Name: ………… Date: 02.02.21
PICOT Question:
Write out in the PICOT question sentence format.
P- Type 2 DM
I: Intervention/indicator (variable of Interest) - Will self management tools including in person
interviews reduce type 2 DM (T2DM)
C: Comparison/control – Self management in person interviews compared to technology based
O: Outcome – Improved or decreased hemoglobin A1c T: Time 3 months to 1 year.
In people with type II DM (P), who follow self-management education including via in person interviews (I) have have decreased hemoglobin A1c (O) level in contrast to those, (C) who use technology based app to self manage diabetes 3-12 months (T)? 3
Article 1
Full reference for article (APA Format)Van Smoorenburg, A. N., Hertroijs, D. F. L., Dekkers, T., Elissen, A. M. J., & Melles, M. (2019). Patients’ perspective on self-management: type 2 diabetes in daily life. BMC Health Services Research , 19(1).
Purpose The primary purpose of this study was to gain better understanding on patient’s perspective of T2DM self-management education methods by
improving glycemic control.
Evidence Type Qualitative (descriptive)
Sample, Sample Size,
and SettingThe study population consisted of participants who were diagnosed with type
II diabetes (T2DM) no greater than 5 years. Although, Sixteen Dutch individuals applied ten of them met the full criteria. The mean age of 53 and seven out the ten participants were female. The setting took place in Netherlands in either in local homes or another location of the participants
preference. Reimbursements were given to participants in the research.
Data Collection Semi-structured, in depth1 hour interviews were conducted and preparation
consisted of filling out sensitising booklets prior to the interview. The interview was focuses on their personal experience regarding self- management of the disease. The preparation process of filling out the sensitising booklets were five days in a row at home, for 15 minutes each day. The interview was done in four steps and questions were asked
regarding diabetes knowledge and interventions taken by participants.
Study Findings Ten people consisted of 62.5% met the full criteria. The mean Hemoglobin
A1C (HbA1c) for female aged 33-55 was a total of 50.7 (SD 6.5) mmol/mol. The male ages 33-55 HbA1c was 49 mmol/mol.
Limitations (State why The study had limited number of participants. Large number of individuals 4
the limitations) makes research stronger. Second, the participants reported they did not feel optimally supported. To maintain adequate glycemic control, understanding how support could be improved is crucial. In this study, it was difficult to suggest what type of support exactly was missing to improve glycemic
Relevance to the The aim of this research was to gain insight into the experiences of the
PICOT and participants. They were triggered to think about their own personal
Implications for experience through the sensitising booklets. In order to successfully self-
Advanced Nursing manage reflecting personal experiences is an essential component of
Practice prevention. As Advance Practice Nurse (APN) the outcome of this study
helps with developing valuable tools and strategies for T2DM. This article
can be appropriately applied to future practice because it provided a patient’s
perspective and reasons why patients may not successfully participate in
Article 2
Full reference for article (APA Format)Carpenter, R., DiChiacchio, T., & Barker, K. (2019). Interventions for self- management of type 2 diabetes: An integrative review. International Journal of Nursing Sciences , 6(1), 70–91.
Purpose The purpose of this study is to critique interventions that support self-
management behaviors with T2DM patients.
Evidence Type Quantitative empirical. Integrative review design, of experimental and non-
Sample, Sample Size,
and SettingThe population included African Native American, Caucasian, Hispanic,
European, Canadian, Australian, Middle-Eastern, and Asian. The participants