Chapter il01: ilNursing iland ilthe ilHealth ilCare ilSystem
,Williams: ildeWit's ilFundamental ilConcepts iland ilSkills ilfor ilNursing, il5th ilEdition
1. Florence ilNightingale‘s ilcontributions ilto ilnursing ilpractice iland ileducation:
a. are ilhistorically ilimportant ilbut ilhave ilno ilvalidity ilfor ilnursing iltoday.
b. were ilneither ilrecognized ilnor ilappreciated ilin ilher ilown iltime.
c. were ila ilmajor ilfactor ilin ilreducing ilthe ildeath ilrate ilin ilthe ilCrimean ilWar.
d. were illimited ilonly ilto ilthe ilcare ilof ilsevere iltraumatic ilwounds.
ANS: i l C
By ilimproving ilsanitation, ilnutrition ilventilation, iland ilhandwashing iltechniques, ilFlorence
ilNightingale‘s ilnurses ildramatically ilreduced ilthe ildeath ilrate ilfrom ilinjuries ilin ilthe ilCrimean
DIF: Cognitive ilLevel: ilKnowledge REF: i l p. il2 OBJ: ilTheory
il#1 ilTOP: i l Nursing ilHistory KEY: i l Nursing ilProcess ilStep: ilN/A
ilMSC: i l NCLEX: ilN/A
2. Early ilnursing ileducation iland ilcare ilin ilthe ilUnited ilStates:
a. were ildirected ilat ilcommunity ilhealth.
b. provided ilindependence ilfor ilwomen ilthrough ileducation iland ilemployment.
c. were ilan ileducational ilmodel ilbased ilin ilinstitutions ilof ilhigher illearning.
d. have ilcontinued ilto ilbe ilentirely ilfocused ilon ilhospital ilnursing.
ANS: i l B
Because il of ilthe ilinfluence il of il early ilnNuUrRs iSnI gN Gl eTaBd.eCrOs ,Mnu rs i n g il education ilbecame ilmore
il formalized ilthrough ilapprenticeships ilin ilNightingale ilschools ilthat iloffered ilindependence ilto
ilwomen ilthrough ileducation iland ilemployment.
DIF: Cognitive ilLevel: ilKnowledge REF: i l p. il2 OBJ: ilTheory
il#4 ilTOP: i l Nursing ilHistory KEY: i l Nursing ilProcess ilStep: ilN/A
ilMSC: i l NCLEX: ilN/A
,3. In ilorder ilto ilfulfill ilthe ilcommon ilgoals ildefined ilby ilnursing iltheorists il(promote ilwellness,
ilprevent ilillness, ilfacilitate ilcoping, iland ilrestore ilhealth), ilthe ilLPN ilmust iltake ilon ilthe
ilroles ilof:
a. caregiver, ileducator, iland ilcollaborator.
b. nursing ilassistant, ildelegator, iland ilenvironmental ilspecialist.
c. medication ildispenser, ilcollaborator, iland iltransporter.
d. dietitian, ilmanager, iland ilhousekeeper.
ANS: i l A
In ilorder ilfor ilthe ilLPN ilto ilapply ilthe ilcommon ilgoals ilof ilnursing, ilhe ilor ilshe ilmust
ilassume ilthe ilroles ilof ilcaregiver, ileducator, ilcollaborator, ilmanager, iland iladvocate.
DIF: Cognitive ilLevel: ilComprehension REF: i l p. il3 OBJ: ilTheory
il#2 ilTOP: i l Art iland ilScience ilof ilNursing KEY:
i l Nursing ilProcess ilStep: ilN/A ilMSC: i l NCLEX: ilN/A
4. Although ilnursing iltheories ildiffer ilin iltheir ilattempts ilto ildefine ilnursing, ilall ilof ilthem
ilbase iltheir ilbeliefs ilon ilcommon ilconcepts ilconcerning:
, a. self-actualization, ilfundamental ilneeds, iland ilbelonging.
b. stress ilreduction, ilself-care, iland ila ilsystems ilmodel.
c. curative ilcare, ilrestorative ilcare, iland ilterminal ilcare.
d. human ilrelationships, ilthe ilenvironment, iland ilhealth.
ANS: i l D
Although ilnursing iltheories ildiffer, ilthey ilall ilbase iltheir ilbeliefs ilon ilhuman ilrelationships, ilthe
ilenvironment, iland ilhealth.
DIF: Cognitive ilLevel: ilComprehension REF: i l p. il4 OBJ: ilTheory
il#2 ilTOP: i l Nursing ilTheories KEY: i l Nursing ilProcess ilStep: ilN/A
ilMSC: i l NCLEX: ilN/A
5. Standards ilof ilcare ilfor ilthe ilnursing ilpractice ilof ilthe ilLPN ilare ilestablished ilby ilthe:
a. Boards ilof ilNursing ilExaminers ilin ileach ilstate.
b. National ilCouncil ilof ilStates ilBoards ilof ilNursing il(NCSBN).
c. American ilNurses ilAssociation il(ANA).
d. National ilFederation ilof ilLicensed ilPractical ilNurses.
ANS: i l D
The ilNational ilFederation ilof ilLicensed ilPractical ilNurses ilmodified ilthe ilstandards ilpublished
ilby ilthe ilANA ilin il2015 ilto ilbetter ilfit ilthe ilrole ilof ilthe ilLPN. ilIn il2015 ilthe ilAmerican
ilNurses ilAssociation il(ANA) ilrevised ilthe ilStandards ilof ilNursing ilPractice ilwhich
ilcontained il17 ilstandards ilof ilnational ilpractice ilof ilnursing, ildescribing ilall ilfacets ilof
ilnursing ilpractice: ilwho, ilwhat, ilwhen, ilwhere, ilhow.
DIF: Cognitive ilLevel: ilComprehension REF: i l p. il6 OBJ: ilTheory
il#2 ilTOP: i l Standards ilof ilCare KEY: ilNursing ilProcess ilStep: ilN/A
6. The ilLPN ildemonstrates ilan ilevidence-based ilpractice ilby:
a. using ila ildrug ilmanual ilto ilcheck ilcompatibility ilof ildrugs.
b. using ilscientific ilinformation ilto ilguide ildecision ilmaking.
c. using ilmedical ilhistory ilof ila ilpatient ilto ildirect ilnursing ilinterventions.
d. basing ilnursing ilcare ilon iladvice ilfrom ilan ilexperienced ilnurse.
ANS: i l B
The iluse ilof ilscientific ilinformation ilfrom ilhigh-quality ilresearch ilto ilguide ilnursing ildecisions
ilis ilreflective ilof ilthe ilapplication ilof ilevidence-based ilpractice.
DIF: Cognitive ilLevel: ilKnowledge REF: i l p. il7 OBJ: ilTheory
il#3 ilTOP: i l Evidence-Based ilPractice KEY: i l Nursing ilProcess ilStep: ilN/A
ilMSC: i l NCLEX: ilN/A
7. Lillian ilWald iland ilMary ilBrewster ilestablished ilthe ilHenry ilStreet ilSettlement ilService ilin
ilNew ilYork ilin il1893 ilin ilorder ilto:
a. offer ila ilshelter ilto ilinjured ilwar ilveterans.
b. found ila ilnursing ilapprenticeship.
c. provide ilhealth ilcare ilto ilpoor ilpersons illiving ilin iltenements.
d. offer ilbetter ilhousing ilto illow-income ilfamilies.
ANS: i l C