PECT PreK-4 All Modules
Explicit instruction - ANSDirect, skill-based, holistic, in context, developmentally appropriate,
student centered and directed
Formative assessment - ANSprovides ongoing feedback, identifies strengths, weaknesses, and
target areas, low stakes, addresses problems immediately
Summative assessment - ANSevaluates learning at the end of a unit and compares it against
some standard or benchmark, high stakes, (midterm, final, paper)
Scaffolding - ANSPromotes deeper level of learning, support tailored to needs of student
(modeling, coaching) that is gradually removed
Inquiry-based learning - ANSposes questions, problems or scenarios - rather than simply
presenting established facts; assisted by a facilitator
Assessment anchors - ANStools to better align curriculum, instruction, and assessment
LEA (Language Experience Approach) - ANScombines all 4 language skills, aids fluency,
centered around learner generated text.
Step 1) A shared experience, 2) creating the text, 3) read and revise, 4) read and reread, 5)
Receptive language - ANSthe ability to understand or comprehend language heard or read
Expressive language - ANSbeing able to put thoughts into words and sentences that make
sense and are grammatically accurate
Family systems theory - ANS(Dr. Murray Bowen) individuals cannot be understood in isolation
from one another, but rather as a part of their family, which is an emotional unit
Constructivist Approach - ANSthe learner is an active participant in building understanding and
knowledge. Use hands-on exploration with concrete materials. Realistic and relevant learning
situations. Uses scaffolding
Alphabetic principle - ANSthe understanding that the letters used in writing represent the
component sounds in spoken words
Informal assessment - ANSSometimes referred to as criterion referenced measures.
Performance is not being evaluated against established standards or rubrics, not data driven.
, Content and performance driven. (anecdotal notes, teacher observations, running records,
rubric scores, etc.) Used to inform instruction.
Formal assessment - ANSAssess overall achievement, compare student performance with
others at their grade or rangeHave data which support the conclusions made from the test
(standardized measures). Use statistics. Data is mathematically computed and summarized.
Scores are percentiles, stanines, or standard scores.
Diphthong - ANSa sound made by combining two vowels, specifically when it starts as one
vowel sound and goes to another (oy in oil). Refers to two adjacent vowel sounds occurring
within the same syllable.
Phonological awareness - ANSStudent should be able to recognize and use rhyme, break
words into syllables, blend phonemes into syllables and words, identify the beginning and
ending sounds in a syllable, and see smaller words within larger words ("cat" in "catalog").
Phonemic awareness - ANSStudent will demonstrate the ability to hear rhyme and alliteration,
find the different sound in a set of words, and blend and segment phonemes
Complex morpheme - ANSa morpheme that contains a lexical morpheme (words that have
meaning by themselves) and at least one grammatical morpheme (function to specify the
relationship between two lexical morphemes). (ex. strong irregular verbs like swim, swam,
Inflected endings - ANSa subcategory of suffixes that indicate tense and number. To apply these
rules, students will need an understanding of consonant and vowel patterns in the base word
Criterion-referenced tests - ANSDetermines whether each student has achieved specific skills or
concepts, how much they know before instruction begins and after it ends, measures specific
curricular skills expressed as instructional objectives, each skill is tested by at least 4 items,
each individual is compared with a preset standard for acceptable achievement (performance of
others is irrelevant), score is expressed as a percentage.
Norm-referenced tests - ANSRank each student respective to achievement of others in broad
areas of knowledge, discriminates between high and low achievers, each individual is compared
with other examinees and assigned a score expressed as a percentile, grade equivalent score,
or a stanine.
Prosody - ANSthe defining feature of expressive reading, comprises all the variables of timing,
phrasing, emphasis, and intonation that speakers use to convey meaning and make their
speech lively.
Responsive listening - ANSsaying what you feel you heard the other person say. Listening with
the intent of understanding, instead of replying. Enhances the ability to: obtain information,