən/ US /əˈkjuː.mən/ - ✔✔ANSW✔✔проницательность,
сообразительность, хватка
skill in making correct decisions and judgments in a particular subject, such as business
or politics:
She has considerable business/financial acumen.
adjudicate - ✔✔ANSW✔✔судить; решать, выносить решение (по-поводу чего-л.)
adjudicated - ✔✔ANSW✔✔вынесено решение.
One high-profile war crimes case was adjudicated while two others are ongoing.
admonish - ✔✔ANSW✔✔предостерегать, увещевать
aggrandize - ✔✔ANSW✔✔увеличивать, возвеличивать
He asserted that the whole plan of worship was a clever scheme to aggrandize the
Paradise Sons.