The community is the _____ in community health nursing - ANSWER client
community based nursing focus of care - ANSWER individuals; families
community based nursing activities - ANSWER Illness care: Management of acute and chronic conditions
in settings where individuals, families, and groups live, work, and "attend" (schools, camps, prisons)
community oriented nursing focus of care - ANSWER at-risk individuals, families, groups; community
Community oriented nursing activities - ANSWER Health care: Determining health needs of a community,
and intervening at the individual, family, and group level to improve the collective health of the
Respect for autonomy (definition) - ANSWER Individuals select those actions that fulfill their goals
Respect for autonomy (situation) - ANSWER Respecting a client's right to self-determination
(making a decision not to pursue chemotherapy)
Nonmaleficence (definition) - ANSWER No harm is done when applying standards of care
Nonmaleficence (situation) - ANSWER Developing plans of care that include a system for monitoring and
evaluating outcomes
Beneficence (Definition) - ANSWER Maximize possible benefits and minimize possible harms.
,beneficence (Situation) - ANSWER Assessing risks and benefits when planning
Distributive Justice (definition) - ANSWER Fair distribution of the benefits and burden in society is based
the needs and contributions of its members
Distributive Justice (situation) - ANSWER Determining eligibility for health care services based on income
and fiscal resources
Incidence calc - ANSWER Number of new cases in the population at a specific time ÷ population total x
1,000 = _____ per 1,000
Prevalence calc - ANSWER Number of existing cases in the population at a specific time ÷ population
total x 1,000 = _____ per 1,000
Crude Mortality rate - ANSWER Number of deaths ÷ population total x 1,000 = _____ per 1,000
Infant mortality rate - ANSWER Number of infant deaths before 1 year of age in a year ÷ numbers of live
births in the same year x 1,000 =_____ per 1,000
Attack rate - ANSWER Number of people exposed to a specific agent who develop the disease ÷ total
number of people exposed
An epidemic is when - ANSWER the rate of disease exceeds the usual level of the condition in a defined
The agent is the - ANSWER animate or inanimate object that causes the disease
The host is the - ANSWER living being that is affected by the agent.
,The environment is the - ANSWER setting or surrounding that sustains the host
(Epidemiological) Susceptible Host factors - ANSWER age, gender, genetics, ethnicity, immunological
status, physiological state, occupation
Epidemiological factors physical environment - ANSWER geography, water/food supply, presence of
Epidemiological factors social environment - ANSWER access to health care, high-risk working conditions,
Epidemiological agents - ANSWER chemical (drugs, toxins) physical (noise, tempurature) Infectious
agents (Viruses, bacteria)
Barriers to learning in community education programs - ANSWER age, cultural barriers, poor reading and
comprehension skills, language barriers, barriers to access, and lack of motivation
Behavioral theory - - ANSWER Use of reinforcement methods to change learners' behaviors
Cognitive theory - - ANSWER Use of sensory input and repetition to change learners' patterns of thought,
thereby changing behaviors
Critical theory - - ANSWER Use of ongoing discussion and inquiry to increase learners' depth of
knowledge, thereby changing thinking and behaviors
Developmental theory - - ANSWER Use of techniques specific to learners' developmental stages to
determine readiness to learn, and to impart knowledge
Humanistic theory - - ANSWER Assists learners to grow by emphasizing emotions and relationships and
believing that free choice will prompt actions that are in their own best interest
, Social learning theory - - ANSWER Links information to beliefs and values to change or shift the learners'
Visual learners learn through "seeing" and methods such as - ANSWER note taking, video viewing, and
presentations. These learners "think in pictures."
Auditory learners learn through "listening" and methods such as - ANSWER verbal lectures, discussion,
and reading aloud. These learners "interpret meaning while listening."
Tactile-kinesthetic learners learn through "doing" and methods such as - ANSWER trial and error, hands-
on approaches, and return demonstration. These learners gain "meaning through exploration."
First step in developing community health education plan - ANSWER Identify population specific learning
National health goals are - ANSWER derived from scientific data and trends collected during the prior
decade. These goals are based on those issues that are considered major risks to the health and wellness
of the United States' population
In Community-based nursing VS Community-oriented nursing, community-based nursing involves -
ANSWER management of acute and chronic conditions of individuals and individual families in a
community setting
In Community-based nursing VS Community-oriented nursing, community oriented nursing involves -
ANSWER health care of individuals, families, and groups (like a "class lesson") to improve the collective
health of the community
the ethical principle of fidelity - ANSWER involves keeping commitments and following through with
the ethical principle of respect
for autonomy - ANSWER is supporting the rights of individuals to determine and pursue personal health
care goals