Allergic Disorders NUR 195 chapter 38
two types of IgE mediated allergic reaction - correct answer ✔✔*atopic and nonatopic disorder
underling immunoglic reactions are same but the predisposing factors and manifestations are different
*reaction time varies and range from minutes to hours
*symptoms*: vary from local reaction to the life-threatening systemic resposne of anyaphylaxis.
*two types* of reactions:*Atopic and nonatopic*
*atopic*: hereditary : production of local eaction to IGe antibiodies
manifest as : allergic rhinitis, astha, atopic dematitis/eczema
*nonatopic*: disorders lack genetic and organ specific of atopic
anaphylaxis - correct answer ✔✔*clinical response*to an inmmediate type 1 hypersensitity immunolic
reaction between a specific antigen and an antibody
results from rapid release of Ige mediated chemicals, (can induce severe-life threatening allergic
,*Patho*: anaphylaxix occrs when bodys immune system produces specific Ige antibodies toward a
substance that normal nontoxic *i.e*
When person 1st ingest peant no physcial reaction....anbidoies produces for that specific subastance and
anibodies stored in immune system for future exposure
if ingested again body release *HISTAMINE* large amounts can cause *flushing, urticaria, angioedema,
hypotension and bronchostriciton*
*clinical manifestiations*: mild systemic reactins peripheral tingling and sensatin of warmth, sensations
of fullness in mouth and throat. Nasal congestion, peiorbital swelling, pruiritus, sneezing, and tearing of
the eyes
moderate: flushing, warmth, anxiety, itching
serious: bronchospasm and edema airways larynx, cough, and wheezing
mild/moderate: 2 hours of exposure to usually show
*systemic changes*: within seconds or minutes to show: symptoms usually show shock: progress rapidly:
bronchospasm, laryngeal edema, severe dyspnea, cyanosis, hypotension,*dysphagia, abdom cramp,
*monitor* continual assessment R/R and pattern, o2 sat, breathing difficulties, abnormal lung sounds
and monitor hemodynamic stability: pulse rate and rhythm, and blood pressure
*prevention* strict avoidance of potential allergens
insect bites: avoid populated areas, use appropritate clothing, insect repellent and caution to avoid
further stings
, if impossible carry epipen
food allergies, insect bites, meds or those who experinces allergies should always carry epipen...if used
only last 10-15 minutes...should go straight to ER!!!
first aid devie that delivers premeasured dos
clinical manifestiations - correct answer ✔✔activation of Ige and rlease of chemical mediators: *feeling
of doom/fright*
*Histamine release:*
*sweating, sneezing, SOB, nasal pruritus, urticarcia, and angioedeam (swelling of deep dermins of SQ or
sumucosal tisues) nasal mucosal edema, profuse watery rhinorrhea, itching, nasal congestion
increased vascuar permeability, subsequent decrease in peripheral resistance and leakage of plasma
*hypotension, shock, and possible cardiac arrhythimia*
inreased capillary permeability and mast cell degranulation
*edema of uppe respiratory tract, resulting in hypopharyngeal and laryngeal obstruction*
Bronchilole smooth muscle contraction and increaed mucus production
*hoarsness, stridor, wheezing, and accessory muscles use*
smooth muscle contraction of intestines and bladder
*severe stomach cramps, nausea, diarrhea, urinary urgency and incotinence
anaphylaxis patho focus - correct answer ✔✔1. response to antigen: *IgM and IgG recognize and bind
the antigen*