CBMT Exam Study Terms
ableism - ANSthe prejudice and negativity that result in undervaluing the abilities and humanity
of those whose bodies or minds function different from the majority of the population
Alzheimer's disease - ANSa progressive, degenerative disease with insidious onset,
characterized by multiple cognitive deficits and significant decline in functioning
Asperger's syndrome - ANSone type of autism spectrum disorder that is no longer being applied
as a specific diagnosis, but shares characteristics of social pragmatic communication disorders
auditory discrimination - ANSthe ability to hear similarities and differences between sounds
auditory motor match - ANSthe process whereby awareness of sound results in a movement or
response, and a cognitive connection is made
autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) - ANSa neurological condition that is characterized by
difficulties in communication, social, and emotional behavior, often involving limited and
repetitive patterns and functionality for individuals with this condition
autonomic nervous system (ANS) - ANSthe web of nerves and ganglia, divided into
parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems, that control and regulate involuntary
behavioral disorder - ANSa problem in social behavior that is sufficiently extreme as to interfere
with the learning process (often emotional disorder is considered)
Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (BM-GIM) - ANSa method of transformational
therapy that uses selected pieces of classical music as catalysts for visual imagery that is
shared by the listener with a trained facilitator
child life specialists - ANSprofessionals working primarily in medical settings for the benefit of
children and families, by providing play and diversional activities, as well as preparation for
medical procedures, to help them deal with the stress of hospitalization and to enhance their
communication disorder - ANSa disability which is characterized by the difficulty in or inability to
process, send, transfer, or comprehend thought
cultural humility - ANSan approach to multiculturalism applied to healthcare and other fields,
with an orientation to others that emphasizes their cultural identities, as defined by those
, dementia - ANSa set of symptoms characterized by deterioration in cognitive functioning,
particularly memory, abstract thinking, judgment, and problem solving
developmental disability - ANSa severe, chronic, mental, or physical impairment (or set of
impairments) originating in childhood, resulting in significant functional limitations in behavior,
learning, language, and/or physical development
entrainment - ANSsynchronization of behavior, mood, or physiological response to an external
evidence-based practice - ANSthe use of the most up-to-date and valid research for making
clinical decisions
existential therapy - ANSa system of psychotherapy emphasizing the search for meaning and
constructing meaning from difficult or challenging life experiences
fine motor dexterity (coordination) - ANSthe use of small muscles for reaching, grasping, and
manipulating objects
forensic psychiatry - ANSthe branch of psychiatry devoted to legal problems and infractions of
law that concerns competency to stand trial, rehabilitation, and treatment of offenders
gerontology - ANSthe study of aging, characteristic behaviors of older adults, and conditions
associated with the late life
gestalt therapy - ANSa system of psychotherapy which emphasizes the individuals lived
experience in the moment, based on self-responsibility and the ability to self-regulate
hospice - ANSa setting for terminally ill individuals that provides services by an interdisciplinary
team, with spiritual and emotional support and medical care, in preparation for end of life
Huntington's disease - ANSa genetic disorder, affecting the central nervous system and causing
involuntary movements and contortions; subtle problems with mood and cognition may be
inclusion - ANSthe concept referring to placing children with special needs in the classroom with
peers of the same age, and importing support and prescribed related services to that classroom
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) - ANSa written plan of instruction for each child with special
needs, which includes statements of present functioning, long- and short-term goals and
objectives, required services and related information