My CPLEE questions & terms 100%
Ethical Standard
7. Education and Training Correct Ans-7.01 Design of Education and Training Programs:
"psychs responsible for education and training programs take reasonable steps to ensure
programs are designed to provide the appropriate knowledge and experiences, to meet
requirements for licensure, certification, or other goals for which claims are made by the
7.02 Description of Education and Training Programs: "take reasonable steps to ensure there is a
current and accurate description of program content (including participation required in
therapy, experiential groups, consulting, community service), training goals and objectives,
stipends and benefits, and requirements that must be met for completion of the program. The
info must be made readily available to all interested parties"
7.03 Accuracy in Teaching: "take reasonable steps to ensure course syllabi is accurate regarding
subject matter covered, bases for evaluating progress, and nature of course experiences. do not
preclude modifying course content or requirements when instructor considers it pedagogically
necessary/desirable, so long as students are made aware of these modifications in a manner
that enables them to fulfill course requirements" "when engaged in teaching, training,
psychologist present psychological information accurately"
7.04 Student Disclosure of Personal Info: "Psych do not require students or supervisees to
disclose personal info in course or program related activities regarding their sexual history,
history of abuse and neglect, psychological treatment, relationships with others, EXCEPT if
program has clearly identified this requirement in its admission materials, or info is necessary to
evaluate or obtain assistance for students whose personal problems could reasonably be judged
to be preventing them from performing their training, or professional related activities in a
,Ethical Standard
8. Research and Publication Correct Ans-8.01 Institutional Approval: "When institutional
approval is required, psych provides accurate info about research proposals and obtain approval
prior to conducting research"
8.02 Informed Consent to Research: "must inform participants about purpose of research,
expected duration, and procedures; their right to decline/withdraw; foreseeable consequences
of declining/withdrawing; reasonably foreseeable facts expected to influence their willingness
to participate i.e. potential risks, discomfort, or adverse effects; any prospective research
benefits; limits of confidentiality; incentives for participating; whom to contact for questions.
Provide opportunity for participants to ask questions and receive answers"
"if conducting intervention research involving experimental treatments, must inform
participants at the outset of the research, if their is a control group and how assignment is
made, treatment alternatives, compensation for participation"
8.03 Informed Consent for Recording Voices and Images in Research: "obtain informed consent
prior to recording, UNLESS research consists solely of naturalistic observations in public places,
not anticipated that recording could cause personal identification or harm, or research design
includes deception and consent is obtained during debriefing"
8.04 Client, Student, Subordinate Research Participants: "take steps to protect participants from
adverse consequences of declining/withdrawing" "when research is a course requirement or
opportunity for extra credit, they are given a choice of equitable alternative activity"
8.05 Dispensing w/ Informed Consent for Research: "may dispense with informed consent ONLY,
where research would not reasonably be assumed to create distress or harm, and involves study
of normal educational practices, only anonymous questionnaires, naturalistic obser
Ethical Standard
,9. Assessment Correct Ans-9.01 Bases for Assessment: "base opinions contained in
recommendations, reports, diagnostic, or evaluative statements including forensic testimony, on
information and techniques sufficient to substantiate their findings"
"psychs provide opinions of psychological characteristics of individuals only after conducting
examination of individuals adequate to support their claims. When despite reasonable efforts,
such exam is not practical, psych document the efforts made and result of those efforts, clarify
probable impact of their limited info on the validity and reliability of their opinions, and
appropriately limit the nature and extent of their conclusions/recommendations"
"when psych conducts a record review or provides consultation/supervision and individual exam
is not warranted or necessary for the opinion, psych explains this and sources of info on which
they based their conclusions"
9.02 Use of Assessments: "psych administer, adapt, score, interpret, or use assessment
techniques, interviews, tests, instruments in a manner and for purposes that are appropriate in
light of research or evidence of the usefulness and proper application of techniques"
"use assessment instruments whose validity and reliability have been established for use with
population tested. When validity and reliability has not been established, psych describe the
strengths and limitations of test results and interpretation"
"psychs use assessment methods that are appropriate to an individual's language preference
and competence, unless the use of an alternative language is relevant to the assessment issues"
9.03 Informed Consent in Assessment: "obtain informed consent EXCEPT when testing is
mandated by law or gov. regulations; or it is implied bc testing is conducted as routine
educational, institutional, organizational (i.e. when participants vo
Ethical Standard
10. Therapy Correct Ans-10.01 Informed Consent to Therapy: "when obtaining informed
consent, inform clients As Early As Feasible in therapeutic relationship about the nature and
, anticipated course of therapy, fees, involvement of 3rd parties, and limits of confidentiality and
provide sufficient opportunity to ask questions and get answers"
"when obtaining informed consent for treatment that has not been established, inform clients
of developing nature of treatment, potential reisks involved, alternative treatments, and
voluntary nature of their participation."
"when therapist is a trainee, legal responsibility for treatment resides with Supervisor, the client
as part of the informed consent procedure, is informed that therapist is in training and is being
supervised and is given the name of the supervisor"
10.02 Therapy Involving Couples or Families: "when psych agrees to provide services to several
people who have a relationship (couples, parents/kids), they take reasonable steps to clarify at
the OUTSET, which individuals are the clients and relationship psych will have with each person.
Clarification includes psych's role and probable uses of services and info obtained"
"if it becomes apparent that psych may be called to perform potentially conflicting roles (family
therapist, then witness for one party in divorce), take reasonable steps to clarify and modify, or
withdraw from roles appropriately"
10.03 Group Therapy: "when provided services to several persons in a group, describe at the
OUTSET the roles and responsibilities of all parties and limits to confidentiality"
10.04 Providing Therapy to Those Served by Others: "when deciding if to provide services to
someone already receiving mental health services elsewhere, psychs carefully consider the
treatment issues and potential client's welfare. Psychs discuss issue with client or legally
A patient directly communicates to his psychologist an imminent threat of violence against his
boss. The therapist opts to maintain the patient's confidentiality. The psychologist: Correct
Ans-may be held Civilly liable.
Of the following, who can't be the holder of privilege?
1. The patient's therapist, when authorized by the patient.