i i i
Chapter i1 iNursing iScience iand ithe iFoundation iof iKnowledge
The inurse iunderstands ithat inursing iinformatics iis irecognized ias ia ispecialty iarea iof ipractice iby
iwhich istatement?
1. Research ipriorities ifor inursing iinformatics iinclude ithe idevelopment iof ia istandard inursing
i language iand ithe idevelopment iof idatabases i for iclinical iinformation.
2. A iformal ieducational iprogram iat ithe imaster's ilevel imust ibe icompleted ibefore ia inurseiis
ieligible ito isit ifor ithe icredentialing iexamination.
3. As ia idifferentiated ipractice, inursing iinformatics iis ifocused iupon ithe iclient, ithe ienvironment,
ihealth, iand ithe inurse.
4. There iis ia ineed ifor inursing iinformatics iinterests ito igain irepresentation iby iwork igroups iand
iorganizations iwithin ithe iUnited iStates.
Correct iAnswer: i1
Rationale i1: iThe idevelopment iof iresearch ipriorities iis ia ikey ipoint iin ia ispecialty ipractice.
iAlthough idegrees iat ithe i master's i level iare iavailable, ithe idegree irequired i for icredentialing i is
itypically iat ithe ibachelor's i level iand i includes iexperience i in ithe i field. iCurrent idemands i for isafer,
icost-effective, iquality icare irequire ievidence iof ithe i best ipractices i supported iby iresearch.
Rationale i2: iSuch ia iformal ieducational iprogram idoes inot inecessarily imean ia ispecialty iarea iof
ipractice. i Although idegrees iat ithe i master's i level iare i available, ithe idegree irequired i for
icredentialing i is itypically iat ithe ibachelor's i level iand i includes iexperience i in ithe i field. iThe
idevelopment iof iresearch ipriorities i is ia ikey ipoint i in i a ispecialty ipractice.
Rationale i3: iYour ichosen iresponse irefers ito ithe ientire idiscipline iof inursing. iThe ispecialty iof
inursing i informatics i integrates inursing iscience, icomputer iscience, iand i information iscience ito
i manage iand icommunicate idata, iinformation, iknowledge, iand iwisdom i into inursing ipractice. iThe
idevelopment iof iresearch ipriorities i is ia ikey ipoint i in i a ispecialty ipractice.
Rationale i4: iThere iare imany iwork igroups iin ithe iUnited iStates irelated ito iinformatics ithat ifocus
ion ithe ispecialty iof i informatics ipractice. iOne iexample i is ithe iNursing iInformatics iSpecial iInterest
iGroup iof ithe iInternational iMedical iInformatics i Association. iThe idevelopment iof iresearch
ipriorities i is ia ikey ipoint i in ia ispecialty ipractice.
Global iRationale:
,Cognitive iLevel: iUnderstanding
Client iNeed: iSafe iEffective iCare iEnvironment
Client iNeed iSub: iManagement iof iCare
Nursing/Integrated iConcepts: iNursing iProcess: iAssessment
Learning iOutcome:
Question i2
iType: iMCSA
Which istatement iby ithe inurse iverifies ithat ithe inurse iis i"information iliterate"?
1. "I iunderstand ihow ito isearch ifor ia iwebsite iand ievaluate iits iusefulness ifor ihealth icare ineeds."
2. "I iutilize idatabases iin ithe ihealth icare isetting ito iinput iclient iinformation isuch ias iskin
3. "I iuse iemail iover ithe iInternet ito icorrespond iwith iclients iand iprovide iinformation."
4. "I ican iuse isoftware iapplications isuch ias iword iprocessing, ispreadsheets, iand ipresentations."
Correct iAnswer: i1
Rationale i1: iInformation iliteracy inecessitates ithat inurses ihave ithe iability ito ifind, ievaluate, iand
ieffectively iuse i information. iThe iother ianswers iare i examples iof icomputer i literacy i but ido inot ihave
ithe ihigher i functions iof i information i literacy.
Rationale i2: iYour ichosen iresponse iis ian iexample iof icomputer iliteracy, ibut iit idoes inot ihave ithe
ihigher i functions iof i information i literacy. iInformation i literacy i necessitates ithat inurses i have ithe
iability ito ifind, ievaluate, iand ieffectively iuse iinformation.
Rationale i3: iYour ichosen iresponse iis ian iexample iof icomputer iliteracy ibut, iit idoes inot ihave ithe
ihigher i functions iof i information i literacy. iInformation i literacy i necessitates ithat inurses i have ithe
iability ito ifind, ievaluate, iand ieffectively iuse iinformation.
Rationale i4: iThis ianswer iis ian iexample iof icomputer iliteracy ibut, iit idoes inot ihave ithe ihigher
ifunctions iof i information i literacy. iInformation i literacy inecessitates ithat inurses i have ithe iability ito
ifind, ievaluate, iand ieffectively iuse i information.
Global iRationale:
Cognitive iLevel: iUnderstanding
Client iNeed: iSafe iEffective iCare iEnvironment
Client iNeed iSub: iManagement iof iCare
iNursing/Integrated iConcepts: iNursing iProcess: iPlanning
iLearning iOutcome:
,Question i3
iType: iMCSA
The inurse igathers imuch idata iwhen icaring ifor iclients. iWhich iis ian iexample iof ithe ihigher-level
i"information" iuseful i in icaring i for iclients?
1. The ivital isigns iare iBP iof i130/70, iHR iof i88, iRR iof i24, itemperature iof i98.8 idegrees iF., iand
ioxygen isaturation iof i98%.
2. Lab iwork iresults iinclude ian ielectrolyte ipanel iand icomplete iblood icount iwith idifferential.
3. The iclient iis ia iwidowed i64-year-old iblack imale iadmitted iwith iprostatitis.
4. After ireceiving iRocephin i(ceftriaxone isodium) i1.0 igram iIV iyesterday, ithe iclient ireported
ifeeling i better itoday.
Correct iAnswer: i4
Rationale i1: iYour ichosen iresponse iis ian iexample iof ihaving ipieces iof idata iwithout iinterpretation.
i"Information" inecessitates ithat ithe inurse i interpret iand istructure ithe iresults iof iclinical idata i into
i information.
Rationale i2: iYour ichosen iresponse iis ian iexample iof ihaving ipieces iof idata iwithout iinterpretation.
i"Information" inecessitates ithat ithe inurse i interpret iand istructure ithe iresults iof iclinical idata i into
i information.
Rationale i3: iYour ichosen iresponse iis ian iexample iof ihaving ipieces iof idata iwithout iinterpretation.
i"Information" inecessitates ithat ithe inurse i interpret iand istructure ithe iresults iof iclinical idata i into
i information.
Rationale i4: i"Information" inecessitates ithat ithe inurse iinterpret iand istructure iclinical idata iinto
i information. iIt ican ithen i be iused ito iaid iclinical idecision i making iand iclient i monitoring. iAll iother
iresponses i included ipieces iof idata iwithout iinterpretation.
Global iRationale:
Cognitive iLevel: iUnderstanding
Client iNeed: iSafe iEffective iCare iEnvironment
Client iNeed iSub: iManagement iof iCare
Nursing/Integrated iConcepts: iNursing iProcess: iAssessment
Learning iOutcome:
Question i4
iType: iMCSA
, Which istatement ibest idistinguishes ithe idifference ibetween iinformation iliteracy iand icomputer
i literacy?
1. Information iliteracy iis iunnecessary iin ihealth icare iwhereas icomputer iliteracy iprovides itheibasis
ifor icomputer iorder ientry.
2. Information iliteracy iis ithe ifoundation iof ithe iEHR iwhereas icomputer iliteracy ihelps ithe inurseito
iaccess idata.
3. A inurse ican iextrapolate idata iwith icomputer iliteracy iand inot iinformation iskills.
4. Information iliteracy iforms ithe ibasis ifor iongoing ilearning iwhereas icomputer iliteracy irefers itoia
ifamiliarity iwith ithe iuse iof ipersonal icomputers.
Correct iAnswer: i4
Rationale i1: iComputer iliteracy iis ia ipopular iterm iused ito irefer ito ia ifamiliarity iwith ithe iuse iof
ipersonal icomputers, i including ithe iuse iof i software itools isuch ias iword iprocessing, ispreadsheets,
idatabases, ipresentation igraphics, iand ie-mail. iThe i majority iof istudents iadmitted ito inursing
ischools i now ienter iwith isome i level iof icomputer iliteracy.
Rationale i2: iComputer iliteracy iis ia ipopular iterm iused ito irefer ito ia ifamiliarity iwith ithe iuse iof
ipersonal icomputers, i including ithe iuse iof i software itools isuch ias iword iprocessing, ispreadsheets,
idatabases, ipresentation igraphics, iand ie-mail. iThe i majority iof istudents iadmitted ito inursing
ischools i now ienter iwith isome i level iof icomputer iliteracy.
Rationale i3: iComputer iliteracy iis ia ipopular iterm iused ito irefer ito ia ifamiliarity iwith ithe iuse iof
ipersonal icomputers, i including ithe iuse iof i software itools isuch ias iword iprocessing, ispreadsheets,
idatabases, ipresentation igraphics, iand ie-mail. iThe i majority iof istudents iadmitted ito inursing
ischools i now ienter iwith isome i level iof icomputer iliteracy.
Rationale i4: iComputer iliteracy iis ia ipopular iterm iused ito irefer ito ia ifamiliarity iwith ithe iuse iof
ipersonal icomputers, i including ithe iuse iof i software itools isuch ias iword iprocessing, ispreadsheets,
idatabases, ipresentation igraphics, iand ie-mail. iThe i majority iof istudents iadmitted ito inursing
ischools i now ienter iwith isome i level iof icomputer iliteracy.
Global iRationale:
Cognitive iLevel: iAnalyzing
Client iNeed: iSafe iEffective iCare iEnvironment
Client iNeed iSub: iManagement iof iCare
Nursing/Integrated iConcepts: iNursing iProcess: iAssessment
Learning iOutcome:
Question i5