Exam (elaborations)
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Which pone pbest pdescribes plesions passociated pwith pcondyloma pacuminatum?
a. pVerruciform
b. pPlaque-like
c. pVesicular
d. pBullous p- p✔✔a
39yo pfemale phas pcompleted pcourse pof pamox pfor pstrep pthroat. pLMP pwas p2wks
pago, psays pit pwas pnormal. pOn pexam, pthere's perythema pof pextern. pgenitalia pw/small
pamount pof pwhite pdischarge. pMicro pwet pprep preveals pfew pclue pcells, pbut pmany
pbudding phyphae. pNo pWBCs. pWhich pone pwould pbe pthe pmost pappropriate
a. pMetronidazole p500mg pBID px7 pdays
b. pOTC phydrocortisone p1% pcream pTID
c. pFluconazole ptabs p150mg px1 pdose
d. pErythromycin p500mg pTID px10 pdays p- p✔✔c
Woman pc/o pvaginal pitching, pwhite pdischarge. pShe pis pin pgood phealth pexcept pfor
precent pabx pfor pstrep pthroat. pPelvic preveals ptender pvulvovaginal parea pw/edema
pand pnonmalodorous pwhite ppatches. pWhich pis pthe pmost plikely pcause?
a. pBacterial pvaginosis
b. pTrichomonas
c. pLactobacillus povergrowth
d. pCandidiasis p- p✔✔d
18yo pfemale pc/o psecondary pamenorrhea. pOn pexam, pthere pis pnormal psecondary
psex pcharacteristics pand pnormal pgenitalia. pPregnancy pis pruled pout. pWhat pwould
pnecessitate pfurther peval?
a. pElevated pblood pcholesterol plevels
b. pAndrogen pdeficiency
c. pGalactorrhea
d. pHirsutism p- p✔✔c
,24yo pfemale pis pdx'd pw/primary pdysmenorrhea. pWhich pmed pwould pbe pused pas
pfirst-line pto phelp pcontrol psymptoms?
a. pAntianxiety pmeds
b. pProgesterone-only pcontraception
c. pOral psteroids
d. pNSAIDs p- p✔✔d
Primary pamenorrhea pis pbest pdescribed pas:
a. pCessation pof pmenstruation px6mo
b. pFailure pof pmenstruation pto poccur pby p17ho
c. pFailure pof pmenstruation pto poccur pby p13yo
d. pCessation pof pmenstruation px6mo pafter pmenarche p- p✔✔c
25yo pfemale pc/o pvaginal pirritation pand pdischarge. pOn pexam, pcervix pis peasily pfriable
pand perythematous. pNo padnexal ptenderness. pWet pprep preveals pmobile pprotozoa pon
pNS pslide. pThis pmost plikely prepresents:
a. pTrichomonas
b. pMucopurulent pcervicitis
c. pBacterial pvaginosis
d. pGonorrhea p- p✔✔a
16yo pfemale phas ph/o psecondary pamenorrhea. pMenarche pat p10yo, pregular pcycles
px2yrs, phas pnot pmenstruated px4yrs. pWhat pis pmost pfrequent petiology pof pthis
a. pEating pdisorder
b. pPregnancy
c. pAnovulatory pcycles
d. pStress p- p✔✔a
Woman pis pexperiencing pvaginal pdischarge. pWet pmount pwith pKOH pwould pbe pused
pto pconfirm:
a. pHerpes psimplex
b. pGonorrhea
c. pCandidiasis
d. pChlamydia p- p✔✔c
Treatment poptions pfor pcondyloma pacuminatum pinclude:
a. pImiquimod p(Aldera)
b. pAzithromycin
c. pAcyclovir
,d. pMetronidazole p- p✔✔a
25yo ppostmenopausal pfemale pc/o ppain pin pupper pouter pquadrant pof pL pbreast px1mo.
pBest pcourse pof paction pwould pbe:
a. pReassure ppt pthat ppain pis poften pnot ppresenting psymptom pof pbreast pcancer.
b. pTeach ppt pbreast pself-exam.
c. pOrder plabs pas pmost plikely pthis pis psecondary pto phormonal pfluctuation
d. pPerform pbreast pexam pand porder pmammo p- p✔✔d
PID ptypically ppresents pwith pall pof pthe pfollowing pexcept:
a. pDysuria
b. pLeukopenia
c. pCervical pmotion ptenderness
d. pAbd ppain p- p✔✔b
Which pof pthe pfollowing pare pof pa preproductive pand ppelvic porigin?
a. pSalpingo-oophoritis p(fallopian ptube/ovary) psecondary pto pPID
b. pGynecologic pmalignancy
c. pAdhesions
d. pMyomata puteri p- p✔✔a
25yo pfemale pc/o ptender parea pnear pher pintroitus pand pto pthe pL pof pher pperineum.
pVery ppainful psex pwas pfirst psign. pInitially pbump pwas pvery psmall, pbut pnow pis pping-
pong pball psize. pOn pexam, pabscess pis ppresent pon pL pmedial pside pof plabia pminora
pand pthere's pedema pextending pinto pperineum. pWhat pis pdx?
a. pLipoma
b. pDermoid pcyst
c. pBartholin's pcyst
d. pSkene's pduct pcyst p- p✔✔c
49yo pfemale pc/o pdark, pwatery pbrown pvaginal pdischarge. pWhich pbest pdescribes
pwhat pmight pbe pseen pon pphysical pexam pin ppt's pwith pcervical pcancer?
a. pUlcerated pfirm pcervix
b. pVague plower pabd ppain
c. pEnlarged ptender pfemoral plymph pnodes
d. pSoft, pstill pshaped pcervix p- p✔✔a
22yo pfemale pc/o ppelvic ppain. pExam preveals pcervical pmotion pand puterine
ptenderness. pWhich psupports pPID pdx?
a. pTemp p<100F
, b. pAbsence pof pWBCs pin pvag pfluid
c. pMucopurulent pvag pdischarge
d. pLab pdocumentation pof pcervical pinfection pw/E. pcoli p- p✔✔c
When peducating ppt pabout prationale pfor pgetting pmammo, pwhich pstatement pis pfalse?
a. pMammo pis pcost-effective pmethod pto pscreen pfor pbreast pcancer
b. pMammo pdetects pall pbreast pcancers
c. pMammo pshould pbe paccompanied pby pbreast pexam
d. pNegative pmammo pshould pnot pdelay pbiopsy pof pclinically psuspicious pmass p- p✔✔b
When peducating pwomen pabout pbreast pcancer prisk pfactors, pwhich pstatement pis
a. pPregnancy pafter p35yo
b. pLate pmenopause pafter p57yo
c. pFibrocystic pbreast pdz
d. pH/o pmaternal pbreast pcancer p- p✔✔c
Which pof pthe pfollowing pstatements pis paccurate pregarding pthe pusefulness pof
pmammo pin pscreening pand pdetection pof pbreast pcancer?
a. pMammo pshouldn't pbe pdone pif pthere pis pany pbreast ppain por pnipple pretraction
b. pAll pwomen p>40yo pshould phave pmammo pon pannual pbasis
c. pMammo pshould pbe pdone pannually pfor pall pwomen pof pchild-bearing page
d. pMammos pshould pbe pperformed pannually pafter pinitial ppregnancy, pespecially pif
pwomen pdoesn't pbreastfeed p- p✔✔b
Which pwould pbe pconsidered pnormal psurface pcharacteristic pof pthe pcervix pduring pa
pspeculum pexam?
a. pSmall, pyellow, praised paround parea pon pcervix
b. pFriable, pbleeding ptissue popening pof pthe pcervical pos
c. pRed ppatch pareas pw/occasional pwhite pspots
d. pIrregular, pgranular psurface pw/red ppatches p- p✔✔a
What pis pthe pmost pcommon pcause pof pdysfunctional puterine pbleeding?
a. pEndocrine pdisorders
b. pStress
c. pAnovulation
d. pAnatomical pabnormality p- p✔✔c
PMS poccurs pwith pgreatest pfrequency pand pseverity pin pthe:
a. pLate pluteal pphase