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TExES 268 - Domains, Constructed
Responses & More
I. Domain - answer✔School Culture - 12%
II. Domain - answer✔Leading Learning - 16%
III. Domain - answer✔Human Capital -14%
IV. Domain - answer✔Executive Leadership - 6%
V. Domain - answer✔Strategic Operations -6%
VI. Domain - answer✔Ethics, Equity, and Diversity - 6%
I. Domain, Competency 1 - SCHOOL CULTURE (School and Community Leadership) - answer✔The entry-
level principal knows how to establish and implement a shared vision and culture of high expectations
for all stakeholders (students, staff, parents, and community).
I. Domain, 1.*A — SCHOOL CULTURE (School and Community Leadership) - establish & implement vision
& culture of high expectations - answer✔*Creates a positive, collaborative, and collegial campus culture
that sets high expectations and facilitates the implementation and achievement of campus initiatives
and goals
I. Domain, 1.B — SCHOOL CULTURE (School and Community Leadership) - establish & implement vision
& culture of high expectations - answer✔Uses emerging issues, recent research, knowledge of systems
(e.g., school improvement process, strategic planning, etc.), and various types of data (e.g.,
demographic, perceptive, student learning, and processes) to collaboratively develop a shared campus
vision and a plan for implementing the vision
I. Domain, 1.C — SCHOOL CULTURE (School and Community Leadership) - establish & implement vision
& culture of high expectations - answer✔Facilitates the collaborative development of a plan that clearly
articulates objectives and strategies for implementing a campus vision.
I. Domain, 1.D — SCHOOL CULTURE (School and Community Leadership) - establish & implement vision
& culture of high expectations - answer✔Aligns financial, human, and material resources to support
implementation of a campus vision and mission
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I. Domain, 1.E — SCHOOL CULTURE (School and Community Leadership) - establish & implement vision
& culture of high expectations - answer✔Establishes procedures to assess and modify implementation
plans to promote achievement of the campus vision
I. Domain, 1.F — SCHOOL CULTURE (School and Community Leadership) - establish & implement vision
& culture of high expectations - answer✔Models and promotes the continuous and appropriate
development of all stakeholders in the school community, to shape the campus culture
I. Domain, 1.*G — SCHOOL CULTURE (School and Community Leadership) - establish & implement vision
& culture of high expectations - answer✔*Establishes and communicates consistent expectations for all
stakeholders, providing supportive feedback to promote a positive campus environment
I. Domain, 1.*H — SCHOOL CULTURE (School and Community Leadership) - establish & implement vision
& culture of high expectations - answer✔*Implements effective strategies to systematically gather input
from all campus stakeholders, supporting innovative thinking and an inclusive culture
I. Domain, 1.*I — SCHOOL CULTURE (School and Community Leadership) - establish & implement vision
& culture of high expectations - answer✔*Creates an atmosphere of safety that encourages the social,
emotional, and physical well-being of staff and students
I. Domain, 1.J — SCHOOL CULTURE (School and Community Leadership) - establish & implement vision &
culture of high expectations - answer✔Facilitates the implementation of research-based theories and
techniques to promote a campus environment and culture that is conducive to effective teaching and
learning and supports organizational health and morale
I. Domain, Competency 2 - SCHOOL CULTURE (School and Community Leadership) - answer✔The entry-
level principal knows how to work with stakeholders as key partners to support student learning.
I. Domain, 2.A — SCHOOL CULTURE (School and Community Leadership) - work with stakeholders -
answer✔Acknowledges, recognizes, and celebrates the contributions of all stakeholders toward the
realization of the campus vision
I. Domain, 2.B — SCHOOL CULTURE (School and Community Leadership) - work with stakeholders -
answer✔Implements strategies to ensure the development of collegial relationships and effective
I. Domain, 2.*C — SCHOOL CULTURE (School and Community Leadership) - work with stakeholders -
answer✔*Uses consensus-building, conflict-management, communication, and information-gathering
strategies to involve various stakeholders in planning processes that enable the collaborative
development of a shared campus vision and mission focused on teaching and learning
I. Domain, 2.*D — SCHOOL CULTURE (School and Community Leadership) - work with stakeholders -
answer✔*Ensures that parents and other members of the community are an integral part of the campus
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II. Domain, Competency 3 - LEADING LEARNING (Instructional Leadership/Teaching and Learning) -
answer✔The entry-level principal knows how to collaboratively develop and implement high-quality
II. Domain, 3.*A - LEADING LEARNING (Instructional Leadership/Teaching and Learning) - collaboratively
develop & implement high-quality instruction - answer✔*Prioritizes instruction and student
achievement by understanding, sharing, and promoting a clear definition of high-quality instruction
based on best practices from recent research
II. Domain, 3.*B - LEADING LEARNING (Instructional Leadership/Teaching and Learning) - collaboratively
develop & implement high-quality instruction - answer✔*Facilitates the use of sound, research-based
practice in the development, implementation, coordination, and evaluation of campus curricular, co-
curricular, and extracurricular programs to fulfill academic, development, social, and cultural needs
II. Domain, 3.*C - LEADING LEARNING (Instructional Leadership/Teaching and Learning) - collaboratively
develop & implement high-quality instruction - answer✔*Facilitates campus participation in
collaborative district planning, implementation, monitoring, and revision of the curriculum to ensure
appropriate scope, sequence, content, and alignment
II. Domain, 3.*D - LEADING LEARNING (Instructional Leadership/Teaching and Learning) - collaboratively
develop & implement high-quality instruction - answer✔*Implements a rigorous curriculum that is
aligned with state standards, including college and career-readiness standards
II. Domain, 3.E - LEADING LEARNING (Instructional Leadership/Teaching and Learning) - collaboratively
develop & implement high-quality instruction - answer✔Facilitates the use and integration of
technology, telecommunications, and information systems to enhance learning
II. Domain, Competency 4 - LEADING LEARNING (Instructional Leadership/Teaching and Learning) -
answer✔The entry-level principal knows how to monitor and assess classroom instruction to promote
teacher effectiveness and student achievement.
II. Domain, 4.*A - LEADING LEARNING (Instructional Leadership/Teaching and Learning) - monitor &
assess instruction - answer✔*Monitors instruction routinely by visiting classrooms, observing
instruction, and attending grade-level, department, or team meetings to provide evidence-based
feedback to improve instruction
II. Domain, 4.*B - LEADING LEARNING (Instructional Leadership/Teaching and Learning) - monitor &
assess instruction - answer✔*Analyzes the curriculum collaboratively to guide teachers in aligning
content across grades and ensures that curricular scopes and sequences meet the particular needs of
their diverse student populations (considering sociological, linguistic, cultural, and other factors)
II. Domain, 4.*C - LEADING LEARNING (Instructional Leadership/Teaching and Learning) - monitor &
assess instruction - answer✔*Monitors and ensures staff use of multiple forms of student data to inform
instruction and intervention decisions that maximizes instructional effectiveness and student