,Physical ExaminationandHealthAssessment CANADIAN4thEdition
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Jarvis Test Bank r r
Chapter 01: Evidence-Based Assessment
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Jarvis: Physical Examination& Health Assessment, 4th Canadian edition
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1. After completinganinitialassessment ofapatient, thenurse has chartedthat hisrespirationsare
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18breaths perminute and hispulse is58beats perminute.Thesetypes ofdatawould be:
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a. Objective
b. Reflective
c. Subjective
d. Introspective
ANS: A r
Objective data are what the health professional observes by inspecting, percussing, palpating,
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and auscultating during the physical examination. Subjective data are what the person says about
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himself or herself during history taking. The terms reflective and introspective are notused to
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describe data.
r r
DIF: Cognitive Level: Understanding (Comprehension) r r r
MSC: ClientNeeds:SafeandEffectiveCareEnvironment:Management ofCare
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2. Apatient tells the nursethat he is verynervous, is nauseated, and “feels hot.” Thesetypes ofdata
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would be:
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a. Objective
b. Reflective
c. Subjective
d. Introspective
ANS: C r
Subjective data are what the person says about himself or herself during history taking.
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Objectivedata arewhat thehealth professional observes byinspecting, percussing, palpating,and
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auscultating during the physical examination. The terms reflective and introspective arenot used
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to describe data.
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DIF: Cognitive Level: Understanding (Comprehension) r r r
MSC: ClientNeeds:SafeandEffectiveCareEnvironment:Management ofCare
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3. Thepatient’s record, laboratorystudies, objective data,and subjectivedata combinetoform
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a. Database
b. Admitting data r
c. Financialstatement
d. Dischargesummary
ANS: A r
Together with the patient’s record and laboratory studies, the objective and subjective data
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form the database. The other items are not part of the patient’s record, laboratory studies, or
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,DIF: Cognitive Level: Remembering (Knowledge)
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MSC: ClientNeeds:SafeandEffectiveCareEnvironment:Management ofCare
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, 4. Whenlisteningto apatient’s breath sounds, thenurseis unsureof asound that is heard. The
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nurse’s next action should be to:
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a. Immediatelynotifythepatient’s physician. r r r
b. Documentthesound exactlyas it was heard. r r r r r r r
c. Validatethedatabyaskinga coworker to listen tothebreath sounds. r r r r r r r r r r r r
d. Assessagain in 20 minutes to notewhether thesound is still present.
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ANS: C r
When unsure of a sound heard while listening to a patient’s breath sounds, the nurse validates
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the data to ensure accuracy. If the nurse has less experience in an area, then he or she asks an
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expert to listen.
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DIF: Cognitive Level: Analyzing(Analysis) r r r
MSC: ClientNeeds:SafeandEffectiveCareEnvironment:Management ofCare
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5. The nurse is conducting a class for new graduate nurses. During the teaching session, the
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nurseshould keep in mind that novice nurses, with less experience, aremore likelyto base
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their decisions on:
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a. Intuition
b. Clear-cutrules
c. Articlesinjournals r
d. Advicefrom supervisors r r
ANS: B r
Novice nurses operate from a set of defined, structured rules. Expert practitioners use critical
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thinking and their substantial background of experiences.
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DIF: Cognitive Level: Understanding (Comprehension) r r r MSC: Client Needs: General r r r
6. Expert nurses assess and makedecisions throughtheuseof:
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a. Criticalthinking r
b. Thenursing process r r
c. Clinicalknowledge r
d. Diagnosticreasoning r
ANS: A r
Criticalthinking isamultidimensional, dynamic, and interactivethinkingprocess bywhich expert
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nurses assess and make decisions in the clinical area.
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DIF: r r CognitiveLevel:Understanding(Comprehension) r r MSC: Client Needs: General r r r
7. Thenurseis reviewing information about evidence-informedpractice (EIP). Whichstatement
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bestreflects EIP? r
a. EIP relies on tradition for supportofbest practices.
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b. EIPis simplythe useof best practicetechniques for thetreatment ofpatients.
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c. EIP emphasizes theuseofbest and most appropriate evidencewith clinician
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expertise and patient preference.
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d. Thepatient’s ownpreferences arenot important in EIP. r r r r r r
ANS: C r