Exam (elaborations)
CMAS - Certified Master Anti-Terrorism Specialist
CMAS - Certified Master Anti-Terrorism Specialist
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CMAS - Certified Master Anti-Terrorism Specialist
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Who mmwas mmMary mmEllen mmWilson mmand mmwhat mmyear mmwas mmthis? mm- mmAnswer
mm1874: mma mmyoung mmgirl mmwho mmwas mmbeing mmabused mmby mmher mmadoptive
mmfamily, mmthe mmConnolly's. mmA mmneighbor mmwitnessed mmthis mmabuse mmand
mmcalled mmfor mmhelp. mmShe mmhad mmto mmbe mmcompared mmto mman mmanimal mmto
mmget mmout mmof mmthe mmhouse mmsince mmthere mmwere mmno mmlaws mmat mmthe mmtime
mmallowing mmchildren mmto mmbe mmtaken mmfrom mmtheir mmhome.
Led mmto mmthe mmdevelopment mmof mmthe mmSociety mmfor mmthe mmPrevention mmof
mmCruelty mmto mmChildren mm(SPCC) mmand mmoverall mmeffort mmto mmcombat mmchild
Who mmis mmJohn mmCaffey mmand mmwhat mmsignificant mmrole mmdid mmhe mmplay mmin
mmthe mmhistory mmof mmchild mmmaltreatment? mm- mmAnswer mmJohn mmCaffey mmwas
mmone mmof mmthe mmfirst mmpeople mmto mmidentify mmfractures mmat mmvarious mmhealing
mmstages mmin mmchildren. mmHe mmwas mmthe mmfirst mmto mmquestion mmphysical mmabuse
mmand mmwhat mmgoes mmon mmin mmthe mmhome.
He mmnoted mmSubdural mmHematoma mmin mmchildren mmwhich mmis mmcollection mmof
mmblood mmunder mmthe mmskull mmas mma mmresult mmof mmblunt mmforce mmtrauma mmor
mmshaken mmbaby mmsyndrome
Who mmis mmHenry mmKempe mmand mmwhat mmsignificant mmrole mmdid mmhe mmplay mmin
mmthe mmhistory mmof mmchild mmmaltreatment? mm- mmAnswer mmHe mmcreated mm"Battered
mmChild mmSyndrome" mmwhich mmis mma mmcondition mmin mmyoung mmchildren mmwho
mmwere mmvictims mmof mmphysical mmabuse. mmHe mmnoted mmthat mmdiagnosticians
mmshould mmlook mmfor mmdiscrepancies mmbetween mmclinical mmfindings mmand
mmhistorical mmdata mmsupplied mmby mmparents.
What mmis mmthe mmChild mmAbuse mmPrevention mmand mmTreatment mmAct mm(CAPTA)?
mm- mmAnswer mm1974: mmenacted mm100 mmyears mmafter mmMary mmEllen mmthat
- mmreporting mmof mmchild mmmaltreatment
- mmfunds mmprovided mmfor mmresearch
- mmtraining
- mmprovisions mmfor mmthe mmtreatment mmof mmchild mmabuse mmand mmneglect
- mmdefining mmchild mmmaltreatment
,How mmdoes mmCAPTA mmdefine mmchild mmmaltreatment? mm- mmAnswer mmany mmrecent
mmact mmor mmfailure mmto mmact mmon mmthe mmpart mmof mma mmparent mmor mmcaretaker,
mmwhich mmresults mmin mmdeath, mmserious mmphysical mmor mmemotional mmharm,
mmsexual mmabuse, mmor mmexploitation, mmor mmany mmact mmor mmfailure mmto mmact
mmwhich mmpresents mman mmimminent mmrisk mmof mmserious mmharm
According mmto mmPA, mmwhat mmis mmany mm"recent mmact"? mm- mmAnswer mmact mmor
mmfailure mmto mmact mmwithin mmtwo mmyears mmof mmthe mmreport mm(physical mmabuse)
How mmdoes mmPA mmdefine mma mmperpetrator mmof mmabuse? mm- mmAnswer mm- mma
mmparent mmof mmthe mmchild
- mma mmspouse/ mmformer mmspouse mmof mmchild's mmparent
- mma mmSO/ mmformer mmSO mmof mmchild's mmparent
- mma mmperson mm14+ mmand mmresponsible mmfor mmchild's mmwelfare
- mman mmindiv. mm14+ mmwho mmlives mmin mmthe mmsame mmhome mmas mmthe mmchild
- mman mmindiv. mm18+ mmwho mmdoes mmnot mmreside mmin mmthe mmsame mmhome mmbut
mmis mmrelated mmwithin mmthe mmthird mmdegree mm(3rd mmcousin)
How mmdoes mmPA's mmdefinition mmof mma mmperpetrator mmby mmomission mmdiffer mmfrom
mmits mmdefinition mmof mma mmperpetrator mmby mmcommission? mm- mmAnswer mmPA's
mmdoes mmnot mminclude mmchildren mmwithin mmtheir mmdefinition mmof mm"perpetrator mmby
mmomission" mmbecause mmthey mmcan't mmnecessarily mmintervene mmin mmthese
What mmare mmthe mmadjectives mmPA mmuses mmto mmdefine mmchild mmabuse? mm-
mmAnswer mmintentionally, mmknowingly, mmrecklessly...
causing mmbodily mminjury mmto mmthe mmchild mmthrough mmany mmrecent mmact mmor
mmfailure mmto mmact
- mmimpairment
- mmsubstantial mmpain
- mmwithin mmthe mmlast mmtwo mmyears
punching, mmkicking, mmbiting, mmburning, mmor mmshaking mmof mma mmchild mmoften
mmresults mmin mmvisually-detected mmbruising, mmthough mmnot mmrequired
How mmdoes mmCAPTA mmdefine mmphysical mmabuse? mm- mmAnswer mm- mmnon-
accidental mmphysical mminjury mmthat mmis mminflicted mmby mma mmparent, mmcaregiver,
mmor mmother mmperson mmwho mmhas mmresponsibility mmfor mmthe mmchild
- mminjury mmconsidered mmabuse mmregardless mmof mmwhether mmor mmnot mmthe
mmcaregiver mmintended mmto mmhurt mmthe mmchild mmand mmcan mmresult mmfrom mmsevere
mmdiscipline mmor mmphysical mmpunishment mmthat mmis mminappropriate mmto mmthe
mmchild's mmage/ mmcondition
, - mmmay mmoccur mmas mma mmresult mmof mma mmsingle mmepisode mmor mmof mmrepeated
mmepisodes mmand mmcan mmrange mmin mmseverity mmfrom mmminor mmmarks mmand
mmbruising mmto mmdeath
Physical mmabuse mmis mmdetermined mmby... mm- mmAnswer mm- mmchild's mmlevel mmof
- mmthe mmpattern mmand mmsize mmof mmthe mminjury
- mmthe mmlocation mmof mmthe mminjury
- mmcaregiver's mmexplanation mmof mmthe mminjury
What mmare mmsigns mmof mmabuse mmvia mmbruising? mm- mmAnswer mm- mmnon-cruising
- mmbruises mmon mmface, mmear, mmbuttock, mmgenitals, mmneck, mmback, mminner mmthigh
- mmextensive mmbruising mmwithout mma mmhistory
- mmbruising mmor mmmarks mmthat mmappear mminflicted mmor mmhave mma mmpattern
mm(hanger, mmpalm mmprint, mmbuckle, mmrope, mmbelt, mmcord, mmetc.)
- mmbruising mmwhites mmof mmthe mmeyes: mmconjunctival mmhemorrhage mm(results mmfrom
mmstrangulation mmand mmhitting)
What mmis mmthe mmTEN-4 mmbruising mmrule? mm- mmAnswer mmT=torso mm(check,
mmabdomen, mmback, mmbutt, mmgenitals, mmhip)
4= mmless mmthan mm4 mmor mmequal mmto mm4 mmyears mmold mmOR mmif mmthe mmchild mmis
mmless mmthan mm4 mmmonths, mmthere mmshould mmbe mmno mmbruising mmANYWHERE
What mmare mmother mmphysical mmindicators mmof mmphysical mmabuse? mm- mmAnswer mm-
mmhuman mmbite mmmarks
- mmchoke mmmarks
- mmpinch mmmarks
- mmgrab mmmarks
- mmfingernail mmscratches
- mmfractures mm(especially mmin mmthose mmunder mm1 mmyear)
- mmburns mmand mmscalds mm(cigarettes mmon mminaccessible mmspots)
- mmhead mmand mminternal mminjuries mm(greatest mmnumber mmof mmfatalities mmfrom
mmchild mmmaltreatment, mmshaken mmbaby mmsyndrome)
What mmare mmbehavioral mmindicators mmof mmphysical mmabuse? mm- mmAnswer mm- mmfirst
mmsigns mmoften mmobserved mmin mmhospital mmsettings: mmextreme mminjuries, mmcry
mmhysterically mmwhile mmexamined, mmpassive mmwatchfulness, mmsearch mmfor
mmtangible mmcomforts mmlike mmfood
- mmdelayed mmmotor mmand mmsocial mmdevelopment
- mmimpaired mmcapacity mmto mmenjoy mmlife: mmpseudomature mm(old mmfor mmtheir
mmage), mmlow mmself-esteem
- mmwithdrawal
- mmability mmto mmadapt mmto mmpeople mmand mmsettings