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58 Multiple choic e questions
A 58 year-old patient sees the pr ovider for confusion and l oss of memor y. The pr ovider
diagnoses the p atient with earl y onset stages of Alzheimer 's disease with dementia. What ICD- 10-
CM codes are report ed?
G30.0, F02.80, F29, R41.3
F02.80, G30.0
G30.0, F02.80
F02.80, G30.0, F29, R41.31 of 58
Patient with coronary arterioscl erosis disease ( CAD) sees his cardiologist to discuss a coronary
artery bypass graft (CABG) . This will be the p atient' s first CABG. What ICD- 10-CM code is
report ed?
I25.7202 of 58 Definition
A patient is seen in the ED for having unpr otected se xual intercourse a few months prior . She
recentl y found out that the individual she was with has HIV. She is only being tested for HIV. What
ICD- 10-CM code(s) is/are report ed?
B20, Z71.7
B203 of 58
Patient is admitt ed to the hospit al with s treptococcal group B severe sepsis which has caused
pneumonia. What codes are assigned ?
A40.1, J15.3, R65.20 (guidel ine I. C.1.d.4 if the r eason for admission is both sep sis or severe
sepsis and a localized inf ection , such as pneumonia or cellulitis, a code for the s ystemic
infection is assigne d first, followed by the code for the l ocalized inf ection. )
A41.9, R65.21
A40.1, J15.3
A41.9, J15.3, R65.214 of 58
A 33 year-old patient visits his primar y care provider to discuss lap band pr ocedur e for his
morbid obesity . His caloric int ake is in excess of 4,000 calories per day and his BMI is currently
45. What ICD- 10-CM code(s) is/are report ed?
E66.01, Z68.42
E66.01, Z68.45
E66.3, Z68.455 of 58 Definition
Referencing ICD- 10-CM guidel ine I.C.6.b.1.a., when shoul d a code from categor y G89 be report ed
as a first-listed diagnosis?
Whene ver it is document ed
When the p ain control or pain mana gement is the purpo se of the enc ount er
Only within the first 72 hour s of continuou s pain
When the p ain is chronic6 of 58
A 65 year-old femal e patient returns to her primar y care provider for follow up of an upper
respir atory infection diagnosed the pr evious week. Her condition has not impr oved and her
cough has increased. She has a long his tory of smok ing. She currently smok es one p ack a day and
is dependent on the cigar ettes. She uses a broncho dilator for her COPD . The pr ovider changes
her antibiotics to treat her acute bronchitis with COPD . What ICD- 10-CM codes are report ed for
this visit?
J44.0, Z72.0
J44.0, J20.9, F17.210
J44.0, J21.9, F17.210
J44.9, J20.9, Z72.07 of 58
The p atient was given thrombol ytic therapy for an acute my ocardial infarction ( STEMI) of the
anterolateral wall which converted to a NSTEMI. What ICD- 10-CM code is report ed?
I22.08 of 58 Definition
PREOPER ATIVE DIA GNOSIS: Bil ateral profound sensorineur al hearing l oss.
POSTOPER ATIVE DIA GNOSIS: Bil ateral profound sensorineur al hearing l oss.(Report the
postoper ative diagnosis. )
1. Placement of left Nucl eus cochl ear impl ant.
2. Facial nerve monit oring for an hour .
3. Micr oscope use .
ANES THESIA: Gener al.
INDIC ATIONS: This is a 69-year-old woman who has had pr ogressiv e hearing l oss (The diagnosis
is document ed as the indica tion for the sur gery.) over the last 10-15 years. Hearing aids are not
useful for her. She is a candida te for cochl ear impl ant by FDA standar ds. The risks, bene fits, and
alternatives of procedur e were described to the p atient, who voiced under standing and wished
to proceed.
PROCEDURE: After properl y identifying the p atient, she was taken to the main oper ating r oom,
wher e gener al anes thetic was induced. The table was turned to 180 degr ees and a standar d left-
sided pos t auricul ar shave and injection of 1% lidocaine pl us 1:100,000 epinephrine was
performed. The p atient was then pr epped and draped in a sterile fashion after placing facial
nerve monit oring pr obes, which were tested and found to work well. At this time, the pr eviousl y
outlined incision l ine was incised and flaps were elevated. A subt empor al pock et was designed in
the usual fashion for placement of the device. A standar d cortical mastoidect omy was then
performed and the fascial recess was opened e xposing the area of the round windo w niche . The
lip of the round windo w was drilled down e xposing the round windo w membr ane. At this time, the
wound was copiousl y irriga ted with b acitracin containing sol ution , and the device was then
placed int o the pock et. A 1-mm cochl eostomy was made, and the device was insert ed int o the
cochl eostomy with an advance-o ff stylet technique . A smal l piece of tempor alis muscl e was
packed around the cochl eostomy, and the wound was closed in l ayers using 3-0 and 4-0
Monocr yl and Steri-Strips. A standar d mas toid dressing was applied. The p atient was returned to
anes thesia , wher e she was awakened, e xtubated, and taken to the recovery room in s table
What diagnosis code(s) are report ed?
Dx #1:
E10.40, J01.909 of 58