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NUR2063: Essentials of Pathophysiology Exam 1 Blueprint Winter 2021
Rasmussen College
NUR2063: Essentials of Pathophysiology Exam 1 Blueprint Winter 2021
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Rasmussen College
NUR 2063 Essentials Of Pathophysiology
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I 1 NUR2063: Essentials of Pathophysiology Exam 1 Blueprint Winter 2021
1. Pathophysiology Ibasics
a. Homeostasis
i. What Iis Iit? Iequilibrium, Ibalance, Iconsistency, Iand Istability. Ivital Isigns Isuch Ias
Iblood Ipressure, Ipulse, Iand Itemperature.
ii. Why Ido Iwe Ihave Ithis? Iself-regulating, Igive-and-take Isystem Ithat Iresponds Ito
Iminor Ichanges Iin Ithe Ibody Ithrough Icompensation Imechanisms. ICompensation
Imechanisms Iattempt Ito Icounteract I those Ichanges Iand Ireturn Ithe Ibody Ito Iits
Inormal Istate
b. Adaptation Ito Istress Iand Iillness
i. Resilience: IHow Ione Ibounces Iback Ifrom Isickness Ior Iillness
ii. Adaptation: IHow Ione Iadapts Ito Isickness
iii. Maladaptation: INot Iadapting Icorrectly
c. Cellular Istructures I& Ifunctions
i. Ribosomes: Imake Iproteins, Iprotein Isynthesis
ii. Mitochondria: Icell Ipower Iplant, IATP Iis Imade
iii. Lysosomes: Ibreakdown Icell Iproducts I& Iforeign Ibodies
iv. Cell Imembrane: Isemipermeable Imembrane Isurrounding Ithe Icytoplasm Iof Ia Icell
1. Receptors: IIon Ichannels, Iprotein-linked Isignals, IEnzyme-linked Icell
2. Passing Iions/nutrients Iacross Imembrane
v. Atrophy Ivs. Ihypertrophy: IAtrophy: Icell Idecrease Iin Isize Iand Ifunction.
Hypertrophy: Ioverworked Icells I(heart Idisease), Iincrease Isize
vi. Hyperplasia Ivs. Imetaplasia Ivs Idysplasia: IHyperplasia: Iovergrowth Iof Itissues,
Iincrease Iworkload. IMetaplasia: Ichange Iin Icells, Iabnormal Icells. IDysplasia:
Imutated Iabnormal Isize
vii. Apoptosis: Iplanned Icell Ideath-90 Idays Ithen Idie
viii. Cell Ideath Id/t Inecrosis: INecrotic: Idead Itissue I(coagulative, Iliquefactive, Icaseous,
ix. Gangrene—what Iit Iis I& Ithe Ipresentation: Idead Itissue Icaused Iby Ian Iinfection Ior
Ilack Iof Iblood Iflow. IDry: Icoagulative IWet: Iliquefactive IGas: Irelease Iof Igas Ifrom
Idecomposition Iinto Itissue
2. Fluids Iand Ielectrolytes
a. Fluid Iregulation I& Idistribution: IFluid Iregulation: Iintracellular I2/3 Iof Ifluid Ivolume I&
Iextracellular I1/3of Ifluid Ivolume. IWater I& Isodium Igo Itogether. IDistribution: Iinterstitial
Ifluid=between Icells, Iintravascular=inside Iblood Ivessels, Itranscellular= Ithird Ispace-a
Ispace Iit Idoesn’t Ibelong
b. Osmosis: Imovement Iof Ifluid. IMolecules Iof Ia Isolvent Ipass Ithrough Ia Isemipermeable
Imembrane Ifrom Ia Iless Iconcentrated Isolution Iinto Ia Imore Iconcentrated Ione, Iequalizing
Ithe Iconcentrations Ion Ieach Iside
c. Tonicity: IIsotonic: Iequal Iconcentrations Ibetween Iintracellular Iand Iextracellular
IHypotonic: Ilower Isolute Iconcentration. IHypertonic: Ihigher Isolute Iconcentration
d. Sodium/water Irelationship: Iwhere Isodium Igoes Iwater Igoes
e. Alterations Iin Ielectrolytes
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, I 2 NUR2063: Essentials of Pathophysiology Exam 1 Blueprint Winter 2021
Fluid Imovement Ithrough Ibody I–basic Iprinciples: Ifluid Iintake, Iabsorption, IDistribution
Ibetween Ivascular Iand Iinterstitial, Iexcretion
g. Antidiuretic Ihormone I(ADH): Itells Ikidneys Ito Ihold Ionto Iwater, Ipromotes Ireabsorption Iof
Iwater Iin Ithe Ikidneys
h. Aldosterone: IHold Ion Ito Iwater Iand Isodium
i. Sensible Ivs. Iinsensible Ifluid Ilosses: ISensible Ifluid Iloss: Imeasurable I(pee, Idiarrhea, Iblood).
IInsensible Ifluid Ilosses: Icannot Ibe Imeasured I(sweat, Ifluid Iloss Iwhile Italking/breathing)
j. Abnormal Ifluid Iloss: IEmesis(vomitus), IHemorrhage, Iwounds
k. Fluid Ibalance Icontrol: IAntidiuretic IHormone I(ADH): I“tap Iwater”, Ikidneys Ireabsorb Iplain
Iwater. IAldosterone: I“salt Iwater” Ihormone, Icause Ikidney Ito Ireabsorb Isodium Iand Iwater.
l. Fluid Iexcess Icauses/presentation: IExcessive Isodium Ior Iwater Iintake, IHigh Isodium Idiet,
Ihypertonic Ifluid Iadministered. IDifficulty Ibreathing(dyspnea), Ibouncing Ipulse, Ifast Iheart
Irate I(tachycardia), Ipolyuria, Irapid Iweight Igain.
i. Third Ispacing I– Iwhat Iis Ithis? IFluid Ileaks Iinto Iinterstitial Itissues
m. Fluid Ideficit Icauses/presentation: Iinadequate Isodium Ior Iwater Ielimination,
Ihyperaldosteronism, ICushing’s Isyndrome, Irenal Ifailure, Iliver Ifailure, Iheart Ifailure.
3. Normal Ielectrolyte Ilevels I(table Ibelow)
a. Sodium Iand Iassociated Idisorders INormal Irange I135-145
i. Implications Iof Isodium Iimbalances: IHypernatremia: Iexcess Isodium Iingested,
Ihypertonic Isaline Iadministered, Ideficient Iwater, Iexcessive Isweating, Iprolonged
Ihyperventilation. IHyponatremia: Ideficient Isodium, Iexcessive Iwater Iintake
b. Potassium Iand Iassociated Idisorders I3.5-5
i. Implications Iof Ipotassium Iimbalances: Ihyperkalemia: Ideficient Iexcretion; Irenal
Ifailure, Iexcessive Iintake, Iincrease Irelease Ifrom Icells. IHypokalemia: Iexcessive
Iloss, Ideficient Iintake, Iincreased Ishift Iinto Icell
c. Calcium I9-11
i. Chvostek’s Isigns: Ithe Ihealthcare Ipractitioner Itaps Ithe Ipatient’s Ifacial Inerve Iin
Ifront Iof Ithe Iear. IA Ispasm Ior Ibrief Icontraction Iof Ithe Icorner Iof Ithe Imouth, Inose,
Ieye, Iand Imuscles Iin Ithe Icheek Iis Iconsidered Ia Ipositive Isign Iand Iindicates
Iincreased Ineuromuscular Iirritability
ii. Trousseau’s Isigns: IThe Iinflated Icuff Iis Ileft Iin Iplace Ifor Iapproximately I3 Iminutes.
IThe Itest Iis Iconsidered Ipositive Ifor Iincreased Ineuromuscular Iirritability Iif Iit Ielicits
Ia Icarpal Ispasm
d. Phosphorus I2.5-4.5
i. Lab Irelationship Iwith Icalcium: Iphosphorus Ihas Ian Iinverse Irelationship Iwith
Icalcium. IAbsorption Iof Iphosphorus Iis Idecreased Iwhen Iit Iis Iingested Iwith Ifoods
Icontaining Icalcium, Imagnesium, Iand Ialuminum—all Iof Iwhich Ibind Iwith
e. Magnesium I1.8-2.5
4. Acid-base Ibalance
a. Normal IpH I& Iwhat Iit Imeans: I7.35-7.45. IpH Iindicates Ihydrogen Iions. IHydrogens=acid.
More Ihydrogen Iions=lower IpH
b. Buffers I(video): ICarbonic Iacid I(H2CO3), IPhosphate I(PO4), IHemoglobin, IProtein
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