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Askeland Science and Engineering 7e ISM FM MANUAL
© i2016, i2011 iCengage iLearning 
WCN: i01-100-101 
ALL iRIGHTS iRESERVED. iNo ipart iof ithis iwork icovered iby ithe icopyright iherein imay ibe ireproduced, itransmitted, istored, ior iused iin iany iform ior iby iany imeans igraphic, ielectronic, ior imechanical,...
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 4 pages •
© i2016, i2011 iCengage iLearning 
WCN: i01-100-101 
ALL iRIGHTS iRESERVED. iNo ipart iof ithis iwork icovered iby ithe icopyright iherein imay ibe ireproduced, itransmitted, istored, ior iused iin iany iform ior iby iany imeans igraphic, ielectronic, ior imechanical,...
MSE-Askeland Science and Engineering 7e ISM Chapter 20
Chapter i20: iMagnetic iMaterials 
20-6	Calculate iand icompare ithe imaximum imagnetization iwe iwould iexpect iin iiron, inickel, icobalt, iand igadolinium. iThere iare iseven ielectrons iin ithe i4f ilevel iof igadolinium. 
Compare ithe icalculated ivalues iwith ithe iexperimentally iobserved ivalues. 
Solution:	Iron: iThe inumber iof iatoms/m3 iis 
2 iatoms/cell i(2.866 i1010 im)3 
 i0.0850 i i030 iatoms/m3 
M i i(0.0...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 16 pages •
Chapter i20: iMagnetic iMaterials 
20-6	Calculate iand icompare ithe imaximum imagnetization iwe iwould iexpect iin iiron, inickel, icobalt, iand igadolinium. iThere iare iseven ielectrons iin ithe i4f ilevel iof igadolinium. 
Compare ithe icalculated ivalues iwith ithe iexperimentally iobserved ivalues. 
Solution:	Iron: iThe inumber iof iatoms/m3 iis 
2 iatoms/cell i(2.866 i1010 im)3 
 i0.0850 i i030 iatoms/m3 
M i i(0.0...
MSE-Askeland Science and Engineering 7e ISM Chapter 19
Chapter i19: iElectronic iMaterials 
19-1	Of ithe imetals iin iTable i19-1, iwhich iare ithe imost iand ileast iconductive? 
The imost iconductive iis isilver i(Au) iand ithe ileast iconductive iis igallium i(Ga). 
19-2	Find ithe iresistance iof ia ifiber iwith ia icross-sectional iarea iof ia i1.34 imm2 iand ia ilength iof i10 icm ithat iis isubjected ito ia ivoltage iof i225 iV ifor iwhich ithe icurrent idensity ii...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 25 pages •
Chapter i19: iElectronic iMaterials 
19-1	Of ithe imetals iin iTable i19-1, iwhich iare ithe imost iand ileast iconductive? 
The imost iconductive iis isilver i(Au) iand ithe ileast iconductive iis igallium i(Ga). 
19-2	Find ithe iresistance iof ia ifiber iwith ia icross-sectional iarea iof ia i1.34 imm2 iand ia ilength iof i10 icm ithat iis isubjected ito ia ivoltage iof i225 iV ifor iwhich ithe icurrent idensity ii...
MSE-Askeland Science and Engineering 7e ISM Chapter 17
Chapter 17: Composites: Teamwork and Synergy in Materials 
17-7	In Figure 17-2, find the largest and smallest difference in strength between Borsic and SAP and also the temperatures at which these differences occur. 
The greatest difference occurs at approximately 25°C and is about 120,000 psi. The smallest difference occurs at the highest temperature on the chart, 550°C and is about 70,000 psi. 
17-8	A tungsten matrix with 20% porosity is infiltrated with silver. Assuming t...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 26 pages •
Chapter 17: Composites: Teamwork and Synergy in Materials 
17-7	In Figure 17-2, find the largest and smallest difference in strength between Borsic and SAP and also the temperatures at which these differences occur. 
The greatest difference occurs at approximately 25°C and is about 120,000 psi. The smallest difference occurs at the highest temperature on the chart, 550°C and is about 70,000 psi. 
17-8	A tungsten matrix with 20% porosity is infiltrated with silver. Assuming t...
Askeland Science and Engineering 7e ISM Chapter 14
Chapter i14: iNonferrous iAlloys 
14-1	In isome icases, iwe imay ibe imore iinterested iin icost iof ia imaterial iper iunit ivolume ithan iin ithe icost iper iunit iweight. iRework iTable i14–1 ito ishow ithe icost iin iterms iof i$/cm3. iDoes ithis ichange/alter ithe irelationship ibetween ithe idifferent imaterials? 
Solution:	We ican ifind ithe idensity i(in ig/cm3) iof ieach imetal ifrom iAppendix iA. iWe ican iconvert ithe i...
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 17 pages •
Chapter i14: iNonferrous iAlloys 
14-1	In isome icases, iwe imay ibe imore iinterested iin icost iof ia imaterial iper iunit ivolume ithan iin ithe icost iper iunit iweight. iRework iTable i14–1 ito ishow ithe icost iin iterms iof i$/cm3. iDoes ithis ichange/alter ithe irelationship ibetween ithe idifferent imaterials? 
Solution:	We ican ifind ithe idensity i(in ig/cm3) iof ieach imetal ifrom iAppendix iA. iWe ican iconvert ithe i...
MSE-Askeland Science and Engineering 7e ISM Chapter 13
Chapter i13: iHeat iTreatment iof iSteels iand iCast iIrons 
13-3	A imanufacturing iplant irequires i15 ilb iof iAISI i8620 iper ifinal iproduct. iThe iplant imakes i700 iunits iper iday i(three ishifts) isix idays ia iweek, i50 iweeks ia iyear. iHow imany itons iof iyttrium iis ithis iplant iconsuming iper iyear iif inothing iis iwasted? 
Referring ito iTable i13-1, iwe isee ithat iAISI i8620 icontains ifrom i0.15 i...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 27 pages •
Chapter i13: iHeat iTreatment iof iSteels iand iCast iIrons 
13-3	A imanufacturing iplant irequires i15 ilb iof iAISI i8620 iper ifinal iproduct. iThe iplant imakes i700 iunits iper iday i(three ishifts) isix idays ia iweek, i50 iweeks ia iyear. iHow imany itons iof iyttrium iis ithis iplant iconsuming iper iyear iif inothing iis iwasted? 
Referring ito iTable i13-1, iwe isee ithat iAISI i8620 icontains ifrom i0.15 i...
MSE-Askeland Science and Engineering 7e ISM Chapter 11
Chapter i11: iDispersion iStrengthening iand iEutectic iPhase iDiagrams 
11-9	Under iwhat icircumstances iis ithe itotal icomposition ithe isame ias ithe iphase icomposition ior icompositions? iUnder iwhat icircumstances iis iit idifferent? 
In ia ione iphase iregion ithe ialloy ior itotal icomposition iis ithe isame ias ithe iphase icomposition. iWhen iwe ihave imore ithan ione iphase iand iare inot iexactly ion ithe isolubil...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 24 pages •
Chapter i11: iDispersion iStrengthening iand iEutectic iPhase iDiagrams 
11-9	Under iwhat icircumstances iis ithe itotal icomposition ithe isame ias ithe iphase icomposition ior icompositions? iUnder iwhat icircumstances iis iit idifferent? 
In ia ione iphase iregion ithe ialloy ior itotal icomposition iis ithe isame ias ithe iphase icomposition. iWhen iwe ihave imore ithan ione iphase iand iare inot iexactly ion ithe isolubil...
MSE-Askeland Science and Engineering 7e ISM Chapter 10
Chapter i10: iSolid iSolutions iand iPhase iEquilibrium 
10-10	How imuch iof ia itemperature ichange iis irequired ito ibring iliquid imagnesium ifrom isolid- iliquid iequilibrium ito ivapor-liquid iequilibrium iat i1 iatmosphere? i(See iFigure i10-2.) 
Reading ithe igraph iin iFigure i10-2, iwe iread iabout i433 i°C idifference ibetween ithe itwo ilines iat i1 iatm. iIf ithe iY iaxis iwere iscaled, iwe icould ifind iout...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 31 pages •
Chapter i10: iSolid iSolutions iand iPhase iEquilibrium 
10-10	How imuch iof ia itemperature ichange iis irequired ito ibring iliquid imagnesium ifrom isolid- iliquid iequilibrium ito ivapor-liquid iequilibrium iat i1 iatmosphere? i(See iFigure i10-2.) 
Reading ithe igraph iin iFigure i10-2, iwe iread iabout i433 i°C idifference ibetween ithe itwo ilines iat i1 iatm. iIf ithe iY iaxis iwere iscaled, iwe icould ifind iout...
MSE-Askeland Science and Engineering 7e ISM Chapter 09
Chapter i9: iPrinciples iof iSolidification 
9-5	What iis ithe idifference ibetween ihomogenous inucleation iand iheterogeneous inucleation? 
Homogenous inucleation ioccurs iwhen inuclei iof ithe iresulting iphase ihave ithe isame iprobability iof iforming iat ievery ilocation. iHeterogeneous inucleation iof ithe iresulting iphase ioccurs iat icertain ipreferred ilocations iin ithe ioriginal iphase. iIn ipractice, ihomogenous inucleat...
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 36 pages •
Chapter i9: iPrinciples iof iSolidification 
9-5	What iis ithe idifference ibetween ihomogenous inucleation iand iheterogeneous inucleation? 
Homogenous inucleation ioccurs iwhen inuclei iof ithe iresulting iphase ihave ithe isame iprobability iof iforming iat ievery ilocation. iHeterogeneous inucleation iof ithe iresulting iphase ioccurs iat icertain ipreferred ilocations iin ithe ioriginal iphase. iIn ipractice, ihomogenous inucleat...
MSE-Askeland Science and Engineering 7e ISM Chapter 16
Chapter 16: Polymers 
16-6	Kevlar (C14H10N2O2) is used in various applications from tires to body armor due to its high strength-to-weight ratio. The polymer is produced from the monomers paraphenylene diamine (C6H8N2) and terephthaloyl chloride (C8H4Cl2O2) by the following reaction: 
(a)	What type of polymerization does the above reaction represent? 
(b)	Assuming 100% efficiency, calculate the weight of terephthaloyl chloride required to completely combine with 1 kg of paraphenylene diami...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 14 pages •
Chapter 16: Polymers 
16-6	Kevlar (C14H10N2O2) is used in various applications from tires to body armor due to its high strength-to-weight ratio. The polymer is produced from the monomers paraphenylene diamine (C6H8N2) and terephthaloyl chloride (C8H4Cl2O2) by the following reaction: 
(a)	What type of polymerization does the above reaction represent? 
(b)	Assuming 100% efficiency, calculate the weight of terephthaloyl chloride required to completely combine with 1 kg of paraphenylene diami...
Week 3 Virtual Learning Environment