Applied Pharmacology for The Dental Hygienist 9th
Edition by Elena Bablenis Haveles ||Complete A+
,Chapter f01: fInformation fSources, fRegulatory fAgencies, fDrug fLegislation, fand fPrescription
Haveles: fApplied fPharmacology ffor fthe fDental fHygienist, f9th fEdition
1. Knowledge fof fpharmacology faids fthe fdental fprofessional fin
a. obtaining fa fpatient’s fhealth fhistory.
b. administering fdrugs fin fthe foffice.
c. handling femergency fsituations.
d. selection fof fa fnonprescription fmedication.
e. All fof fthe fabove.
ANS: f E
All fof fthe fchoices fare ftrue. fBecause fmany fof four fpatients fare fbeing ftreated fwith fdrugs, fknowledge fof
fpharmacology fhelps fin funderstanding fand finterpreting fpatients’ fresponses fto fhealth fhistory fquestions.
fKnowledge fof fthe ftherapeutic fand fadverse feffects fof fmedications fobviously fhelps fin ftheir fproper
fadministration fin fthe foffice. fEmergency fsituations fmay fbe fcaused fby fdrugs for ftreated fby fdrugs; fthus,
fknowledge fof fpharmacology fis fof fgreat fhelp, fespecially fbecause fa frapid fresponse fis fsometimes
frequired. fA fclear funderstanding fof fthe fconcepts fof fdrug faction, fdrug fhandling fby fthe fbody, fand fdrug
finteractions fwill fallow fthe fdental fpractitioner fto fmake fproper fjudgments fand fgrasp fthe fconcepts
frelevant fto fnew fdrug ftherapies fon fthe fmarket.
DIF: Application
REF: f Role fof fthe fDental fHygienist f(Medication/Health fHistory), fRole fof fthe fDental fHygienist
f(Medication fAdministration), fRole fof fthe fDental fHygienist f(Emergency fSituations), fRole fof fthe fDental
fHygienist f(Nonprescription fMedication) f| fpp. f2-3 OBJ: 1
TOP: f NBDHE, f6.0. fPharmacology
2. Which fof fthe ffollowing fstatements fis ftrue fregarding fplanning fappointments?
a. Whether for fnot fpatients fare ftaking fmedication ffor fsystemic fdiseases fis fof
consequence fin fthe fdental foffice.
b. Asthmatic fpatients fshould fhave fdental fappointments fin fthe fmorning.
c. Diabetic fpatients fusually fhave ffewer fproblems fwith fa fmorning fappointment
fcompared fwith fafternoon fappointments.
d. Both fB fand fC fare ftrue.
ANS: f D
Asthmatic fpatients fwho fexperience fdental fanxiety fshould fschedule ftheir fappointments fwhen fthey fare
fnot frushed for funder fpressure fearly fin fthe fmorning. fDiabetic fpatients fusually fhave frelatively ffewer
fproblems fwith fa fmorning fappointment. fPatients ftaking fmedication ffor fsystemic fdiseases fmay frequire
fspecial fhandling fin fthe fdental foffice.
DIF: Comprehension
REF: f Role fof fthe fDental fHygienist f(Appointment fScheduling) f| fp.
f3 fOBJ: f 1 TOP: f NBDHE, f6.0. fPharmacology
,3. Nutritional for fherbal fsupplements
a. carry fthe fU.S. fFood fand fDrug fAdministration f(FDA) fapproval ffor fdisease
f states.
b. are fnot fdrugs.
c. can fcause fadverse feffects.
d. will fnot finteract fwith fother fdrugs fthe fpatient fmay fbe ftaking.
ANS: f C
Nutritional for fherbal fsupplements fare fquite fcapable fof fcausing fadverse feffects. fThe fmajority fof
fnutritional for fherbal fsupplements fdo fnot fcarry fFDA fapproval ffor ftreating fdisease fstates. fThese
fsupplements fare fdrugs fand fcan fcause fadverse feffects fand finteract fwith fdifferent fdrugs.
DIF: Comprehension
REF: f Role fof fthe fDental fHygienist f(Nutritional for fHerbal fSupplements) f| fp.
f3 fOBJ: f 1 TOP: f NBDHE, f6.0. fPharmacology
4. Which ftype fof fdrug fname fusually fbegins fwith fa flowercase fletter?
a. Brand fname
b. Code fname
c. Generic fname
d. Trade fname
ANS: f C
Before fany fdrug fis fmarketed, fit fis fgiven fa fgeneric fname fthat fbecomes fthe f“official” fname fof fthe
fdrug. fEach fdrug fis fassigned fonly fone fgeneric fname fselected fby fthe fU.S. fAdopted fName fCouncil,
fand fthe fname fis fnot fcapitalized. fThe fbrand fname fis fequivalent fto fthe ftrade fname fand fis fcapitalized.
fAlthough fthe fbrand fname fis ftechnically fthe fname fof fthe fcompany fmarketing fthe fproduct, fthis fterm fis
foften fused finterchangeably fwith fthe ftrade fname. fThe fcode fname fis fthe finitial fterm fused fwithin fa
fpharmaceutical fcompany fto frefer fto fa fdrug fwhile fit fis fundergoing finvestigation fand fis foften fa
fcombination fof fcapital fletters fand fnumbers, fthe fletters frepresenting fan fabbreviation fof fthe fcompany
DIF: Comprehension REF: f Drug fNames f| fp.
f4 fOBJ: f 3 TOP: f NBDHE, f6.0. fPharmacology
5. A fdrug’s fgeneric fname fis fselected fby fthe
a. pharmaceutical fcompany fmanufacturing fit.
b. Food fand fDrug fAdministration f(FDA).
c. U.S. fAdopted fName fCouncil.
d. Federal fPatent fOffice.
ANS: f C
Each fdrug fis fassigned fonly fone fgeneric fname f(e.g., fibuprofen). fIt fis fselected fby fthe fU.S. fAdopted
fName fCouncil. fThe fgeneric fname fis fnot fselected fby fthe fFDA for fthe fFederal fPatent fOffice. fThe
fpharmaceutical fcompany fmanufacturing fthe fdrug fclearly fhas fan finfluence fon fthe fgeneric fname fgiven
fits fdrug, fbut fthe ffinal fdecision fis fnot fthe fcompany’s.
DIF: Recall REF: f Drug fNames f| fp. f4 OBJ:
f 3 fTOP: f NBDHE, f6.0. fPharmacology
6. Which fof fthe ffollowing fis ftrue fconcerning fgeneric fand ftrade fnames fof fdrugs?
a. A fdrug fmay fonly fhave fone fgeneric fname fand fone ftrade
f name.
, b. A fdrug fmay fonly fhave fone fgeneric fname, fbut fit fmay fhave fseveral ftrade
c. A fdrug fmay fhave fseveral fgeneric fnames, fbut fit fmay fonly fhave fone ftrade
d. A fdrug fmay fhave fseveral fgeneric fnames fand fseveral ftrade fnames.
ANS: f B
Each fdrug fhas fonly fone fgeneric fname fbut fmay fhave fseveral ftrade fnames. fFor feach fdrug, fthere fis fonly
fone fgeneric fname. fIt fis fnot fcapitalized, fand fit fbecomes fthe f“official” fname fof fthe fdrug. fThe
fpharmaceutical fcompany fdiscovering fthe fdrug fgives fthe fdrug fa ftrade fname. fThe ftrade fname fis
fprotected fby fthe fFederal fPatent fLaw ffor f20 fyears ffrom fthe fearliest fclaimed ffiling fdate, fplus fpatent
fterm fextensions. fAlthough fthe fbrand fname fis ftechnically fthe fname fof fthe fcompany fmarketing fthe
fproduct, fit fis foften fused finterchangeably fwith fthe ftrade fname.
DIF: Comprehension REF: f Drug fNames f| fp.
f4 fOBJ: f 3 TOP: f NBDHE, f6.0. fPharmacology
7. Two fdrugs fthat fare ffound fto fbe fchemically fequivalent, fbut fnot fbiologically fequivalent
or ftherapeutically fequivalent fare fsaid fto fdiffer fin
a. potency.
b. efficacy.
c. bioavailability.
d. therapeutic findex.
ANS: f C
A fpreparation fcan fbe fchemically fequivalent fyet fnot fbiologically for ftherapeutically fequivalent. fThese
fproducts fare fsaid fto fdiffer fin ftheir fbioavailability. fThe fpotency fof fa fdrug fis fa ffunction fof fthe famount
fof fdrug frequired fto fproduce fan feffect. fThe fefficacy fis fthe fmaximum fintensity fof feffect for fresponse
fthat fcan fbe fproduced fby fa fdrug. fThe ftherapeutic findex fis fthe fratio fof fthe flethal fdose ffor f50% fof fthe
fexperimental fanimals fdivided fby fthe feffective fdose ffor f50% fof fthe fexperimental fanimals. fIf fthe
fvalue fof fthe ftherapeutic findex fis fsmall, ftoxicity fis fmore flikely.
DIF: Recall REF: f Drug fNames f(Drug fSubstitution) f| fp.
f5 fOBJ: f 4 TOP: f NBDHE, f6.0. fPharmacology
8. How fmany fyears fmust fpass fafter fa fdrug fpatent fexpires fbefore fother fdrug fcompanies fcan fmarket
the fsame fcompound fas fa fgeneric fdrug?
a. 20 fyears
b. 17 fyears
c. 7 fyears
d. 0 fyears
ANS: f D
Once fa fdrug fpatent fexpires, fcompeting fcompanies fmay fimmediately fmarket fthe fsame fcompound fin
fgeneric fform. fThe fpharmaceutical fcompany fdiscovering fthe fdrug fgives fthe fdrug fa ftrade fname. fThe
ftrade fname fis fprotected fby fthe fFederal fPatent fLaw ffor f20 fyears ffrom fthe fearliest fclaimed ffiling fdate,
fplus fthe fpatent fterm fextensions.
DIF: Application REF: f Drug fNames f(Drug fSubstitution) f| fp.
f5 fOBJ: f 4 TOP: f NBDHE, f6.0. fPharmacology