Neurofibroma A benign tumor most commonly on the tongue; can be
on the lateral border of tongue. This tumor is derived
from nerve tissue.
MRSA Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus-is a strain
of the staph bacteria that lives on 20-30% of the
population but does not cause infection in all who are
colonized with it. MRSA resides on the skin and in the
nasal passage, and once you contract a MRSA staph
infection it can be very difficult to eradicate the bacteria.
MRSA antibiotics Many antibiotics can be used to treat this condition.
Look for any of these: vancomycin, linezolid, bactrim,
septra, tetracycline, minocycline, doxycycline, and
Prednisone Delayed wound healing, poor healing, with increased
risk of infection. This medication affects the immune
Ultrasonic insert with
plastic tipsCan be used with implants for removal of calculus. Also,
titanium and plastic hand instruments can be used on
Oraqix duration Approximately 20 minutes.
Hutchinson's Incisors Congenital syphillus- notched incisal edges on incisors,
also mulberry molars- tiny globules of enamel instead of
cusps on first molars.
Class I Occlusion (Mesognathic)-normal; mesiobuccal cusp of the
maxillary first molar is positioned in the buccal groove
of the mandibular first molar. Maxillary canine occluded
with the distal half of the mandibular canine and the
mesial half of the mandibular first premolar.
Class II Occlusion (Retrognathic) buccal groove of the mandibular first
permanent molar is distal go the mesiobuccal cusp of
the maxillary first permanent molar by at least the width
of a premolar. Distal portion of the maxillary canine is
mesial to the mesial portion of the mandibular canine
by at lease the width of a premolar.
Division I-retruded mandible with one or more maxillary
anterior teeth protruded facially.
Division II- retruded mandible with one or more
maxillary anterior teeth inclined lingually. Class III Occlusion (Prognathic) Buccal groove of the mandibular first
permanent molar is mesial to the mesiobuccal cusp of
the maxillary first permanent molar by at lease the width
of a premolar. Mesial portion of the maxillary canine is
distal to the distal surface of the mandibular canine by
the width of a premolar.
Arch development Each dental arch goes through phases of development
as the permanent teeth erupt and the primary teeth are
During this time, the ramus and body of the jaw
develops and undergoes lengthening and horizontal
growth to achieve its mature form and accommodate
the larger permanent teeth.
Leeway space This difference in size, mesiodistally between the two
types of teeth. The contour of the bone covering the
narrower roots of the premolars, in addition to the state
of flux of the bone formation in this area, furnishes
adjustment for dental arch measurements, making the
middle segment of the arches important architecturally.
Leeway space allows the future forward movement of
the permanent molars.
The canine relationship
between the arches in
primary teeth is the same
as:As that of the permanent dentition.
Terminal plane The ideal molar relationship in the primary dentition,
when in centric occlusion.
Flush terminal plane In which the primary maxillary and mandibular second
molars are in an end ‑ to ‑ end relationship.
Mesial step In which the primary mandibular second molar is mesial
to the maxillary second molar.
Distal step In which the primary mandibular second molar is distal
to the maxillary second molar, is not an ideal molar
relationship in the primary dentition and thus is not a
type of terminal plane relationship.
Primate spaces Within a primary dentition, primate spaces may occur
between the primary teeth; a space is noted between
the maxillary lateral incisor and the canine, and
between the mandibular first molar and canine.
The most common
occlusion related OMD is:Tongue thrusting, which is the functional deviations
occurring with habitual incorrect placement and use of the tongue, lips, and mandible during physiological rest,
chewing, swallowing, and/or functional speech
considerations-mandibleThe mandible may be more retruded during
development in these situations or when a
parafunctional habit, such as digit sucking, is present
due to the excessive pressures of the thumb or hand
resting against the mandible or the increased muscle
activation of the mentalis muscle to help support an
incompetent or everted lower lip pattern.
frenumAnother issue is the length of the lingual frenulum. If the
lingual frenulum is restricted, as with ankyloglossia, it
limits the possibility of creating appropriate pressure
against the maxillary arch for normal expansion.
Scalloped tongue Indentations in the lateral border; harmless.
Macroglossia Large tongue.
Hairy tongue Elongation of filiform papillae (dorsum) clean tongue.
Hairy leukoplakia Lateral border, white, corrugated lesions, associated
with HIV, Epstein Barr virus.
Geographic tongue Benign, inflammatory condition, irregular patches look
like map.
Anemia Impaired O2 delivery, 1st pale tongue, flattening of
filiform papillae, finally painful and red.
Fissured tongue Associated with xerostomia, clean tongue.
Cyst of Blandin-Nuhn Accessory salivary glands on ventral surface, cyst
develops from trauma.
Median Rhomboid
GlossitisRaised, red, glossy, slanted rectangular shape on
dorsum due to Candida albicans infection.
Granular Cell Tumor Benign tumor, granular tissue, circumscribed.