pseudo aeruginosa vs putida - CORRECT ANSWER growth at 42C
Characteristic of transudate - CORRECT ANSWER noninflammatory
Why vaccinate for influenza - CORRECT ANSWER Antigenic drift
Foward 4+ 4+, Reverse 2+ 2+
Next step?
(Warm sample, room temp incubation, ....) - CORRECT ANSWER
warm sample
Foward 0 2+/mf, Reverse 4+ 0
Cause of discrepancy? - CORRECT ANSWER Transfused with O
cells or B subgroup?
(Transfused with O cells more likely)
Foward 4+ 4+, Reverse 2+ 0
Next step? - CORRECT ANSWER Test with anti-A1
Blood group antigen that deteriorates with storage - CORRECT
Agglutinated cells
Agglutinated cells
(M. pneumo, PCH, PNH, ....) - CORRECT ANSWER M. pneumo
IFA pattern - metaphase orange, chromosome solid black. Interphase
cells speckled
,(anti-mito, anti-smooth muscle, anti-dsDNA, anti-SM, anti-SSA) -
Deferred donor condition - CORRECT ANSWER HBIG in last 6
months (1 year deferral)
Jaundice and mass in pancreas. Which marker is elevated (AFP, C19-9,
CEA) - CORRECT ANSWER C19-9 (pancreatic cancer)
Hypoparathyroidism, what happens to Ca and Phos? - CORRECT
Normal Ca 8.5-10.2mg/dL
Normal Phos 2.5-4.5mg/dL
Ca decreases, Phos increases, low PTH.
Analyte related to apnea - CORRECT ANSWER
Calculate %Iron Saturation - CORRECT ANSWER %Sat = Iron/TIBC
TIBC - iron = UIBC
Primidone is normal. Next test? - CORRECT ANSWER
Fasting glucose >126 and 2hr post prandial >200. Next step? -
CORRECT ANSWER No further testing required
(Met 2 criteria for diabetes diagnosis)
Fasting glucose 112, random glucose 186. Next step? - CORRECT
ANSWER Diagnose impaired fasting glucose
Lots of echinocytes. Diagnosis ? - CORRECT ANSWER Uremia
What causes increase in postprandial lipids
(Lipoproteins, fatty acids, cholesterol, phospholipids) - CORRECT
ANSWER Lipoproteins?
(Googled postprandial lipidemia: rise in trig-rich lipoproteins)
,Cushing's disease on cortisol and ACTH - CORRECT ANSWER
Increased cort and ACTH
Adrenal Cushing's syndrome on cortisol and ACTH - CORRECT
ANSWER Increased cort and decreased ACTH
Na is increased/decrease, all other electrolytes normal. Next step? -
CORRECT ANSWER Check glucose level
(Dilutional hyponatremia in DKA)
Condition with hyponatremia (Increased glucose, diabetes insipidus,
hyperaldosterone) - CORRECT ANSWER Increased glucose
(Dilutional hyponatremia)
Specific tests for staph aureus - CORRECT ANSWER Protein A and
clumping factor
Positive EBV, CMV and Toxo IgG titers. (Primarily CMV, EBV or
concurrent infections?) - CORRECT ANSWER Primarily CMV?
Group A Strep associated with.... - CORRECT ANSWER
Cat pos, alpha hemolytic, bile esculine pos, 6.5% NaCl neg - CORRECT
ANSWER Group D strep
GPC, cat neg, vanco R - CORRECT ANSWER Leuconostoc
(Gamma hemolytic, PYR neg, in chains. PYR differentiates from E.
GPB, cat pos, bile esculin neg, penicillin R, vanco S - CORRECT
ANSWER C. jeikium
Specimen for rotavirus - CORRECT ANSWER stool
Walking pneumonia infection nonreactive to penicillin treatment. What
happened? - CORRECT ANSWER Infecting organism has no cell
wall (Mycoplasma)
, Differentiate E. aerogines, E. cloacae, K. oxytoca, K. pneumo -
CORRECT ANSWER E. cloacae (ODC +, LDC -)
(K. oxy ind +, K. pneumo ind-)
Stool is shiga toxin positive, but culture is shig, O157, salmonella
negative. What happened? - CORRECT ANSWER Should be other
shiga toxin producing strain of E. coli... (other strain of E. coli
producing shiga toxin, other enterics overgrowth...)?
Curved GNR, ox pos, ferments gluc - CORRECT ANSWER
(enterobac all ox neg, pseudo is nonfermenter)
Picture of RBCs like bird nests (Echinocytes) with artifacts. What went
wrong? - CORRECT ANSWER Drying problem (slow drying leads to
Rapid test for legionella - CORRECT ANSWER Urine ag
HbC crystals. Lysing reagent switched. HbC more susceptible or
resistant to lysing? - CORRECT ANSWER Resistant to lysing
Plasmodium without trophozoites or schuffner's dots on smear? -
CORRECT ANSWER P. falciparum
Arm lesion. Tapered cells, microconidia, etc - CORRECT ANSWER
Sporothrix schenckii
Define blastoconidia - CORRECT ANSWER Mother and daughter
budding yeast
Ox pos, nonfermentor, cystic fibrosis - CORRECT ANSWER
Burkholderia cepacia or Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Catalase neg from cat scratch - CORRECT ANSWER Bartonella