ICDVP Exam 2 Questions and Answers
100% Solved | Already Graded A+
What is the Common Scold? - ✔✔troublesome and angry women who
break the public peace. It was a crime that consisted of speaking one's
mind and could only be committed by women.
When was the Common Scold Law declared obsolete in England by the
Criminal Law Act ? - ✔✔In 1967
When was the last women convicted of being a common scold in the U.S.?
- ✔✔in 1829, but the last women accused of being a scold in the U.S. was
in 1971 in New Jersey.
What is Riding the Stang? - ✔✔rituals of public shaming by community
What is abuse? - ✔✔repeated attempts to control, manipulate, or demean
another individual using physical, sexual, or emotional tactics.
What is physical abuse? - ✔✔any use of size, strength, or presence to hurt
or control someone else. Ex.) pushing, slapping, choking, biting, kicking,
,©JOSHCLAY 2024/2025. YEAR PUBLISHED 2024.
What is emotional abuse? - ✔✔any use of words, voice, action, or lack of
action meant to control, hurt, or demean another person.
Emotionally abusive relationships are defined as what? - ✔✔involving
repeated hurtful exchanges with a disregard for the partner's feelings.
What are some types of verbal abuse? - ✔✔threatening to kill , accusing
partner of unfaithfulness, name calling, criticizing, yelling, etc.
What is sexual abuse? - ✔✔any sexual behavior meant to control,
manipulate, humiliate, or demean another person.
Sex in abusive relationships is often used as what? - ✔✔as means to exert
power over the female partner and to further shame and humiliate her.
Frequently women are raped after a beating.
What are some types of sexual abuse? - ✔✔unwanted touching,
unfaithfulness, forced sex, hurtful sex, forcing partner to watch others have
What are some myths about domestic violence and victims? - ✔✔that
victims provoke their abusers, battered women are helpless, passive,
fragile, and have little to no education, battered women enjoy abuse,
batterers are inappropriate in all their relationships, abusive relationships
will not change for the better, and alcohol and drug use cause battering
, ©JOSHCLAY 2024/2025. YEAR PUBLISHED 2024.
What are some realities of domestic violence? - ✔✔Batterers chose to be
violent instead of choosing a nonviolent alternative, domestic violence
crosses all socioeconomic, ethnic, racial, educational, and religious lines,
victim blaming is another way taking the blame away the batterer, the
victim cannot control the batterer, batterers choose to act violently in select
relationships as a means of dominating
What does the feminist theory propose the cause of domestic violence is? -
✔✔The theory suggest that economic, social, and historical processes
operate both directly and indirectly to support male dominated (patriarchal)
social order and the family structure itself. Patriarchy has led to the
subordination of women and domestic violence is a way of maintaining this
What is the "choice theory"? - ✔✔this theory states that men abuse women
because they can or choose too. They choose to behave abusively toward
their female partners because they can get away with it and because doing
so gets them what they want.
What are the effects of domestic violence on victims? - ✔✔lowered self
esteem, accepting responsibility for the partners actions, guilt, feelings of