Solution Manual For
Maternity and Women's Health Care Maternity & Women's Health Care 13th Edition by Deitra Leonard Lowdermilk
Chapter 1-37
Chapter 01: 21st Century Maternity and Women’s Health Nursing
1. Describe the scope of maternity and women’s health nursing.
2. Evaluate contemporary issues and trends in maternity and women’s health care.
3. Examine social concerns in maternity nursing and women’s health care.
4. Integrate evidenced-based practice into care management.
5. Explain risk management and standards of practice in the delivery of maternity and women’s health nursing care.
6. Discuss legal and ethical issues in perinatal nursing.
7. Examine Healthy People 2030 goals related to maternal and infant care.
apply Case Studies (Evolve)
Review Questions (Evolve)
before class Nursing Curriculum Standards (below)
in class PowerPoint Presentations (Evolve)
Image Collection (Evolve)
Learning Activities (below)
Discussion Topics (below)
In-Class/Online Case Study (below)
,after class Test Bank (Evolve)
Content Focus Content Highlights Learning Activities
ADVANCES IN THE CARE OF Have students look around the classroom and note Research and Writing Activity: Review Box 1.1 with students, and
WOMEN AND INFANTS the cultural diversity, or lack thereof, of the students. have them choose one of the milestones to research further and write
Ask the students to share if they’ve ever had issues a 2-page paper to present to the class. Discuss how the milestones
EFFORTS TO REDUCE HEALTH with obtaining medical care. have influenced current nursing care.
Review the main points of the HHS Disparities Action
CONTEMPORARY ISSUES AND Review Box 1.2 and Box 1.3, and compare the Online Activity: Have students access and
TRENDS objectives for Healthy People 2030 with the get a feel for the website. Have them choose a webinar to watch that
objectives for Healthy People 2020. Discuss the they feel would be relevant to nursing care, and report on the
Healthy People 2030 Goals changes and additions and the reasons for them. webinar.
Evaluate whether goals from 2020 were met. Identify Online Activity: Have students access the 17 Sustainable
Global Goals potential evidence-based strategies that might be Development Goals at
helpful in more completely meeting these goals. sustainable-
Integrated Health Care development-goals.html and find more specific information about the
Discuss how the 17 Sustainable Development Goals development goals.
Interprofessional Care are relevant to health care in the United States. Discussion Topic: After reading the 17 SDGs, discuss the steps the UN
Management is planning in order to reach these goals. Is this information provided
Review the Interprofessional Education Collaborative on the website? If so, what concrete actions are being encouraged?
Problems with the US Health and discuss several institutions that have taken the Discuss how it is possible that the problem of child mortality is still
Care System initiative to encourage an interprofessional learning such an issue that it has been classified as a UN goal along with
environment. reducing world hunger.
Health Literacy Activity: Have each student bring in a form from their institution that
Table 1.1 lists selected safe practices for better needs to be revised for better patient understanding. Have students
health care. Review Box 1.4 for serious reportable trade forms with each other, reword the forms, and return them to
events pertaining to maternal and child health. the student that brought them, who will then review the new form for
Involve students in a discussion of medical errors— Activity: Have students research their local health institutions in
types of errors, how they occur, and measures to regard to the level of quality of care provided.
prevent them. Distribute the 20 Tips to Help Prevent
Medical Errors Patient Fact Sheet and solicit student
input on the tip they think is the most important.
Bring in a health care document, such as a HIPAA
Content Focus Content Highlights Learning Activities
Privacy Practices form or a Patient Rights form, and
have students “translate” the forms into everyday
language, eliminating the jargon.
TRENDS IN FERTILITY AND Review Box 1.5 for maternal-infant biostatistical Activity: Have students investigate the types of childbirth options
BIRTH RATE terminology. Compare local biostatistical rates with available in their community and compare their findings with the
national and state rates and trends. Compare trends and changes described in this chapter. Have them identify
Low Birth Rate and Preterm national biostatistical rates and trends with several options that they feel should be made available in their community,
Birth other countries (e.g., Canada, Mexico). Include providing the rationale for their suggestions
industrialized and developing countries in the Discussion Topic: Have students consider the following topic: Have
Infant Mortality Trends comparison. Identify factors that could be changing childbirth practices had a positive influence on women’s
responsible for differences in rates and trends, perceptions of their childbirth experiences? Have students gather
Global Infant Mortality Trends including approaches to perinatal and women’s information for their answer by interviewing women who recently
health care. gave birth (their clients, family members, friends) and those who gave
Maternal Mortality Trends birth many years ago, comparing their experiences and the
Invite a provider of obstetric specialty care to speak impressions they have of their children’s births.
Maternal Morbidity to the class about the services he or she provides. Online Activity: Have students research female genital mutilation
(FGM) and infibulations. Have them develop a care plan for a woman
REGIONALIZATION OF Provide specific examples of high-tech care in the who has experienced this.
PERINATAL HEALTH CARE hospital and at home. Interview Activity: Have students survey 20 random women over 40
SERVICES and ask if they have had a mammogram and a pap smear in the last
Arrange for students to observe nurses involved in year. If they did not have these tests, have students ask them why
Basic Care high-tech care in various settings. not. Have students note the race and socioeconomic status of their
survey sample, if possible, and report their findings back to the class.
Specialized Care Discuss the influence of telehealth and social media Discuss whether the results support the information in the text.
on health care. Review Box 1.6 for principles of social
INTERNET-BASED networking and the nurse.
Invite a nurse-midwife to discuss how his or her
Telehealth approach to care for pregnant women and their
families differs from that of a physician. Request that
Social Media the nurse-midwife give a description of the care
management process used to provide health care to
COMMUNITY-BASED CARE pregnant women and their families. Review Table 1.2
for different types of midwives. Review the Next-
INVOLVING CONSUMERS AND Describe settings in your community where nurses
Content Focus Content Highlights Learning Activities
PROMOTING SELF- provide health care to women and their infants.
MANAGEMENT Discuss what factors affect women’s health, focusing
on race, socioeconomic status, and age.
Examine the problem of human trafficking. Discuss
where the highest incidence occurs. Invite a
representative from the Department of Health and
Human Services or from the Department of Justice to
speak to the class about trafficking prevention and
Provide students with a listing of nursing schools that
are World Health Organization Collaborating Centers.
Discuss the criteria that must be met to qualify for
this designation.
TRENDS IN NURSING Review the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Online Activity: Have students access the Joanna Briggs Collaboration
PRACTICE Database. Discuss how it can be used to improve the at and review the information provided on
effectiveness of care provided to women, infants, evidence-based practice.
Nursing Interventions and their families by facilitating evidence-based Activity: Have students analyze the care practices on one unit (e.g.,
Classification practice. antepartum clinic, labor and birth unit, mother-baby care unit) at the
agency where they have their maternity and newborn clinical
EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE Invite an advanced practice nurse to discuss her or experience. Have them categorize these practices according to the
his role, including how research findings ensure that Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Database. Discuss the degree to
Outcomes-Oriented Practice a practice is evidence-based. which nurses and other health care providers are implementing
evidence-based practices. Have students describe the strategies they
would use to establish evidence-based practice if they were the nurse
manager on this unit.
STANDARDS OF PRACTICE Review the standards of care from both the ANA and Activity: Have students research a legal case related to perinatal
AND LEGAL ISSUES IN NANN. Review Table 1.3, the joint commission “do issues and the care provided and write a two-page paper summarizing
PROVISION OF CARE not use” list and Box 1.7, Standards of Care for their findings, discussing in-depth how the standard of care was
Women and Newborns. addressed in the case.
NURSING CARE Show students an example of a root cause analysis
and action plan for a sentinel event. Examine the
Failure to Rescue number of sentinel events that occurred last year in
the United States. Identify examples of errors that
ETHICAL ISSUES IN PERINATAL have occurred when care was provided to women,