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Exam (elaborations)
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ASCCP orecommended omanagement ofor oan oASCUS opap oresult owith ohigh orisk ohpv
o16 ocotest oin o26 oyear oold ono oabnormal opaps o- o✔✔colposcopy
What ois oincluded oin othe owell owomen oof oan oadolescent? o- o✔✔health ohistory
gynecologic oand opregnancy oissues
abuse odrugs oalcohol ouse
physical oexam
screening otests
When odoes oACOG opap osmear ostart o- o✔✔21 oyears oold odone oevery othree oyears
ACOG opap ofor oover o30 oyrs oold o- o✔✔every ofive oyears owith oHPV otest ocompleted
ACOG owhen ocan oyou ostop opap osmear o- o✔✔can ostop oat o65 oif onegative ohistory
ofor o10 oyears oor oif othey ohad oa ohysterectomy owith ono ohistory oof ocervical ocancer
Bethesda opap osmear oreport oreads oLSIL ois owhat oclassification? o- o✔✔CIN o1
A osingle oPap osmear oreading oof oASCUS oin oa opatient onegative ofor oHPV oinfection
oshould ohave owhat oas ofollow-up? o- o✔✔routine oscreening
a ofemale opatient ois o35 oyears oold. oshe ohas onever ohad oan oabnormal oPAP osmear
ohas oregular oscreening osince oage o18. oIf oshe ohas oa onormal oPAP osmear owith oHPV
otesting otoday, owhen oshould oshe ohave othe onext ocervical ocancer oscreening? o- o✔✔5
A oyoung osexually oactive ois ohaving oher ofirst opap osmear owhat owould oyou oexplain?
o- o✔✔pap osmear odetects ocervical ocancer
26 oyear oold opap osmear oshows onegative oand opositive oHPV owhat odo oyou odo? o-
o✔✔repeat oHPV oand opap
,what ois onot opart oof ocriteria ofor oolder owomen oto ocease opap osmears? o- o✔✔over o55
oyear oold
no omenarche oin oa o15 oyear oold owith ono omedical oproblems oand oTanner ostage o1
owith oa outerus o- o✔✔primary oamenorrhea
No omenses ofor oat oleast o6 omonths o- o✔✔secondary oamenorrhea
female oathlete otriad o- o✔✔disordered oeating, oamenorrhea, oosteoporosis
labs ofor ofemale oathlete otriad o- o✔✔HCG
serum oprolactin
serum oTSH,FSH, oLH
if oamenorhea olasts olonger othan o6 omonths odo owhat? o- o✔✔bone odensity otest
treatment oplan ofor ofemale oathlete otriad o- o✔✔increase ocaloric ointake, odecrease
prescribe oca oand ovit od o1200/1500 odaily oand ovitamin oe o400 oiu odaily
complications oof ofemale oathlete otriad o- o✔✔osteopenia/osteoporosis o(stress ofracture)
myocardial oatrophy, oarrhythmia, ohypotension, obrady
hypoglycemia, odehydration, oelectrolytes
lanugo, otelogen oeffluvium ohair oloss ozerosis odry oskin, oinfertility, olow obody omass,
ocachexia, orespiratory ofailure
purpose oof oprogesterone ochallenge o- o✔✔endogenous oestrogen
primary oand osecondary oamenorrhea ooriginates oin ohypothalamus o- o✔✔sheehans
symptoms oof obreast ocancer o( oearly) o- o✔✔None
Non-painful omass o(occasionally opain)
Eczematous onipple o(Paget's)
Serosanguinous o(bloody) onipple odischarge
late osymptoms oof obreast ocancer o- o✔✔skin oor onipple oretraction
axilary olymhadenpathy
breast oenlargement
redness, oedema, obrawny oinduration
peau od' oorange
fixation oof othe omass oto othe oskin oor ochest owall
very olate ofindings oof obreast ocancer o- o✔✔ulceration o
supraclavicular olymphadenopathy
, edema oof othe oarm, obone, olung, oliver, obrain oor oother odistant ometstases
Follow oup ofor obreast ocancer opatients o- o✔✔1. oBilateral omammogram o6 omonths
oafter ocomplete oradiation opost-lumpectomy; oMammogram oyearly oafter
2. oContralateral omammogram oannually opost-mastectomy o(entire obreast o+ opectoralis
omajor ofascia)
PE oevery o3-6 omonths ofor o3 oyears othen oannually
fibrocystic obreast odisease o- o✔✔the opresence oof osingle oor omultiple obenign ocysts oin
othe obreasts
signs oand osymptoms oof ofibrocystic obreast odisease o- o✔✔occurs o2 oweeks obefore
othe oonset oof omensus oand oworst oright obefore othe omenstrual ocycle. oresolves oafter
omenses ostarts ooften oin owomen oin otheir o30's. obreast olumps oare orubbery oand
omobile oto otouch
Tx ofor ofibrocystic obreast odisease o- o✔✔Once oa obenign odiagnosis oor onormal
ofindings ohave obeen oestablished oby obiopsy oor oon oclinical oor oimaging ofindings,
osimple oreassurance owill oprovide omany opatients owith oadequate orelief.
For othose opatients owho ostill oseek otreatment, osymptomatic orelief oby oavoiding
otrauma oand oby owearing oa obra owith oadequate osupport ocan obe overy ohelpful. oThe
orole oof ocaffeine oconsumption oin othe odevelopment oand otreatment oof ofibrocystic
ochange ohas onever obeen oproven; ohowever, omany opatients oreport orelief oof
osymptoms oafter oabstinence ofrom ocoffee, otea, oand ochocolate. oSimilarly,
oobservational ostudies ohave osuggested othat olow-fat odiets ocan oprovide osome orelief.
oThe odata oregarding othe outility oof ovitamin oE osupplementation oand oevening
oprimrose ooil oare ocontroversial. oMild oanalgesics osuch oas oacetaminophen oand
ononsteroidal oanti-inflammatory odrugs o(NSAIDs) ocan obe oused oto orelieve obreast
opain. oFor omore osymptomatic owomen, odanazol oand otamoxifen ohave obeen ofound oto
obe oeffective, oalthough otheir osignificant oside oeffects ohave olimited otheir oacceptability
oand outility.
Fibroadenoma o- o✔✔benign obreast olesion o15-40 oyrs oold
risk ofactors ofor ofibroadenoma o- o✔✔multiple ofibroadenomas oassociated owith orate
ocancer osyndromes olike omafficci osyndrome, oCowden osyndrome, ocarney ocomplex
oearly oETOH oconsumption
findings owith ofibroadenoma o- o✔✔painless, ofirm oor orubbery omass owith owell odefined
oborders, ofreely omobile, ochanges owith osize omay ooccur owith opregnany oor omenstrual
ocycle, olesions ounder o5 ocm, oconsidered oto obe ogiant ofibrodenomas ono onipple