Category 1B insect management Iowa
Commercial applicator - ANS person who uses pesticide on any property of
another person for payment
Public Applicator - ANS persons who use pesticide as state, county, municipal,
or government employees
Non-commercial applicators - ANS persons who apply restricted use pesticides
on land owned, rented, or leased by applicator
Private applicators - ANS persons who apply pesticides for the production of an
agricultural commodity on property owned by themselves or employers
Certified handlers - ANS persons employed by a licensed commercial applicator
who handle pesticides under supervision of a qualified applicator
Certification and recertification requirements for Iowa pesticide applicators - ANS
Must be employed by company that is licensed in pest control
21 day grace period from day of initial employment to meet certification
Recertification - 3 year qualification cycle. Test every third year or attending
approved continuing instruction courses (CIC) every year for EACH category you
are certified.
CICs offered on calendar year basis. CICs cannot be made up if you forget and
you cannot attend 2 in one year to count for future years
,what agency regulates pesticide use in the US - ANS Environmental protection
Summarize pesticide registration and re-registration - ANS FIFRA requires EPA
to regulate sale and use of pesticides through registration and labeling.
Registration decisions based on human and environmental health impact.
Inconsistent use with label instructions is illegal
EPA constantly reviews older pesticides to compare with new findings to
conclude if they are still safe
Understand the penalties for violations of FIFRA - ANS Civil penalties as much as
Criminal penalties up to $25000, one year in prison, or both.
FIFRA - ANS Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
Passed in 1947. Regulates production, transportation, sale, use, and disposal of
all pesticides.
FFDCA - ANS Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
Residues can remain on food, measured in ppm, ppb, or ppt
EPA sets allowable residue levels (tolerances) under FFDCA. Reasonable
certainty of no harm.
FQPA - ANS Amended both FIFRA and FFDCA setting tougher standard for
pesticides used on food.
Established single health based standard to be used when assessing risks of
pesticide in food. Dietary exposure and non-occupational exposure.
residue - ANS The amount of pesticide remaining in or on raw farm products or
,Tolerance - ANS maximum amount of pesticide that may legally remain in or on
raw farm product intended for consumption
Describe who is protected by the WPS - ANS Worker Protection Standard
Aimed at reducing risk of poisonings, injuries, and exposure to ag workers and
Protects workers on farms, forests, nurseries, and greenhouses from
occupational exposure to pesticides.
Explain how ESA relates to pesticides - ANS Endangered Species Act
Program for the conservation of endangered plants and animals and their
Pesticides affect endangered and threatened species through runoff and drift.
12 species in Iowa protected - 7 animal, 5 plant
Summarize RCRA - ANS Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
EPA controls hazardous waste from "cradle to grave."
Generation, transportation, treatment, storage, and disposal.
List the requirements of pesticide applicator records - ANS Commercial, public,
and noncommercial need records of applied pesticides for 3 years after date of
Pesticide records must include - ANS Name and certification number of the
Name and address of the landowner or customer
Address of the place of application of a restricted use pesticide
Date of pesticide application
Trade name of pesticide product used
Quantity of pesticide product used and the concentration or rate of application
, Temperature and direction and velocity of the wind at the time
Use of restricted pesticides
Time pesticide application begins and ends
Describe the Sensitive Crop Directory - ANS Registry that identifies locations of
pesticide-sensitive crops and apiaries throughout Iowa.
Listed are those most susceptible to drift damage.
Examples - vineyards, orchards, organic crops, fruits and vegetable crops
Describe the Iowa Bee Rule - ANS Cooperation between beekeepers and
applicators to prevent killing of bees.
Apiary owners register their location with state.
Between 8 am and 6 pm an applicator shall NOT apply a pesticide labeled as toxic
to bees or blooming crops when within 1 mile of registered apiary.
List the notification requirements for urban pesticide applicators - ANS
Applicators within urban areas must post signs at start of application and display
for at least 24 hours.
Prenotification - any person asked to be notified must be provided notification in
writing, in person, or by phone stating the time of application at least 1 day before
Summarize the Iowa atrazine management rules - ANS Atrazine is a restricted
use pesticide due to ground and surface water concerns.
Use limitations
Limited to 2.5 lbs or less of active ingredient per acre per calendar year
23 counties with 1.5 lbs or less restriction
Not mixed or loaded within 100 ft of sinkhole, well, lake, etc.
Not applied within 50 ft