CESSWI is qualified to preform what inspections? - ANSWER
Construction, post construction, industrial, MS4
Clean Water Act year of creation and intent of law - ANSWER 1972,
enacted to restore and maintain the physical, bio, chem integrity of
the waters of the US
CWA Section 402 - ANSWER Est. NPDES System, originally focused
on industrial process waste water and POTW
CWA Section 404 - ANSWER regulated impacts to waters of the US,
typically associated with a 401 certification
CWA Section 401 - ANSWER Regulates water quality impacts and
state cert systems, required permit issued by a federal agency for
any activity that may discharge a pollutant, Applies heavily in
industrial sites
CWA Section 303 - ANSWER Establishes Water quality standards
Stormwater discharge definition - ANSWER stormwater runoff,
snow melt runoff, and surface runoff/drainage
To be subject to NPDES rules, stormwater must: - ANSWER be in a
discernible conveyance
Definitions of waters of the US - ANSWER All waters used in
interstate or foreign commerce, including those subject to tidal flows
o All interstate waters, including interstate wetlands
o All INTRAstate lakes, rivers, streams (intermittent also), mudflats,
sand flats, wetlands, sloughs, prairie potholes, wet meadows, playa
,lake, or natural ponds that the destruction of which would affect
interstate/foreign commerce including those which:
Could be used for recreational or other purposes
From which shellfish or fish could be retrieved and sold
Could be used for industrial purposes
o All impoundments of water defined by waters of the US by the
o Tributaries of the waters defined above
o The territorial sea
o Wetlands adjacent to any of the waters defined above
Beneficial Uses definition - ANSWER Uses necessary for the
survival of and well-being of people, plants, and wildlife
Water quality standards definition - ANSWER state or tribal
requirements that define the water quality goals of a lake stream or
other wateerbody by designation the benefical uses and setting
criteria to protect those uses
Section 303d - ANSWER est a process for states, territories, and
tribes to i.d. impaired waters, also referred to as water quality limited
TMDL - ANSWER id's the amount of a specific pollutnant that may be
dicharged to a water body, states are responsible for implementing
Waste load allocations - ANSWER allocations of pollutant loadings
to point sources
TMDL Implementation - ANSWER Define waste load allocation,
develop implementation plan to connect allocations and permits,
translate allocations to permit conditions.
Origin of NPDES stormwater regs - ANSWER NURP studies showed
stormwater had many of the same qualities of commercial, industrial
, NPDES Phase I and II regs implemented via - ANSWER General
permits for a group of similar dischagers such as consutruction
industry, industrial, utilities
Individual permits for a single entity, facility or project
Phase I NPDES Permits ID'd as: - ANSWER Industrial activity
Construction activity <5 acres
Cities over 100k population
Phase II NPDES Permits ID'd as: - ANSWER Construction activity 1 -
5 acres
Cities 10k - 100k population
commercial, retail, light industrial, institutional
updated industrial and const. general permits
Phase II impletmented MS4 requirements - ANSWER SWMP with 6
Develop measurable program goals
Evaluate effectivness
6MCMs - ANSWER Public education/outreach
Public participation and involvement
Const. site runoff control
post-construction runoff control
pollution prevention/good housekeeping
Components of Permit Compliance - ANSWER NOI