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BIOL 1040 Exam 2 study guide

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Chapter 24 -Immune System: a system of organs, tissues, cells, and cell products that protect an organism from foreign & potentially harmful organisms, tissues or other substances. -Consists of: The lymphatic system (including lymph vessels & nodes; thymus, spleen, tonsils & adenoids), Bone mar...

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BIOL I1040 IExam I2 Istudy Iguide
Chapter 24 I

-Immune ISystem: Ia Isystem Iof Iorgans, Itissues, Icells, Iand Icell Iproducts Ithat Iprotect Ian
Iorganism Ifrom Iforeign I& Ipotentially Iharmful Iorganisms, Itissues Ior Iother Isubstances.

-Consists Iof: IThe Ilymphatic Isystem I(including Ilymph Ivessels I& Inodes; Ithymus, Ispleen,Itonsils
I& Iadenoids), IBone Imarrow I& Ia Ivariety Iof Iwhite Iblood Icells, IAntibodies I& Icomplement

Iproteins, IA Ivariety Iof Isignal Imolecules.

-Innate IImmunity: Inon-specific, Igenetic, Ior Inatural Iimmunity; Iset Iof Idefenses Ithat Iare
Iimmediately Iactive, Iand Iindependent Iof Iprevious Iencounters Iwith Ia Igiven Ipathogen Ior

Isubstance; Ithe Isame, Iwhether Ior Inot Ithe Ipathogen Ihas Ibeen Ipreviously Iencountered; IFound

Iin Iboth Ivertebrates I& Iinvertebrates; Iskin, Icoughing Iwhen Isomething Istuck Iin Ithroat, Ieyes

Iwatering, Icut, Iinflammation; Idoes Inot Iprovide Ilong Ilasting Iimmunity

-Adaptive IImmunity: Iacquired Iimmunity; Iset Iof Idefenses Ideveloped Ifor, Iand Iactivated Iby
Ispecific Ipathogens Ior Isubstances; IImmune Isystem I“remembers” I(or Ispecifically Irecognizes)

Ia Ipreviously Iencountered Ipathogens; IFound Ionly Iin Ithe IVertebrates.

-Invertebrate IInnate IImmunity IIncludes: IExoskeleton; ILow Iinternal IpH I(that Iinhibits Ithe
Igrowth Iof Imicrobes), ILysozyme I(an Ienzyme Ithat Idegrades Ibacterial Icell Iwalls, Icausing Ithem

Ito Ilyse Iand Idie) IPhagocytes I(circulating Iimmune Icells Ithat Iengulf Iand Idigest Iforeign

Isubstances), IRecognition Iproteins I(bind Ito Imicrobes I& Itrigger Ithe Irelease Iof Iantimicrobial

Ipeptides), IB Icell Iand IT Icell ILymphocytes, Islower, Isecond Iline Iof Idefense

-Vertebrate Iinnate Iimmune Isystem: ISkin, Imucus Imembrane; INeutrophils I– I“first-responder”
Iphagocytes Icirculate Ifreely Iin Iblood; Iare Iattracted Ito Iinfection Isites; Isqueeze Ibetween Icells

Iof Icapillary Iwall, IMacrophages I(large) Iphagocytes Ithat Ireside Iin, I& Iwander Ithrough Ithe

Iinterstitial Ifluids, INatural IKiller ICells I(attack Icancer Icells Iand Ivirus-infected Icells),

Iinterferons, IComplement ISystem, IInflammatory Iresponse

-Interferons: IAntiviral Iproteins Iproduced Iby Ivirus-infected Icells Ithat Ihelp Ito Ilimit Ithe Icell-
Ito-cell Ispread Iof Iviruses. I“Interfere” Iwith Iviral Ireplication; I& Iactivate Iimmune Icells I(e.g.

Inatural Ikiller Icells Iand Imacrophages.

-Complement ISystem: IA Igroup Iof Iabout I30 Ikinds Iof Iserum Iproteins Ithat Ican Iact Iwith I(i.e.
I“complement”) Ior Ihelp Iantibody I& Iphagocyte Idefense Imechanisms, Ihelp Istimulate Ithe

Iinflammatory Iresponse.

-slide I5
-Complement IProteins: I25/30 Idifferent Iblood Iplasma Iproteins Ithat Ienhance Iimmune
Iresponse, Iproduced Iby Iliver, Icirculate Iin Iblood Istream, Imust Ibe Iactivated Iduring Iimmune


-Complement IProteins Ienhance Iinflammation Iby Ibinding Ito Imast Icells Iand Itrigger Imore
Ihistamine Irelease Iand Ihelp Itarget Icells Ifor Idestruction Iby Ibinding Ito Icells Icoated Iwith

Iantibodies Ias Iextra Isignal Ito Iphagocytes.

-Mast Icells Iare Ibone Imarrow-derived Icells Ithat Iare Ifound Iresident Iin Itissues Ithroughout Ithe
Ibody, Iparticularly Iin Iassociation Iwith Istructures Isuch Ias Iblood Ivessels Iand Inerves, Iand Iclose

Ito Isurfaces Ithat Iinterface Ithe Iexternal Ienvironment. IRelease Ihistamines Ito Istimulate

Iinflammatory Iresponse

-Inflammation Iis Imediated Iby Ichanges Iin Icapillaries Iin Ithe Idamaged Iarea.
- Steps Iof Ithe Iinflammatory Iresponse:
1. Tissue Iinjury Iallows Ientry Imicrobes.
2. Mast Icells Irelease Ihistamines I– Icause Icapillary Idilation; Iattracts Ineutrophils.
3. Macrophages Irelease Icytokines I– Ipromote Iblood Iflow Iinto Iarea.
4. Damaged Icells Irelease Iprostaglandins I– Istimulate Ilocal Ipain.
5. Capillaries Idilate, Ibecome Ileaky, Iallow Ifluids Iinto Itissue.
6. Tissue Iswells, Ibecomes Ired I& Iwarm.

, BIOL I1040 IExam I2 Istudy Iguide
7. More Ineutrophils Iare Iattracted Ito Iinfected Iarea.
8. Platelets I& Iclotting Ifactors Ibind Ito Idamaged Itissue I& Iinitiate Iclotting.
9. Neutrophils I& Imacrophages Iphagocytize Imicrobes I& Idamaged Icells
10. Blood Iclot Iforms I& Itissue Iheals.
-Active IImmunity: Iimmunity Ithat Ioccurs Iwhen Ian Iindividual Iproduces Ihis Iown Isupply Iof
Iantibodies, Ieither Iby Iexposure Ito Ia Iforeign Ientity Ior Iby Iimmunization. IExposure Ito

IChickenpox Ior IMeasles. IVaccination Ifor ISmallpox Ior ITetanus.

-Passive IImmunity: Itemporary Iimmunity Ithat Ioccurs Iwhen Ian Iindividual Iis Igiven Ipreviously
Iprepared Iantibodies Ito Iprevent Ia Idisease. ITreatments Ifor Irabies I& Isnakebites I(anti-venom)

-The Ilymphatic Isystem Iis Icomprised Iof Ilymph Ivessels I& Inodes, Ithymus, Ispleen, Itonsils I&
Iadenoid, ILymphatic Ivessels Iof Ithe Ismall Iintestines I(lacteals) Iabsorb Ifats I(lipoproteins) Iat

Ithe Iintestinal Ivilli Iand Itransport Ithem Ito Ithe Ibloodstream, ILymphatic Ivessels Iabsorb Iexcess

Itissue Ifluid Iand Ireturn Iit Ito Ithe Ibloodstream; IProduce, Imaintain, I& Idistribute Iof

Ilymphocytes; IHelp Idefend Ithe Ibody Iagainst Idisease.

-Spleen: Ihelps Ito I“immunologically Ifilter” Ithe Iblood; Iit Icontains Iresident Imacrophages Ithat
Iremove Iold/defective IRBC’s, Iand Ilymphatic Itissues Icontaining IB I& IT Icell Ilymphocytes

-Thymus: Iproduces Ithymosins I(hormones Ithat Ipromote Imaturation Iof IT Icells).
-Any Iforeign Idebris Ior Imicrobes Iin Ithe Iinterstitial Ifluid Iare Ialso Icollected Iby Ithe Ilymphatic
Isystem Iwhere Ithey Iare Ieventually Itrapped I& Idestroyed Iby IWBC’s Iin Ithe Ilymph Inodes.

-Interspersed Ithroughout Ithe Ilymphatic Isystem Iis Ia Iseries Iof I“check” Ivalves Ithat Ifunction
I(along Iwith Imuscle Icontractions) Imuch Ilike Iin Iveins.

-Lymphatic Ifluid Iis Ifiltered Iby Ilymph Inodes Iwhere Iresident Imacrophages Iengulf I& Idestroy
Iany Iforeign Idebris Iand/or Iinvaders.

-Tonsils Iand IAdenoids: Icomprised Iof Ilymphoid Itissue I(like Ilymph Inodes), I& Icontain
Ilymphocytes, Imacrophages I& Iantibodies; Itrap, Idestroy I& Iserve Ias Ia Idefense Iagainst Iingested

Ior Iinhaled Ibacteria I& Iviruses; IBecome Iswollen I& Iirritated Iwhen Ivery Iactive.

-Lymphocytes Imount Ia Idual Idefense:
1. The IHumoral IImmune IResponse: IInvolves Ithe Iproduction Iand Isecretion Iof Ifree-
Ifloating Iantibodies Iinto Ithe Ibloodstream Iand Ilymphatic Ifluids Iby IB ICell ILymphocytes.

2. The ICell-mediated IImmune IResponse: IInvolves IT ICell ILymphocytes Ithat
IAttack Ibody Icells Iinfected Iwith Ibacteria Ior Iviruses, IPromote Iphagocytosis Iby Iother

IwhiteIblood Icells, IStimulate IB ICell ILymphocytes Ito Iproduce Iantibodies.

-Humoral: Iof Ior Ipertaining Ito Ithe Ifluids Iof Ithe Ibody, Iparticularly Ithe Iblood Ifluids.
-T Icells Idon’t Iproduce Ianti Ibodies Ithemselves
-B ICells: Ioriginate Iin Ibone Imarrow Ifrom Istem Icells, Imature Iin Imarrow, IGenes Ifor Iantigen
Ireceptors Iare Iscrambled, Iproduce Ionly Ione Itype Iof Iantigen Ireceptor, IMillions Iof Ireceptor

Iunique Icells Itake Iresidence Iin Ithe Ilymphatic Isystem, Ican Ibind Ionly Ione Itype Iof Iantigen,

Itransported Ito Ilymphatic Iorgans I(e.g. Inodes, Ispleen, Itonsils) I& Iwait Iuntil Irecruited

-T ICells: Ioriginate Iin Ibone Imarrow Ifrom Istem Icells, Imature Iin Ithymus, IGenes Ifor
IantigenIreceptors Iare Iscrambled, Iproduce Ionly Ione Itype Iof Iantigen Ireceptor, IMillions Iof

IreceptorIunique Icells Itake Iresidence Iin Ithe Ilymphatic Isystem, Ican Ibind Ionly Ione Itype Iof

Iantigen, Itransported Ito Ilymphatic Iorgans I(e.g. Inodes, Ispleen, Itonsils) I& Iwait Iuntil


-Recruitment: Ifirst Iantigen Irecognition, Icell Idivision Iis Iactivated; Imany Imore Icells Iare

-Humoral IResponse: IB Icells Irelease Iantibodies Ithat Itag I(mark) Iantigens Iin Ibody Ifluids Ifor

-Cell-mediated IResponse: IT Icells Iactively Iengage I& Idestroy Iinfected Icells Iof Ithe Ibody.

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