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RECA Residential Unit 7 Exam Questions
With Verified Answers
Under which Act/Law are all Alberta municipalities empowered to shape their communities? -
answer✔MGA - The Municipal Government Act
Which department is responsible for administration of the MGA? - answer✔Municipal Affairs is the
department responsible for administering the Municipal Government Act
MGA contains 3 key topics - answer✔1. Assessment and Taxation 2. Governance and Administration 3.
Planning and Development
When was the first (MGA) Municipal Government Act created? - answer✔in 1968, various pieces of
municipal legislation were consolidated into the first MGA
3 types of municipalities - answer✔in general Urban, Rural, Specialized. Other categories of governance
include Special area, Metis settlements and Indigenous servers.
population needed to qualify as a city - answer✔10,000
Who governs cities? - answer✔A mayor, elected at large, and an even number of Councillors or
alderpersons govern cities. To avoid tie votes, there should always be an odd number of people on
How many cities in Alberta? - answer✔18
How many people and what percentage of the people of Alberta live in cities? - answer✔2,839,822
people represent approximately 68% of the total population
Min. people needed to make a town - answer✔1000
Who governs a town? - answer✔a mayor and six councillors (unless otherwise specified)
Min. people needed to make a village - answer✔300
Who governs a village? - answer✔3 councillors, one of whom is the mayor
what are the municipal provisions for summer villages? - answer✔Same as villages, but summer village
elections and annual meetings must be in the summer, plus only type of municipality where a person
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can vote twice in municipal elections. once in the summer village and once in the municipality where
their permanent residence is.
Min. people needed to make a Hamlet - answer✔5 or more
What is a specialized Municipality? - answer✔unique structures formed without resorting to a special
Act of the Legislature. Allow urban and rural communities to coexist in a single municipal government.
5 specialized municipalities in Alberta - answer✔Crowsnest, Jasper, and Wood Buffalo, Counties of
Strathcona and Mackenzie
How is a bare land condominium defined? - answer✔By the size of the lot the building sits on. A RPR
identifies lot boundaries. The area within the boundary of the RPR, including structure, landscaping and
garage, are owned by the unit owner. Areas outside the RPR boundaries are common property and
owned by all unit owners
What is Fractional Ownership - answer✔owning 1/4 to 1/13th of a property with other individuals
What is a HOA? - answer✔A home ownership association is typically registered on a fee simple title.
Each property located within the HOA development or community has a separate title with a HOA
caveat registered against it. mandatory membership and is based on each residence being part of a
specific development or community. Usually requiring the owner to pay an annual or monthly HOA fee.
How to know the difference between a condominium and a Home Ownership Association (HOA)? -
answer✔For an HOA a caveat is recorded on the title
For Time Shares, what is the difference between Fee Simple Ownership and Right-to-use ownership? -
answer✔Fee simple means they own the portion/weeks until they sell their ownership/or transfer it to
another party. Right-to-use is for a set number of years ranging from 15 to 50 years.
How do you find out if a property is a condominium? - answer✔Must search the certificate of title
3 types of Condominium Plans - answer✔Conventional, Bare land and Barely Blended
Condominium Plans - Conventional - answer✔In a Conventional Condominium Plan, units are defined
spaces within a structure. The interior finish on floors, walls, and ceilings, unless otherwise stipulated in
the Legend on the Plan, distinguish the boundaries for units. Unit boundaries for Conventional
Condominium Plans registered prior to January 1, 1979, are considered to lie in the centre of floors,
walls, and ceilings. All areas not included in the units are considered as part of the common property.
Condominium Plans - Bare land - answer✔In a Bare Land Condominium Plan, units are parcels of land.
The boundaries for each unit within a bare land condominium plan are defined by the width and depth
of each parcel of land. They are identified using survey monuments (e.g. steel pins, wooden stakes)
placed on or under the ground. Although improvements (e.g. buildings, fences, roadways) may be added
later, the boundaries for units remain as the width and depth of each parcel of land as defined in the
Condominium Plan. Unit owners of bare land condominiums possess and are responsible for all
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improvements fully or partly affixed to the land. There may be rules or bylaws governing these
improvements. An associate should ensure that the buyer is aware of and understands the
condominium corporation's bylaws and any rules. This is usually contained in the condominium
documents provided by the seller. Bare Land Condominium Plans may or may not make provisions for
common property.
Condominium Plans - Barely Blended - answer✔A Barely Blended Condominium Plan divides bare land
units into smaller units with boundaries defined by the space within a structure. Unit boundaries for this
type of condominium are based on the floors, walls, and ceilings within the structure. Barely blended
condominiums include a mixture of bare land and conventional condominiums. A developer first
registers a Bare Land Condominium Plan and then constructs a multi-unit structure on one or more of
the bare land units. The developer then registers a Barely Blended Condominium Plan. The areas of the
condominium typically deemed common property (e.g. hallways, stairways, elevators) are included in a
CPU. The condominium corporation owns the common property unit or remainder unit. The
condominium corporation is responsible for the care and maintenance of the common property.
How do REPs determine the type of condominium plan is in place? - answer✔by examining how the unit
boundaries are described
Are Housing Cooperatives condominiums? - answer✔No. Alberta housing cooperatives are legal non-
profit entities incorporated and managed by their members through an elected Board of Directors. The
cooperative owns the building and holds title to the land on which it is built. Members purchase shares
that grant occupancy rights to a unit, within the building under a tenancy agreement. Membership may
be related to specific criteria, such as income level or local residency. The primary purpose of a
cooperative is to provide its members with housing and housing-related facilities. The Cooperatives Act
and Regulation governs all housing cooperatives. Sections of the Land Titles Act may also apply.
2 examples of attached properties - answer✔apartments and row townhouses (except for the end units
which would be considered semi-detached)
when does the Real Estate Act apply to mobile homes? (x4) - answer✔When the following 4
requirements are all met.: The mobile home is 1. designed for use as a residence 2. mounted or
attached to its chassis and running gear 3. can be transported on its own chassis or running gear or
towed by other means 4. situated on a site that is used or intended to be used for residential purposes,
to be leased, sold, or purchased as a residence
REPs require licensing under the Retail Home Sales Business Licensing Regulation under the Tair Trading
Act in the following instances (x2) - answer✔1. The sale or purchase of a mobile home does not include
an interest in real estate (ie land). 2. The mobile home is situated on a site not intended for residential
use (not leased, sold or purchased as a residence)
For mobile homes where can I search the title ro ascertain ownership and encumbrances registered? -
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How do I find out if liens are registered against the mobile home? - answer✔Search the Personal
Property Registry
Where must a mobile homes sales business license be licensed with? - answer✔Service Alberta
There are 74 rural municipalities in Alberta. These municipalities not only include farm and resource
based areas, but also contain substantial country residential populations. The Council structure of
Municipal Districts in rural Alberta include one councilor per ward, one of whom is elected by council, as
the _______________. - answer✔Reeve, reeve, administrator, Administrator
A rural utility association is an incorporated entity of five or more persons. What is the main purpose of
a utility association? - answer✔To supply, to its members, utility services for electricity, gas, or water
used primarily for domestic purposes and services
What is transpiration (as related to the water cycle)? - answer✔water evaporating from ground or
surface water or is released by plants to return to the atmosphere
What is a river basin or watershed? - answer✔areas of land that collect precipitation and drain surface
water to a common destination, such as wetlands, stream, river, or lake. 7 major River Basins in Alberta
are: Hay, Peace/Slave. Athabasca, Beaver, North Saskatchewan, South Saskatchewan, and milk River
River Basin.
Why are wetlands valuable? - answer✔slow runoff, reduce flooding, recharge aquifers, and filter
pollutants and supply food and essential habitat for many species, provide products for food, energy
and building materials.
Where are discharge areas? (As part of the water cycle) - answer✔These areas are locations at which
groundwater flows onto the surface of the land. In general, groundwater moves from areas of recharge
toward areas of discharge such as springs, streams, lakes or wetlands (discharge areas are the opposite
of recharge areas)
What regulatory tools and policies are used by the Government of Alberta to protect groundwater
resources? - answer✔provincial legislation and regulation such as the Water Act, the Ministerial
Regulation of the Water Act, the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act as well as regulatory
documents, fact sheets and water management plans.
What is an aquifer? - answer✔a body of saturated rock through which water can easily move. Aquifers
are comprised of geologic materials like sand, gravel, sandstone, fractured shale and coal.
2 types of Aquafers - answer✔unconfined and confined
types of Aquafers - Unconfined - answer✔are those whose upper water surface is at atmospheric
pressure. Unconfined aquifers are also called water table aquifers because their upper boundary is the
water table. This means there is no layer between the aquifer and the surface above to restrict the rise
and fall of the water table. Thus, the volume of rising and falling water levels are under the direct