BSEP Study Words for AFCT 2023;192 Words that you
should study along with synonyms for the AFCT.
abashed (adj)
embarrassed, ill at ease, disconcerted
Synonyms: shaken up, humiliated, rattled, upset
abyss (n)
something very deep ( usually a feature of land), empty space
Synonyms: chasm, gorge, hollow
advisable (adj)
worthy of being recommended or suggested
Synonyms: appropriate, sensible, desirable, prudent, commendable, judicious, sound,
affluent (adj)
Synonyms: loaded, opulent, prosperous, rich, stinking rich, upper class, upscale, well-
affront (n)
an insult
Synonyms: abuse, backhanded compliment, indignity, offense, outrage, provocation,
alcove (n)
a small recess opening off a larger room
Synonyms: niche, nook, cubbyhole
alleged (adj, v)
asserted , often doubtful
Synonyms: declared, questionable, suspect
allure (n, v)
Synonyms: attraction, charisma, charm, enchantment, enticement, glamor, lure,
seductiveness, temptation
amplify (v)
increase in size or effect
Synonyms: augment, enlarge, intensify
antipathy (n)
strong dislike, disgust
Synonyms: abhorrence, animosity, antagonism, hatred, hostility, ill will, loathing
antiquity (n)
old object
Synonyms: antique, relic, ruin, out-moded
applicable (adj)
Synonyms: fitting, germane, pertinent, relevant, suitable, useful
arrogant (adj,n)
having exaggerated self-opinion
, Synonyms: bossy, bragging, conceited, egotistic, pompous
assertion (n)
the act of affirming or asserting or stating something
Synonyms: statement, affirmation, declaration
assess (v)
evaluate, determine
Synonyms: appraise, estimate, judge
assuage (v)
soothe, relieve
Synonyms: appease, calm, ease, lighten, pacify, placate, satisfy
atoll (n)
coral island
Synonyms: isle, reef
attentive (adj)
concentrating, considerate
Synonyms: alert, interested, mindful
authentic (adj)
real, genuine
Synonyms: accurate, actual, original
belittle (v)
to put down; to speak of contemptuously
Synonyms: underestimate, insult, criticize, impugn, condescend, patronize, scorn
belligerent (adj, n)
Synonyms: aggressive, combative, fierce, fighting, hostile, hot-tempered, mean,
pugnacious, quarrelsome, warlike
benefactor (n)
donor, patron
Synonyms: altruist, contributor, humanitarian, philanthropist, sponsor, supporter, well-
betrothed (adj, n)
the intended, the one to be married, promised to be married
Synonyms: engaged, committed, spoken for
brazen (adj)
brash, unashamed
Synonyms: bold, brassy, cocky, defiant, gutsy, impertinent, impudent, insolent, loud,
buffer (n)
something that shields, protects
Synonyms: shock absorber, cushions, barrier
cabal (n)
a secret group of conspirators, a secret plan
Synonyms: conspiracy, intrigue, plot, scheme
cacophony (n)
Synonyms: discord, harshness, noise