,ACCESS np Test np Bank np for npBiostatistics npfor npthe npBiological npand
np HealthnS
p ciences np3rd npEdition npTriola
MULTIPLE np CHOICE. n p Choose np the np one np alternative np that np best np completes np the np statement np or np answers
np the np question.
1) Determine np whether np the np given np value np is np a np statistic np or np a np parameter.
In np studying np the np loggerhead np turtle np on np Anna np Maria np Island, np FL, np scientists np observe np the
np average np (mean) np number np of nphatchlings npin npall np253 npnests.
A) Parameter
B) Statistic
2) Determine np whether np the np given np value np is np a np statistic np or np a np parameter.
A np sample np of np Medtronic's np rechargeable np implanted np spine np stimulator np batteries np lasted np an
np average np (mean) np of np nine np years.
A) Statistic
B) Parameter
npAnswer: n p A
3) A np _ _ np is np the np complete np collection np of np all np measurements np or np data, np whereas, np a np _
is np a np subcollection np ofnpmembers npselected npfrom npthe npcomplete npcollection.
A) sample; n p population
B) population; n p sample
C) population; np parameter
D) sample;
np censusnpAnswer:
4) Determine np whether np the np given np values np are np from np a np discrete np or np a np continuous np data np set.
People np are np asked np to np state np how np many np times np in np the np last np month np they np visited np their
np family np doctor.
A) Discrete
B) Continuous
npAnswer: n p A
5) Determine np whether np the np given np values np are np from np a np discrete np or
np a np continuous np data np set. npThe npnumber npof nphatchlings npfrom npa
npsample npof np45 npbluebird npnests npis np135.
A) Continuous
B) Discrete
6) Determine np which n p of np the np four np levels np of np measurement
np is np most n p appropriate.npDoctors npmeasure npthe npweights np(in
nppounds) npof np preterm npbabies.
A) Nominal
B) Ordinal
C) Interval
D) Ratio
np D
7) Determine np which n p of np the np four np levels np of np measurement np is np most n p appropriate.
,Ornithologists np classify np hummingbirds np in np the np United np States np using np 17 np different np species:
np Allen, np Anna, np Berylline, npBlack-chinned, np Blue-throated, npBroad-billed, np Broad- np tailed, np Buff-
bellied, np Calliope, np Costa, np Lucifer, n p Magnificent, npRuby-throated, npRufous, npViolet-crowned,
np White-eared, npand npXantus.
A) Nominal
B) Ordinal
C) Interval
D) Ratio
np A
, ACCESS np Test np Bank np for npBiostatistics npfor npthe npBiological np and
np HealthnS
p ciences np3rd npEdition npTriola
8) Determine np which n p of np the np four np levels np of np measurement np is np most n p appropriate.
The np income np range np of np attendees np at np a np research np conference np is np gathered np as np upper, np middle,
np and np low np levels.
A) Nominal
B) Ordinal
C) Interval
D) Ratio
np B
9) Determine np which n p of np the np four np levels np of np measurement np is np most n p appropriate.
Biologists np measure np the np water np temperature np of np the np Merrimack np River np in np New np Hampshire.
A) Nominal
B) Ordinal
C) Interval
D) Ratio
np C
10) Identify np the np population.
A np graduate np student np conducts np a np research np study np on np undergraduate np student np smoking np habits.
np She np begins np with np a np surveynpto np500 nprandomly npselected npundergraduate npstudents npfrom np10
nprandomly npselected npU.S. npuniversities.
A) 500 np undergraduate np students np from n p 10 n p U.S. np universities
B) Undergraduate np students np from np U.S. np universities
C) Smokers np in n p the np U.S.
D) Graduate np students n p from n p U.S.
n p universitiesnpAnswer: n p B
11) Determine np whether np the np given np description np corresponds np to np an np observational
np study np or np an np experiment. npIn npa npstudy npof npcold npsymptoms, npthe npbody
nptemperatures npof npstudy npparticipants npwere nptaken.
A) Observational n p study
B) Experiment
npAnswer: n p A
12) Determine npwhether npthe npgiven npdescription npcorresponds npto n p an n p observational n p study
n p or n p an n p experiment. npChildren np with np attention np deficit np hyperactivity np disorder np are
np randomly np divided np into np four np treatment np groups np (the
Tomatis np Method, np the np Dore np Method, np the np Brain np Gym, np and np a np control np group) np to np compare
np differences np in np focus np andnpconcentration.
A) Observational n p study
B) Experiment
npAnswer: n p B
13) Identify npthe nptype npof npobservational npstudy: npcross-sectional, npretrospective,
npor n p prospective.npA np researcher np from np the np department np of np defense np is
np studying np the np psychology np of np trauma.
He np plans np to np follow np the np children np of np service np members np who np died np in np Afghanistan np for np the
np next np 20 np years.
A) Retrospective
B) Prospective