Drug Drug Adverse Spectrum
name Pharmacodynamics pharmotherapeutics Clinical use interaction reaction coverage Dose and monitoring Education
PCN, Inhibit biosynthesis Absorb through GI tract URI, pna, STI, UTI, Oral Gi affects, type Gram pos and Amox 250-500 Watch
pcn g of bacterial cell wall – – depends on PH, wounds. H. pylori, contraceptives, 1 allergy, cdiff, some gram BUN and
and mucopeptide. Bind to excrete through urine. PUD, lyme, acute food and acidic rash neg use, strep, Clinical, cultures, lytes.
pcn v, PBPs and lysis the cell Allergy, prego B. otitis media drinks, enterococcus, pathogen, suspectible Allergic
amoxo wall. Active cellular unstable in acid, prolong sinusitis, bites diuretics, staph cdif reaction.
cillin multiplication. half life warafin, beat Complete
beta blocker full course,
lactam empty
ase stomach
Cephal Good for rapidly Gi tract, kidneys Otitis media, Warafin, Serum sickness 1: gram pos – Cefazolin 250-500, Take with
ospori growing organisms, Hypersensitivity, renal sinusitis, anticoag, reaction, staph and cefalexin 250-500 food or
n, beta bacterialcidal function impairement, bronchitis, UTI, antacid, h2 seizures? Renal epidermidis milk, don’t
lactam heparic impairment with pharyngitis, STI, blocker, iron impairment 2: ^ cefprozil BUN, creat, PT, RBC take same
ase Beta lactamases. ceftriaxone, prego b, PNA, tissue Coag 3: gram neg, time as
ancef, 1&2: pos careful with children infection, strep, impairment strep, antacids,
kefazo 3&4: neg pharyngitis, STD, gonorrhea, e infection
l, UTI, PNA coli, salmonella control
Keflex, 4: cefepime
roceph both pos and
in neg.
Fluroq Used against UTI, Found in bodily fluids. Bronchitis, pna, CPY450, Diarrhea, alter Gram neg – Cipro 500-750, 2 hour
uinolo gram neg, Synthesis Kidney. BBW of UTI, STI, diarrhea CYP3A4, taste, SJS, salmonella, Levaquin 5—750 after meal,
nes, and repair of tendinitis or tendon warfarin, phototoxicity, shigella, week. water,
cipro, bacterial DNA. Inhibit rupture, QTC prolong, antacids, CV problems, meningitis, e INR, EKG, Renal same time
levaflo DNA for transcription MG, prego C, watch antiarythmias, tendon coli, klebsiella function full course,
xocin and replication – renal impairment, and dm drugs rupture. BBW avoid sun
gram pos. CNS stimulation, don’t
, give under 18 yrs.
Lincos Binds to 50S Not affected by food, MRSA, alternative Erythromycin, n/v, metallic Gram pos, Clinda 150-300 Sit or stand
amide ribosome and metabolized by liver. to PCN with kaolin-pectin, taste, strep, after dose,
s, suppress protein Use carefully with allergy, respiratory, neuromuscular diphtheria, PCA testing, renal and food, let
clinda, synthesis asthma renal and liver dental blocker bacteroid, liver fx provider
cleocin impairment prego b acnes, tetani know if
surgery -
Macrol Binds to p site or 50s Prolong qt, cardiac Empirical Cyp3a4, Gi problems, Gram pos – Azithromycin 500, Empty
ides, ribosome and inhibits arrhythmia, electrolytes, treatment for Com CYP450, Orap, liver strep, mssa erythromycin stomach,
azythr protein synthesis, hepatotoxicity, MG, acq PNA, STI, class 1a and 3 abnormalities, Gram neg – give with
omyci weak base – alkaline visual disturbance. chancroid, antiarrthmias, SJ. Statin - influenza, Hearing loss, ekg, water,
n, media. Prego b and c chlymidia, PUD, fluconazole, myopathy Neisseria, liver values same time
erythr bronchitis, resp promethazine. ricketessa, each day
omyci issues antacids chlamidia,
n mycobacterium
Sulfon Inhibitition of Absorbed through Gi Combination GPD6 deficincy, Rashes, skin Gram pos and Sulfa – loading dose Give with
amide dihydrofolate track, serum level 5-15. therapy – uti, renal reaction, neg – klebsillea, then 2-4g/d water and
s, synthesis to prevent Metabolise in liver – burn, MRSA impairment, photosensitivit salmonella, CBC, UA make sure
*sulfa folic acid synthesis, slow metabolizer risk folate. y, SJS, gonorrhea, good urine
prevent purine and for toxicity prego c, give Salicylates, hypersnesitivity protozoa output,
nucleic acids. <2 mo. , PCN allergy warafin, photosensi
tivity by
Trimet Converts Distributed throughout Uti, uri, bronchitis, Ace inhibitors, Rash, skin Gram pos and 100 mg q d for 10 day
hopri dihydrofolate to the body, kidney Mrsa ^ phenytoin reaction, neg – e colia,
m, tetrahydrofolic acid – excretion, prego c, not hyperkalemia salmonella, CBC, renal, liver
primso synthesis to pruines <2 mo shigella,
l and DNA pertuisses
sequential blocking
Nitrof Alter bacterial Absorbd slowly, watch UTI ^ anticholinergics Peripheral Gram pos and 50-100 qid with meals Give with
uranto ribosomes, low creat <40, prego b, not neuropathy, neg – staph, food, w
in concentration in <1 mo pulmonary strep CBC, pulm eval urine may
body high in urine, reactions be brown,
synthesis of DNA and watch
energy pulmonary
Lipogly Vanc, inhibit cell wall IV preferred, excreted in CDI, staph Aminoglycocide Nephrotoxicity, Gram pos – first Watch bun and creat Use with
copep synthesis binds to BM. Systemic – be s, ace inhibitor, CDI, prolong qt, line, MRSA, vre, cholesterya