200 Practice Questions For Azure AI-900
Fundamentals Exam with Correct Answers
What is Machine learning? - ANSWER✔✔-This is often the foundation for an AI system, and is the way
we "teach" a computer model to make prediction and draw conclusions from data.Machine learning is a
technique that uses mathematics and statistics to create a model that can predict unknown values.
What is Anomaly detection? - ANSWER✔✔-The capability to automatically detect errors or unusual
activity in a system.
What is Computer Vision? - ANSWER✔✔-The capability of software to interpret the world visually
through cameras, video, and images.
What is Natural language processing? - ANSWER✔✔-The capability for a computer to interpret written
or spoken language, and respond in kind.
What is Conversational AI? - ANSWER✔✔-The capability of a software "agent" to participate in a
What is AI? - ANSWER✔✔-is the creation of software that imitates human behaviors and capabilities. Key
elements include:Machine learningAnomaly detectionComputer VisionNatural language
processingConversational AI
How do machines learn? - ANSWER✔✔-In today's world, we create huge volumes of data as we go about
our everyday lives. From the text messages, emails, and social media posts we send to the photographs
and videos we take on our phones, we generate massive amounts of information. More data still is
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created by millions of sensors in our homes, cars, cities, public transport infrastructure, and
factories.Data scientists can use all of that data to train machine learning models that can make
predictions and inferences based on the relationships they find in the
Is there any service for Machine learning from Microsoft Azure? - ANSWER✔✔-Microsoft Azure provides
the Azure Machine Learning service - a cloud-based platform for creating, managing, and publishing
machine learning models.
What are the features and capabilities of Azure Machine Learning Service? - ANSWER✔✔-Automated
machine learningThis feature enables non-experts to quickly create an effective machine learning model
from data.Azure Machine Learning designerA graphical interface enabling no-code development of
machine learning solutions.Data and compute managementCloud-based data storage and compute
resources that professional data scientists can use to run data experiment code at scale.PipelinesData
scientists, software engineers, and IT operations professionals can define pipelines to orchestrate model
training, deployment, and management tasks.
In which scenarios you use anomaly detection — a machine learning-based technique that analyzes data
over time and identifies unusual changes? - ANSWER✔✔-1. Monitor credit card transactions and detect
unusual usage patterns that might indicate fraud.2. An application that tracks activity in an automated
production line and identifies failures.3. A racing car telemetry system that uses sensors to proactively
warn engineers about potential mechanical failures before they happen.
Is there any service for Anamoly detection from Microsoft Azure? - ANSWER✔✔-The Anomaly Detector
service provides an application programming interface (API) that developers can use to create anomaly
detection solutions.To learn more, view the Anomaly Detector service web site.
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Name the app based on Computer Vision? - ANSWER✔✔-The Seeing AI app is a great example of the
power of computer vision. Designed for the blind and low vision community, the Seeing AI app harnesses
the power of AI to open up the visual world and describe nearby people, text and objects.
What are the tasks that come under Computer Vision? - ANSWER✔✔-Image classificationImage
classification involves training a machine learning model to classify images based on their contents. For
example, in a traffic monitoring solution you might use an image classification model to classify images
based on the type of vehicle they contain, such as taxis, buses, cyclists, and so on.Object detectionObject
detection machine learning models are trained to classify individual objects within an image, and
identify their location with a bounding box. For example, a traffic monitoring solution might use object
detection to identify the location of different classes of vehicle.Semantic segmentationSemantic
segmentation is an advanced machine learning technique in which individual pixels in the image are
classified according to the object to which they belong. For example, a traffic monitoring solution might
overlay traffic images with "mask" layers to highlight different vehicles using specific colors.Image
analysisYou can create solutions that combine machine learning models with advanced image analysis
techniques to extract information from images, including "tags" that could help catalog the image or
even descriptive captions that summarize the scene shown in the image.Face detection, analysis, and
recognitionFace detection is a specialized form of object detection that locates human faces in an image.
This can be combined with classification and facial geometry analysis techniques to infer details such as
gender, age, and emotional state; and even recognize individuals based on their facial features.Optical
character recognition (OCR)Optical character recognition is a technique used to detect and read text in
images. You can use OCR to read text in photographs (for example, road signs or store fronts) or to
extract information from scanned documents such as letters, invoices, or forms
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What are the Computer Vision services in Microsoft Azure? - ANSWER✔✔-Computer VisionYou can use
this service to analyze images and video, and extract descriptions, tags, objects, and text.Custom
VisionUse this service to train custom image classification and object detection models using your own
images.FaceThe Face service enables you to build face detection and facial recognition solutions.Form
RecognizerUse this service to extract information from scanned forms and invoices.
What can you do with NLP? - ANSWER✔✔-* Analyze and interpret text in documents, email messages,
and other sources.
* Interpret spoken language, and synthesize speech responses.
* Automatically translate spoken or written phrases between languages.
* Interpret commands and determine appropriate actions.
What are NLP services in Microsoft Azure? - ANSWER✔✔-Text AnalyticsUse this service to analyze text
documents and extract key phrases, detect entities (such as places, dates, and people), and evaluate
sentiment (how positive or negative a document is).Translator TextUse this service to translate text
between more than 60 languages.SpeechUse this service to recognize and synthesize speech, and to
translate spoken languages.Language Understanding Intelligent Service (LUIS)Use this service to train a
language model that can understand spoken or text-based commands.
What are the Conversational AI services in Microsoft Azure? - ANSWER✔✔-QnA MakerThis cognitive
service enables you to quickly build a knowledge base of questions and answers that can form the basis
of a dialog between a human and an AI agent.Azure Bot ServiceThis service provides a platform for
creating, publishing, and managing bots. Developers can use the Bot Framework to create a bot and
manage it with Azure Bot Service - integrating back-end services like QnA Maker and LUIS, and
connecting to channels for web chat, email, Microsoft Teams, and others.
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