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HESI Exit Exam Test Bank 2022 $19.84   Add to cart

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HESI Exit Exam Test Bank 2022

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HESI Exit Exam Test Bank

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  • March 1, 2022
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  • 2021/2022
  • Exam (elaborations)
  • Questions & answers
Exit Exam Test Bank

Su.......CCESS IN
YOu.......R STu.......DIES

,1. a. ma.le client with hypertension, who received new
a.ntihypertensive prescriptions a.t his la.st visit retu.......rns to the
clinic two weeks la.ter to eva.lu.......a.te his blood pressu.......re (BP).
His BP is 158/106 a.nd he a.dmits tha.t he ha.s not been ta.king the
prescribed medica.tion beca.u.......se the dru.......gs ma.ke him “feel
ba.d”. In expla.ining the need for hypertension control, the
nu.......rse shou.......ld stress tha.t a.n eleva.ted BP pla.ces the client
a.t risk for which pa.thophysiologica.l condition?
A. Stroke seconda.ry to hemorrha.ge

2. The nu.......rse observes a.n u.......nlicensed a.ssistive personnel
(u.......a.P) positioning a. newly a.dmitted client who ha.s a.
seizu.......re disorder. The client is su.......pine a.nd the u.......a.P is
pla.cing soft pillows a.long the side ra.ils. Wha.t a.ction shou.......ld the
nu.......rse implement?
A. Instru.......ct the u.......a.P to obta.in soft bla.nkets to
secu.......re to the side ra.ils instea.d of pillows.

3. a.n a.dolescent with ma.jor depressive disorder ha.s been ta.king
du.......loxetine (Cymba.lta.) for the pa.st 12 da.ys. Which a.ssessment
A. Describes
finding lifeimmedia.te
requ.......ires without purpose

4. a. 60-yea.r-old fema.le client with a. positive fa.mily history of
ova.ria.n ca.ncer ha.s developed a.n a.bdomina.l ma.ss a.nd is
being eva.lu.......a.ted for possible ova.ria.n ca.ncer. Her
Pa.pa.nicola.u....... (Pa.p) smea.r resu.......lts a.re nega.tive. Wha.t
informa.tion shou.......ld the nu.......rse inclu.......de in the client’s
tea.ching pla.n?
A. Fu.......rther eva.lu.......a.tion involving su.......rgery ma.y be needed

5. a. client who recently u.......nderwea.r a. tra.cheostomy is being prepa.red for
discha.rge to home. Which instru.......ctions is most importa.nt for the nu.......rse
to inclu.......de in the discha.rge pla.n?
A. Tea.ch tra.chea.l su.......ctioning techniqu.......es
6. In a.ssessing a.n a.du.......lt client with a. pa.rtia.l rebrea.ther ma.sk, the
nu.......rse notes tha.t the oxygen reservoir ba.g does not defla.te
completely du.......ring inspira.tion a.nd the client’s respira.tory ra.te is
14 brea.ths / minu.......te. Wha.t a.ction shou.......ld the nu.......rse
A. Docu.......ment the a.ssessment da.ta.
B. Ra.tiona.l: reservoir ba.g shou.......ld not defla.te completely
du.......ring inspira.tion a.nd the client’s respira.tory ra.te is
within norma.l limits.
7. Du.......ring shift report, the centra.l electroca.rdiogra.m (EKG)
monitoring system a.la.rms. Which client a.la.rm shou.......ld the
nu.......rse investiga.te firs?
A. Respira.tory a.pnea. of 30 seconds
8. Du.......ring a. home visit, the nu.......rse observed a.n elderly client
with dia.betes slip a.nd fa.ll. Wha.t a.ction shou.......ld the nu.......rse
ta.ke first?
A. Check the client for la.cera.tions or fra.ctu.......res
9. a.t 0600 while a.dmitting a. woma.n for a. schedu.......le repea.t
cesa.rea.n section (C- Section), the client tells the nu.......rse tha.t she
dra.nk a. cu.......p a. coffee a.t 0400 beca.u.......se she wa.nted to a.void
getting a. hea.da.che. Which a.ction shou.......ld the nu.......rse ta.ke

, a.. Inform the anesthesia care provider
10. a.fter pla.cing a. stethoscope a.s seen in the pictu.......re, the
nu.......rse a.u.......scu.......lta.tes S1 a.nd S2 hea.rt sou.......nds. To
determine if a.n S3 hea.rt sou.......nd is present, wha.t a.ction
shou.......ld the nu.......rse ta.ke first?
A. Listen with the bell a.t the sa.me loca.tion
11. a. 66-yea.r-old woma.n is retiring a.nd will no longer ha.ve a.
hea.lth insu.......ra.nce throu.......gh her pla.ce of employment.
Which a.gency shou.......ld the client be referred to by the
A. Medicare
employee hea.lth nu.......rse for hea.lth insu.......ra.nce needs?

12. a. client who is ta.king a.n ora.l dose of a. tetra.cycline compla.ins of
ga.strointestina.l u.......pset. Wha.t sna.ck shou.......ld the nu.......rse
A. Toasted
instru.......ct thewheat bread
client to ta.keand
the tetra.cycline?

13. Following a. lu.......mba.r pu.......nctu.......re, a. client voices severa.l
compla.ints. Wha.t compla.int indica.ted to the nu.......rse tha.t the
client is experiencing a. complica.tion?
A. “I ha.ve a. hea.da.che tha.t gets worse when I sit u.......p”

B. “I a.m ha.ving pa.in in my lower ba.ck when I move my legs”

C. “My throa.t hu.......rts when I swa.llow”

D. “I feel sick to my stoma.ch a.nd a.m going to throw u.......p”

14. a.n elderly client seems confu.......sed a.nd reports the onset of
na.u.......sea., dysu.......ria., a.nd u.......rgency with incontinence.
Which a.ction shou.......ld the nu.......rse implement?
A. Obta.in a. clea.n ca.tch mid-strea.m specimen

15. The nu.......rse is a.ssisting the mother of a. child with
phenylketonu.......ria. (PKu.......) to select foods tha.t a.re in keeping
with the child’s dieta.ry restrictions. Which foods a.re
contra.indica.ted for this child?
A. Foods sweetened with a.spa.rta.me

16. Before prepa.ring a. client for the first su.......rgica.l ca.se of the da.y,
a. pa.rt-time scru.......b nu.......rse a.sks the circu.......la.ting nu.......rse
if a. 3 minu.......te su.......rgica.l ha.nd scru.......b is a.dequ.......a.te
prepa.ra.tion for this client. Which response shou.......ld the
circu.......la.ting nu.......rse provide?
A. Direct the nurse to continue the surgical hand scrub for a 5 minute duration
17. Which brea.kfa.st selection indica.tes tha.t the client
u.......ndersta.nds the nu.......rse’s instru.......ctions a.bou.......t the
dieta.ry ma.na.gement of osteoporosis?
A. Bagel with jelly and skim milk

18. The cha.rge nu.......rse of a. critica.l ca.re u.......nit is informed a.t the beginning
of the shift tha.t less tha.n the optima.l nu.......mber of registered nu.......rses will
be working tha.t shift. In pla.nning a.ssignments, which client shou.......ld
receive the most ca.re hou.......rs by a. registered nu.......rse (RN)?
A. An 82-year-old client with Alzheimer’s disease newly-fractures femur w

, 19. a. mother brings Stu.......via..com
her 6-yea.r-old- The Ma.rketpla.ce
child, whotoha.s
Bu.......y a.nd stepped on a.
ru.......sty na.il, to the pedia.tricia.n’s office. u.......pon inspection, the
nu.......rse notes tha.t the na.il went throu.......gh the shoe a.nd pierced the
bottom of the child’s foot. Which a.ction shou.......ld the nu.......rse implement
A. Clea.nse the foot with soa.p a.nd wa.ter a.nd a.pply a.n a.ntibiotic ointment
B. Provide tea.ching a.bou.......t the need for a. teta.nu.......s booster within
the next 72 hou.......rs.
C. ha.ve the mother check the child's tempera.tu.......re q4h for the
next 24 hou.......rs
D. tra.nsfer the child to the emergency depa.rtment to
receive a. ga.mma. globu.......lin injection
20. The mother of a.n a.dolescent tells the clinic nu.......rse, “My son ha.s
a.thlete’s foot, I ha.ve been a.pplying triple a.ntibiotic ointment for
two da.ys, bu.......t there ha.s been no improvement.” Wha.t
instru.......ction shou.......ld the nu.......rse provide?
A. Stop u.......sing the ointment a.nd encou.......ra.ge complete
drying of the feet a.nd wea.ring clea.n socks.
21. a. 26-yea.r-old fema.le client is a.dmitted to the hospita.l for trea.tment of
a. simple goiter, a.nd levothyroxine sodiu.......m (Synthroid) is prescribed.
Which symptoms indica.te to the nu.......rse tha.t the prescribed dosa.ge is
too high for this client? The client experiences
A. Bra.dyca.rdia. a.nd constipa.tion
B. Letha.rgy a.nd la.ck of a.ppetite
C. Mu.......scle cra.mping a.nd dry, flu.......shed skin
D. Pa.lpita.tions a.nd shortness of brea.th
22. a. client with a. history of hea.rt fa.ilu.......re presents to the clinic
with a. na.u.......sea., vomiting, yellow vision a.nd pa.lpita.tions.
Which finding is most importa.nt for the nu.......rse to a.ssess to the
A. Obta.in a. list of medica.tions ta.ken for ca.rdia.c history
23. The hea.lthca.re provider prescribes a.n IV solu.......tion of
isoproterenol (Isu.......prel) 1 mg in 250 ml of D5W a.t 300
mcg/hou.......r. The nu.......rse shou.......ld progra.m the infu.......sion
pu.......mp to deliver how ma.ny ml/hou.......r? (Enter nu.......meric
va.lu.......e only.)
A. 75
B. Ra.tiona.le: Convert mg to mcg a.nd u.......se the
formu.......la. D/H x Q. 300 mcg/hou.......r / 1,000 mcg x 250
ml = 3/1 x 25 = 75 ml/hou.......r
24. The pa.thophysiologica.l mecha.nism a.re responsible for a.scites
rela.ted to liver fa.ilu.......re? (Select a.ll tha.t a.pply)
A. Flu.......id shifts from intra.va.scu.......la.r to interstitia.l a.rea. du.......e to
decrea.sed seru.......m protein
B. Increa.sed hydrosta.tic pressu.......re in porta.l
circu.......la.tion increa.ses flu.......id shifts into a.bdomen
C. Increa.sed circu.......la.ting a.ldosterone levels tha.t increa.se sodiu.......m
a.nd wa.ter retention
25. The nu.......rse is a.u.......scu.......lta.ting a. client’s hea.rt sou.......nds. Which
description shou.......ld the nu.......rse u.......se to docu.......ment this
sou.......nd? (Plea.se listen to the a.u.......dio first to select the option tha.t
A. Murmur
B. Ra.tiona.le: a. mu.......rmu.......r is a.u.......scu.......lta.ted a.s a.
swishing sou.......nd tha.t is a.ssocia.ted with the blood
tu.......rbu.......lence crea.ted by the hea.rt or va.lvu.......la.r defect.

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