Instructions to the student: The reading worksheets are designed to assist you as you review the assigned readings in your Grove, Gray, and Burns (2015) textbook for this module. Read the assigned pages below, and answer the following questions.
Chapter One: Introduction to Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice. Read pages 1 – 28 answer the following questions.
What are the definitions of research vs. nursing research ? What is evidence-based practice (EBP)?
oResearch is to search again
oNursing research findings influence practice adding to knowledge
oEBP-from best practices, best research evidence
What three elements make up evidence-based practice ? Make sure you can describe or define them. oBest research evidence, clinical expertise, patient needs and values
My goals for this course are to: appraise critically, synthesize, and apply research evidence. (hint: p 6.)
Research evidence provides: description, explanation, prediction, and control of phenomena in our clinical practice. According to chapter one, what does that really mean?
List the ways that knowledge is acquired in nursing .
oTraditions, authority, borrowing, trial and error, role modeling, intuition, reasoning
Name three types of research methods (starting on page 19) and briefly describe or define each of them. oQuantitative-# data is used to obtain information
oQualitative-subject approach to describe life experiences
What research functions belong to each level of educational preparation in nursing (starting on page 25)?
oBSN-read and critically appraise studies. Assist with data collection
oMSN-critically appraise + synthesize studies
oDNP-participate in development of EBP , developing guideline
oPhD-major role in conducting research
oPost doc-assume a full researcher role
Chapter Two: Introduction to the Quantitative Research Process
We will spend more time working to learn about the quantitative research process than about qualitative
or outcomes research in this course. You should pay closest attention to material about the quantitative research process as you read the textbook. ©2015 UTA School of Nursing 1Module 1 Reading Worksheet
N4325 Nursing ResearchThis study source was downloaded by 100000836679612 from on 11-19-2021 12:45:43 GMT -06:00 study resource was
shared via Briefly describe the four common types of quantitative research : descriptive, correlational, quasi-experimental, experimental. p33
oDescriptive-exploration and description of phenomena in real life situations. Provides an accurate account of characteristics of particular individuals, situations or groups
oCorrelational research-systematic investigation of relationships between or among variables. Researcher’s measure selected variables in a sample an then use correlations statistics to determine the relationships among the study variables. oQuasi-experimental-examine casual relationships or determine the effect of one variable
on another. Studies involve implementing a treatment or intervention and examining the
effects of this intervention oExperimental-an objective, systematic, highly controlled investigation conducted for the purpose of predicting and controlling phenomena in nursing practice.
What’s the difference between basic and applied research ? 35
oBasic-pure research for learning and finding truth
oApplied-practical research, directly influence or improve clinical practice
What is rigor, precision, and control ? Why are they important to quantitative research?36
oRigor-striving for excellence in research, requires discipline, adherence to detail strict accuracy and precision.
oPrecision-accuracy, detail and order
oControl- involves the imposing of fules by researchers to decrease the possibility of error,
therby increasing the probability that the study’s finding are an accurate reflection of reality.
What are extraneous variables ? What problem(s) can be caused by extraneous variables? What are the benefits of controlling extraneous variables? 37
oExtraneous variables-exist in all studies and can interfere with obtaining a clear understanding of the relationships among the study variables. oControlling extraneous variables enables researchers to determine the effects of an intervention or treatment on study outcomes more accurately.
What is sampling? Why is random sampling helpful? 37
oSampling is a process of selecting participants who are representative of the population being studied. oRandom sampling provides a sample that is representative of a population because each
member of the population is selected independently and has an equal chance or probability of being included in the study. Describe the concept of research settings . 38
oThe location in which a study is conducted
Being familiar with the steps of the quantitative research process will be helpful to you in critiquing research articles in your practice. List the steps of the quantitative research process that starts on page 40 and describe them. 40 ©2015 UTA School of Nursing 2This study source was downloaded by 100000836679612 from on 11-19-2021 12:45:43 GMT -06:00 study resource was
shared via oResearch problem and purpose-area of concern in which there is a gap in the knowledge
needed for nursing practice
oReview of relevant literature-generate a picture of what is known and not known about a particular problem and to document why a study needs to be conducted. oStudy framework-abstract, theoretical basis for a study that enables the researcher to link the findings to nursing’s body of knowledge
oResearch objectives, questions or hypotheses-objectives, questions and hypotheses are narrower in focus than the purpose and often specify only one or two research variables.
Also identify the relationship between the variables and indicate the population to be studied. oStudy variables-concepts at various levels of abstraction that are measured, manipulated
or controlled in a study
oStudy design-blue print for the conduct of a study that maximizes control over factors that could interfere with the study’s desired outcome. oPopulation and sample-all elements (individuals, objects, or substances) that meet certain criteria for inclusion in a study. oMeasurement Mehtods-process of assigning numbers to objects (or events or situations)
in accord with some rule. oData collection-the precise, systematic gathering of information relevant to the research purpose or the specific objectives, questions or hypotheses of a study. oData Analysis-reduces, organizes and gives meaning to the data
oDiscussion of research outcomes- results obtained from data analyses require interpretation to be meaningful. Being familiar with “reading research reports ” will be helpful to you in your nursing practice. As you read nursing research articles, you will see that they are often organized using this format. Briefly describe each section of a typical report. Box 2-1 is a good list of what you might typically
see in a research report. Pg 51 (p60?)
oSummarizes the major elements of a study and identifies the contributions of that study to nursing knowledge. Chapter Three: Introduction to the Qualitative Research Process ©2015 UTA School of Nursing 3This study source was downloaded by 100000836679612 from on 11-19-2021 12:45:43 GMT -06:00 study resource was
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