May/June 2020
Law of Succession
100 marks
Duration: 2 Hours
This paper consists of 22 pages.
1. The examination consists of Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) only.
2. The examination question paper counts 100 marks and consists of 50 multiple-choice
questions, each worth 2 marks. Answer all the questions.
3. The duration of the examination is 2 hours. You will be given an additional thirty (30) minutes
after the official examination period ends to upload your responses on the myUnisa platform
for further processing.
4. This is a closed-book examination. During the examination, consulting another person or any
source to assist with answering the questions in this paper is prohibited. You are also not
allowed to assist another student with their answers.
5. Remember to complete the honesty declaration.
6. The answers to this MCQ examination must be submitted online via myUnisa. The Unisa MCQ
App cannot be used for examination submissions.
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7.1. Access myUnisa at https://my.unisa.ac.za/portal and log in with your student number and
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7.3. In the “Assessments” submenu, select the “Assessment Info” tool from the drop-down list.
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o Click on the "Continue" button.
Step 2: Fill out multiple-choice question answers
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deadline, you will be marked as absent and automatically deferred to the October/November 2020
examination. No other form of submission will be accepted.
1. Ted died intestate, leaving the following relatives:
• His mother, Mary.
• His half-sister, Candy (same mother, different father).
• His half-brother, Ben (same father, different mother; his father is deceased).
• His full-blood sister, Sarah.
Who will inherit Ted’s estate?
o [1] His mother, Mary, will inherit the whole estate.
o [2] His mother, Mary, will inherit half of the estate, and the other half will be
shared equally by Ben and Sarah.
o [3] His mother, Mary, will inherit half of the estate, and the other half will be shared
equally by Candy, Ben, and Sarah.
o [4] His mother, Mary, will inherit half of the estate, and Sarah will inherit the other half.
2. A child’s portion is...
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o [1] calculated by dividing the deceased's estate value by the number of stirpes plus the
number of surviving spouses.
o [2] calculated by dividing the deceased's estate value by the number of children
plus the number of surviving spouses.
o [3] R250,000.
o [4] R125,000.
3. Xavier dies intestate, leaving the following relatives:
• His wife, Wendy, to whom he was married in community of property.
• His adopted son, Sam.
• His mother, Mary, and his full brother, Ben.
The total value of the joint estate is R800,000.
How will Xavier’s estate be divided?
o [1] His wife, Wendy, inherits R250,000, and his adopted son, Sam, inherits R150,000.
o [2] His wife, Wendy, and his adopted son, Sam, each inherit R400,000.
o [3] His wife, Wendy, inherits R650,000, and his adopted son, Sam, inherits R150,000.
o [4] His wife, Wendy, inherits R250,000, and his adopted son, Sam, his mother, Mary,
and his brother, Ben, each inherit R50,000.
4. Tom died intestate, leaving the following relatives:
• His half-brother, Saul (same father, different mother; both parents are deceased).
• His step-sister, Darla (child of his stepmother, who is deceased).
• His uncle, John (his mother’s brother).
• His aunt, Susan (his father’s sister).
Who will inherit Tom’s estate?
o [1] His half-brother, Saul, and his uncle, John, will each inherit half of the estate.
o [2] His half-brother, Saul, and step-sister, Darla, will each inherit half of the estate.
o [3] His half-brother, Saul, will inherit half of the estate, and the other half will be shared
equally by his uncle, John, and his aunt, Susan.
o [4] His half-brother, Saul, will inherit the whole estate.
5. Xander died intestate, leaving the following relatives:
• His father, Fred.
• His grandfather, Gavin (his mother’s father; his mother is deceased).
• His uncle, Ben (his mother's brother).
Who will inherit Xander’s estate?
o [1] His father, Fred, will inherit half of the estate, and his grandfather, Gavin, will
inherit the other half.
o [2] His father, Fred, his grandfather, Gavin, and his uncle, Ben, will each inherit one-
third of the estate.
o [3] His father, Fred, will inherit the whole estate.