Illinois General Standards Pesticide Exam (100% CORRECT ANSWERS WITH COMPLETE SOLUTION ) Pest - CORRECT ANSWER any insect, mite, rodent, weed, disease etc that is injurious to the health of humans, animals, plants, or the environment Goal of IPM - CORRECT ANSWER keep pests below economic and aesthetic injury level, avoid adverse effects on humans, wildlife, environment economic injury level - CORRECT ANSWER breake ven point at which cost of pest control equals revenue loss caused by pest economic threshold level - CORRECT ANSWER number of pests per plant or amount of damage to plant at which control measures should begin aesthetic injury level - CORRECT ANS WER number of pests that might cause enough damage to the appearance of a plant to warrant cost of control - might vary key to successful IPM - CORRECT ANSWER monitoring pest pop and plant conditions cultural control - CORRECT ANSWER improve crop health mechanical control - CORRECT ANSWER physical pest elimination biological control - CORRECT ANSWER living organisms reduce pests chemical control - CORRECT ANSWER chemical agents reduce pests preventative control - CORRECT ANSWER prevent entry and spread pesticide failure - CORRECT ANSWER wrong type, wrong pest stage, wrong area, pest resistance insects - CORRECT ANSWER exoskeleton, 3 pairs jointed legs, 3 body region insect b ody regions - CORRECT ANSWER head, thorax, abdomen incomplete development - CORRECT ANSWER 3 life stages - eggs, nymph, adult complete development - CORRECT ANSWER 4 life stages - egg, larvae, pupae, adult mites - CORRECT ANSWER spi der-like, 4 pairs of legs spiders - CORRECT ANSWER 4 pairs of legs, 2 body regions crustaceans - CORRECT ANSWER 7 pairs of legs ex) pillbugs birds - CORRECT ANSWER all protected except non -native ex) starlings, house sparrows mammals - CORRECT ANSWER protected except rats, mice, ground squirrels noninfectious disease - CORRECT ANSWER cannot be transferred pest to pest or plant to plant, often result of unfavorable conditions infectious disease - CORRECT ANSWER multiply wi thin host, transferable chlorosis - CORRECT ANSWER yellowing of leaves Mosiac - CORRECT ANSWER green and yellow patching gall - CORRECT ANSWER abnormal swelling infectious disease development elements - CORRECT ANSWER susceptible host, plant pathogen, environment, time weeds - CORRECT ANSWER any plant growing where is is unwanted noxious - CORRECT ANSWER declared by law, must be controlled ragweed, marijuana, thistle, john songrass - CORRECT ANSWER noxious weeds exotic - CORRECT ANSWER unlawful to sell, buy, plant honeysuckle, buckthorn - CORRECT ANSWER exotic weeds 3 types of weeds - CORRECT ANSWER grasses, grass -like, broadleaf grass/grass -like - CORRECT ANSWER parallel veins broadleaf weeds - CORRECT ANSWER net -veined, less elongated annual weeds - CORRECT ANSWER life cycle 1 year biennial weeds - CORRECT ANSWER 2 year life cycle