ART 334 BUS 334 || Already Passed.
1. What is the terminal degree in studio arts? correct answers MFA
2. What are the two types of art career? correct answers Commercial art and fine art
3. What is the main difference between commercial art & fine art? correct answers Commercial
art you work for someone else, sold before, follow demands. Fine art you work for your self,
have creative freedom, sold after less predictable income.
4. What are some of the different fields in commercial art? correct answers Illustration, graphic
design, commercial photography, animation
5. What are some of the different media in fine art? correct answers Land art, painting, drawing,
photography, performance art, video art, conceptual art
6. In general, is it better for an artist to stick to a specific style? correct answers yes
7. What type of documentation does an artist need? correct answers Artist statement, visual
documentation, resume
8. What is an artist statement? correct answers One paragraph to one page. Basic themes,
medium, technique, inspiration, meaning
9. What does an artist resume include that a general resume would not include? correct answers
Exhibitions, group and solo, articles and collectors
10. Where will an artist post his/her documentation? correct answers on the web
11. Can you name a top art magazine? correct answers Fiber arts, art news, hi fructose
12. What percentage of your time should you spend on marketing yourself? correct answers
About 50%
13. What are some of the traditional ways artists can show their work? correct answers Galleries,
competitions, street fairs, non-art places
14. What is an artist agent? correct answers Manages your career by creating documentation and
publicizes you for a fee.
15. What are some of the untraditional ways artists can show their work? correct answers Street
art, performance art in public, back of rental truck, direct sales online, auction house
16. Which untraditional way is on the rise and growing? correct answers Auction house
17. Can artists usually support themselves entirely through their art? correct answers no
, 18. Can you give an example of commercial artwork in film, TV or stage? correct answers Set
painting and prop construction
19. What is art restoration? correct answers Repairing artwork
20. What are grants? correct answers Award or gift given by an agency to an individual
21. What grant is more coveted by artists: a fellowship or a project grant? correct answers
22. What are the three legal steps you should do to start your art business? correct answers Get a
fictitious business name, a business license and business bank account with the FBN
23. How do you price your work? correct answers By recent sales, comparison with similar
works or similar artists, and rice of labor and materials
24. What can the two purposes of a bill of sale be? correct answers Record the transaction and
legal contract
25. What can be included in the contractual part of a bill of sale? correct answers Basic info,
three copies (1 to buyer—2 for artists sales file and client file), copy right, warranty for defects,
right to use artwork in a show, and disclosure of future resale.
26. What would be some of the art-making income? correct answers Sales, grants, awards,
27. Can travel expenses be included in art-making expenses? correct answers yes
28. When filing taxes, can an artist declare losses indefinitely? correct answers No only for 3
29. What is a "catalogue raisonné"? correct answers a list of all of the artwork the artist has done
during their lifetime. Includes title date and description
30. Who are the key players that make an artist successful? . correct answers The collector, art
dealer, museum curator and art critic
31. Which art critic built Jackson Pollock's career and fame? correct answers Clement Greenburg
32. Can you name some of top-ranked artists? correct answers Grancis alys, erin
wurm, George baselitx, ed ruscha, cindy Sherman, Gerhard richter
1. What are some of the different types of galleries? correct answers Commercial galleries,
alternative galleries, college galleries, coop galleries, online galleries